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.There were no clocks to watch but he was certain that he had been in the nursery for hours.At last, one of the machines took him lightly by the arm and pointed back down the corridor whence he had come.When he had closed himself into his little plastic-walled bedroom the Ship's voice said: "You will be given a substantial breakfast when you wake again.That will be one standard year from now."TwoGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe awoke as on the first day, as if from a sound night's sleep, and at once sat up to look over the rim of his bed, which curved around him like a padded bathtub, warm and dry and clean.Just how he was being put to sleep or awakened he didn't know, but certainly there was more to it than he could see or feel; somehow his gown had been taken off him while he slept and he was naked.There was a new gown laid out on the room's single small chair, or the same one, washed clean of baby shit and pablum, and he put it on after using the toilet and washing his hands and face.From a panel in the wall he got his promised breakfast, consisting of a warm, milky drink in a plastic cup, and a tray holding chunks of bread, the breadcrust hot and crunchy and with pieces of fruit and cheese inside.One standard year, the Ship had said.but his hands looked no bigger, nor did the muscles in his thin arms.His face looked no different in the wall mirror, and the fine tawny hair on his head had maintained its crewcut length.There were still no more than a couple of dozen brown pubic hairs curling at the bottom of his belly and he was sure he was no taller.When he got to the nursery, though, he could well believe a year had passed: it certainly had if these were the same kids.A few were in their beds as before, but now those lying stretched out almost filled the little cribs.The majority were running about, keeping their balance reasonably skillfully for the most part, and busy with a multitude of toys.They wore shirts now, and shorts or pants over their diapers.This time the babies were aware that Bart was more than just another image and some of them took fright at first and clung to the machines.But he kept walking around and talking to them, as the Ship instructed him to, and soon they started to warm up to him.Again he spent the day in socializing, and this time shared the little kids' food when it was dis-pensed by the machines.Meaty-tasting, mildly chewy chunks of stuff, and harder, biscuit-like objects that came in both sweet and sour flavors, it tasted good enough to be adult fare.Last year—yesterday—the babies had been drinking from nippled bottles, but today they got water and colored drinks in little cups.Though he hadn't questioned the Ship on it, Bart was still thinking over the announcement that he was to be a parent.He could imagine himself at the head of an enormous dining table, all these kids, grown a little older, sitting round it, but beyond that his imagination was soon lost.He told himself to be patient; the Ship would provide explanations and instructions as they became necessary.The continual racket was wearying.By the time the babies were all bedded down for what must be theirGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlregular night's sleep, with the lights dimmed, he was ready to go to sleep himself.At a word from the Ship, he walked back yawning to his room.ThreeAgain he seemed to be experiencing nothing more than an ordinary night of restful slumber, and again when he awoke he hadn't grown or gotten older.This time he found a pair of shorts and a pullover shirt laid out for him.After dressing and breakfast he walked to the nursery.Before he got there he could hear a year's worth of change in the children's voices, forming clear words now as they called to one another.When the new glass doors of the nursery opened to let Bart in, he saw that bigger beds had been installed, and the walls moved back to make more space for play.The kids looked different—and bigger again, of course [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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