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.Since then, Swamiji has visitedhis guruji yearly until his mahasamadhi(demise) in 2001.Swamiji is a part of the dual Siddhayoga Tirtha lineage.Tirtha is alineage created by Adi Shankaracharya (788 820 CE), and is morerecently known through Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Tirtha,who, at the invitation of Paramhamsa Yogananda, was the first Shan-karacharya to visit the USA.The Siddhayoga lineage is traced fromSwamiji s guru, Swami Narayan Tirtha to his guru, Swami Shan-kar Purushottam Tirtha, to Narayan Dev Tirtha and to his teacherSwami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj.He founded the Swami Narayan Tirtha Math in his guruji s name(swaminarayantirtha.org), and published two books by his ParamGuruji (grandfather guruji Swami Shankar Purushottam Tirtha);Yoga Vani, Instructions for the Attainment of Siddhayoga, and GuruBani, 100 Ways to Attain Inner Peace.Swamiji has written two books, The Ayurveda Encyclopedia, andthe Ayurveda Primer (e-book), and is a published Ayurvedic re-searcher.He is certified in Ayurveda, Vastu Shastra, and Jyotish, and earned aDoctor of Science in Ayurvedic Research.Swamiji spends his time in the ashram and does some writing, guid-ing people to realize peace in their daily lives. Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times200surfer balanced,wave does the work,surfer enjoys the ride.person balanced,life does the workperson enjoys the ride.- Swami Sadashiva Tirtha Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times Resources201ResourcesOther books by Swami SadashivaTirthaAyurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets toHealing, Prevention, & Longevity.Now inits 2nd edition more than 20,000 books inprint and an amazon.com top 10 Ayurveda-category best-seller since its publication in1998.This book covers all aspects of thesubject, spiritual, life-purpose, lifestyle,emotional/physical health and balance; sci-entific research, more.Therapies includeherbs, nutrition, aromas, yoga, and medita-tion.[686 pages -8.25 x 11 ]This is also available as an e-book at ebooks.com)Ayurveda Primer: Introduction, Case Studies, & Research (e-book).Clear, concise introduction tothe subject.Questions most frequentlyasked by beginners are covered.Also in-cluded, simple guided meditation exer-cises and audio pronunciations of words.(download available at vedicvendor.com)Spiritual Books from Sat Yuga Pressby Swami Shankar Purushottam Tirtha.The author was requested to substitute as the Shankaracha-rya while H.H.Bharati Krishna Tirtha came to the USA atthe invitation of Paramhamsa Yogananda.Thereafter heelected to leave the seat and return to his secluded ashram. Resources Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times202Yoga Vani: Instructions for the Attainment of Sid-dhayoga.This book discusses the authentic spirituallife originally published decades before Westerninfluence.Written in an easy-to-read, teacher-stu-dent question and answer conversation, the topicsaddressed include the meaning of Siddhayoga, gu-nas; experiences of asanas, pranayama, mudras; dik-sha (spiritual initiation), true Gurus, mantras, nada,kundalini shakti, deities, hatha, laya, raja yogas; yama-niyama, howto meditate, experiences in sadhana (meditation), the three bodies,more.194 pgs.Guru Bani: 100 Ways to Know Peace.This bookaddresses how to live a spiritual life outside ofmeditation.Short essays extracted from talks givenby Swamiji to his disciples some married, othersmonks.Pure teachings from an ancient time un-touched by modernism.59 pgs.Both books available at at http://vedicvendor.comSwami Sadashiva Tirtha s Web Sites1.Swami Narayan Tirtha MathThis site discusses the spiritual philosophy and history of the au-thor s guru, Swami Narayan Tirtha.Specifically it talks about hisdual Siddhayoga and Tirtha lineages.Also available are spiritual ar-ticles, poems, pictures, and letters by this great saint.See full detailsat http://swaminarayantirtha.org Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times Resources2032.Ayurveda Holistic CommunityThis site is a free educational online community.It offers Ayurve-da article and research journals where hundreds of articles by Ay-urvedic doctors from India and around the world freely share theirexpertise.http://ayurvedahc.com/The online Research Ayurveda Journal publishes abstracts on re-search and case studies.http://www.ayurvedahc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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