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.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Those goats frighten me.They are giving me very mean looks," Pearl said,pointing to the goats in the pen as I dragged the travois up to the house."They can't help it, it's just the way their faces are made.That's nottheir mean look, that's their 'what is that?' look.I killed all the ones thatgave me mean looks and ate them.I didn't want them giving me mean looks, theycan head-butt very hard.Hard enough to break bones.""Now I'm really scared.What if one got out and attacked me?! My bonesaren't as strong as yours, I live in the sea!"I stopped, panting.Dragging Pearl all this way was very tiring."Well,first, those ones there can't attack you even if they wanted to, they can'tget out of that fence.Second, they don't even try to bite me, because I keepthem very well fed and I always wear the leather clothes I made when I'm inthe pen with them so it doesn't hurt much if they do try to bite," I said,dragging the travois over to the house."But they never do.The billy there isreally very gentle - he let me take him by the horns and just walk him rightinto this pen.I plan on having him breed with all the nannies on the island,and maybe make all the goats very gentle that way.""Really? They're not mean?" Pearl asked.I grinned as I set the travois down."No, these goats are very gentle.Don't worry about the way they're looking at us.They're only watching usbecause it's near lunchtime, and I always throw things I can't eat to them -they can eat almost anything." I said, taking Pearl's water bottle from herand looking her over."Right now they're wondering if I'm going to feed what'sleft of you to them.I can see it in their eyes.I use this travois to draggoats I hunt back to the house.You're a pretty big catch, they know I can'teat all of you," I explained, then giggled.Pearl blinked at me, then glowered at the goats nearby."I am not food,you stupid goats!""Father said if you see a trait you like in an animal and you want all theanimals in your herd to have that trait, you make sure that animal is the onethat gets to breed the most - and if it's male, you neuter or kill all theother males so it becomes the dominant male.I figure in maybe a few moregenerations, I can have all the goats on the island like these in the pen.Would you like to pet them? The nannies are really very gentle, they don'tmind being petted.""No, thank you, they look very mean," Pearl said, looking at the goatsdistrustfully as I put her water-bottle up on the platform."They're really not.You're actually meaner than they are.One flick ofyour poison-claw and that would be that!" I said, pulling down the ladder I'dmade.Page 126 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlPearl looked at what I was doing, and shook her head."I don't see how I'msupposed to get up there.""Well, I normally don't use the ladder at all, I just climb up, but I madethis ladder in case I ever hurt my ankle or arm or something.The little ropehere is so I can pull it down if I was ever on the ground and couldn't standup.You just climb up the ladder," I said, scrambling up the ladder.Pearl rolled her eyes, then waggled her flipper at me as she sat there onthe grass."This is a flipper, not a foot! I can't climb that way!"I laughed."No, no! See how wide the steps are? I made it that way in caseI was hurt and couldn't climb it.Father always said to plan ahead on thefarm, because sometimes it could save your life.Turn around, put your back toit, grab the sides, and you can lift your rump from step to step.Once you'reup near the top, I'll grab you by the shoulders and pull you up here."Pearl grumbled, crawling over to the ladder."I don't even see why thehouse is up above the ground.""Well, I wondered about that too, when I first came here to the island.Ifigured out after awhile that Barro put it up here because of the goats.Theones in the pen are the gentlest ones I could find on the island.The onesrunning loose on the island sometimes aren't as nice."Pearl scooted herself backwards up the ladder very quickly, her eyes wide.I burst into giggles, grabbing her beneath the shoulders and pulling her therest of the way onto the porch."Oh, Pearl! Don't worry! There's nothing hereon this island that can hurt you.Well, except for maybe a couple spiders.That's another reason the house is up on this platform.But, it does make fora nice porch!" I said, sitting down on the edge of the platform and letting mymoccasin-covered feet dangle in the air.Pearl shuffled over next to me, then sat beside me, letting her flipperdangle in the air.Here on the east side of my house, the ocean could easilybe seen through the trees, and it was a very lovely day.Pearl, however,didn't seem very happy."It looks so far away.""What does?""The ocean.If I had to get to the water quickly, I'd never make it," shesaid, and looked down."I don't even know how I'd get down from here.""Same way you got up, silly," I replied, and giggled."Besides - why wouldyou need to get back to the ocean quickly?""I.I don't know," Pearl said, shaking her head."It's just a feeling.What if one of the goats attacked?"Page 127 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"We'd sit up here and laugh at them," I replied, and grinned."Then I'd goget my spear and we'd have goat-meat for dinner.""Well.What if something else tried to attack us?"I rolled my eyes at her."Pearl, an orca couldn't possibly get this farinland.""Well.Aren't there things like that on the land? Land-orcas?"I laughed."Pearl, you can be so silly, sometimes! Sure there are thingslike that.Wolves and lions and bears.Even fell beasts like chimera andmanticores - they can fly.But all predators are rare on land, and the fellbeasts who are predators are even rarer still.Marilith says that far away, inthe land of Hyperborea, there's many fell beasts and giants and ogres and allsorts of things that can eat you - even dragons, she says.But most placesthere aren't so many, and here there are none, so we don't have to worry.""Oh," Pearl said, and fell quiet, gazing out through the trees at thesea.I reached out and hugged her."Pearl, really.It's alright."Pearl hugged back, and sighed."I know, it's just very hard.The lake wasnice, but it still was not the sea.I don't think any of my people could gothere alone, and I certainly know I couldn't possibly sit here, trapped thisfar from the sea, if you weren't sitting beside me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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