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.My animuary is virtually impossible to find unless you havethe aid of a mage or know where to look.Not only is my sarcophagus carefullyconcealed within my tomb, but my tomb itself is carefully hidden - and, evenif you knew where to look, you'd still have great difficulty finding itwithout sorcery.Even so, it still pays to be cautious with one's soul.IPage 151 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlspoke up again, continuing where I left off."Besides, it's like old MasterWalak once said - 'after you've died once, death loses its power to frightenyou,'" I finished with a smile.A few hours later I was curled up in bed, asleep, when I heard Karg's lowrumble."Eddas," he called quietly.I yawned and looked around, realizing bythe dim light that dawn was only an hour or two away.I climbed out of bednude, padding over to one of the four doors that led out to the parapet.Shortly I stood before Karg's massive head again, and he looked me over."Youlooked far more regal in your black robe and hooded cloak, Eddas.This bodylooks soft and weak when naked, and my nose says that not only has it beenbrutally raped at least twice, it's experiencing its menses at the moment.Youmust be miserable in it," he said in his own language."A bit, but I'm getting used to it.How did it go?""The girl knows only the basics of mathematics, and you'll need to work withher there before she can master the more complex spell formulas.She has aninnate grasp of sorcery, however, and I think you'll find her an excellentstudent.She reminds me in many ways of the White Witch of Iolo Mountain, doyou remember her?""Yes, I do.An excellent mage in her own right, as I recall, and a specialistin healing spells.Whatever happened to her?""Killed by an ogre about a decade after you died.It happened in my territory,so I ate the ogre to teach him a lesson.I still have the White Witch'sgrimoire and all her items, however.Perhaps I'll bring her grimoire by onenight when you're done helping the boy regain his throne.She'd developed afew spells I think you may find interesting.Farewell, my friend.May yourscales always gleam and your treasure-pile always grow," Karg called,extending his bat-like wings."May the road always rise to meet you, and may the wind always be at yourback," I called in return.A mighty blast of wind buffeted me briefly as Karglifted himself into the air with a flap of his enormous wings, then I stoodand watched for a several minutes as he flew up and out of sight.I turned to the eastern side of the parapet, and knelt facing the rising sun.I knew what I had to do.Morgar would continue to interfere so long as Irefused to accept Yorindar, and there was only one thing I could do aboutthat.Since I knew Yorindar was a god of wisdom, dawn seemed the best time.Ialso knew that Karg would almost certainly awaken me before he left to bid mefarewell, and he had.I bowed my head and clasped my hands."Yorindar, I know little of you.Evenso, I do know that you need Darian, I know you need me to help him, and Irealize that this is a matter whose importance goes far beyond one king, youstruggle for the future of the world somehow.Perhaps you need one of Darian'sdescendants, someone who will do something of critical importance to the worlddecades or even centuries from now.No matter - Darian is at the crux of yourbattle with Morgar, and you need me to help him.So be it.I shall do as youPage 152 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlask.I accept my new name as being equal to my old; Raven.I shall be yourraven, Yorindar.I shall advise Darian Vemcrior as your own raven would.Ishall pluck out the eyes of Darian's enemies, defeating them and destroyingthem as your own raven would.I accept my new name, I accept my new body, andI shall strive to fulfill the destiny you have laid out for me," I saidquietly.There was a small tickling at the back of my neck, and when I checked, my handdrew away a small black feather.One of Swift-wing's, surely, fallen from himyesterday and blown on the back of my neck by a stray morning breeze.Even so,I knew enough not to ignore a sign from the gods.I went back inside andbrushed my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail.I shrunk my silver hair-ringaround it, then tucked the feather into place beneath the ring.Arella had come to bed while I was speaking with Karg and praying to Yorindar,and she was already fast asleep.Swift-wing was on his perch, also sleepingquietly.I knelt beside the mattress, gently brushed aside a strand ofArella's hair, and gazed down to her sleeping face."Thank you, dear Arella.You've taught me how to walk in the body of a woman and be content.Now, I'lldo my best to teach you to fly," I whispered, and then turned to get ready forthe dawning day.Chapter Twenty-Four"Mathematics is the soul of the universe.Anyone who tells you otherwise is afool."- Eddas Ayar, The Mathematics of Magic, "Introduction", Date Unknown, presumed17th century NCCOver the next month, I worked with Arella and Darian every day.Arella was abright and eager student, and rapidly learned the basic axioms and theoremscrucial to the mathematics of magic.There were times I sighed in frustrationwith Darian and Arella's culture - here was a brilliant and powerful mind,perhaps fully equal to my own, relegated to a secondary role in their societysimply by virtue of the fact that the body that housed it was female.Darian did well in the first three weeks of his studies, enjoying thetheoretical lessons of military science, logistics and economics.Unfortunately, his studies slowed as we began to delve into the mathematicsthat formed the basis for these theories, especially in logistics andeconomics.Finally I decided to try a different tack.I searched around thelocations I knew the houses my employee/tenants used to live in were located,and eventually came up with a steel axe-head from the dirt.I cast a spell ofrepairing to bring it back to usable shape and sharpness, then spent a dayfitting it to a haft I'd carved from a small sapling."Come, Darian," Icalled, once I was finished."Where are we going?" he asked, looking up from the flat stone I was using asour 'chalkboard'.He'd been staring at the economic formulas I'd given him foran hour, his expression sleepy and bored.His expression cleared up into oneof curiosity, as he saw I'd changed out of my cloak and robe and borrowed oneof Arella's loose skirts and blouses."You and I are going to clear out the trees that have overgrown the road.Pulloff your cloak and tunic and leave them here - it's going to be hot work.Let's go," I replied, handing him the axe.Page 153 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAs Darian hacked at the trees I indicated needed to be cut, I began talking.Ispoke soothingly, calmly, trying to get him to relax.byallar-wood is soft andthe trees are easily felled, and even the largest of them had a bole of onlyhalf a cubit thick.After a few minutes, he fell into a rhythm - chop down onetree, lop off its branches, step to the next one I'd point to and start allover again.While he worked and his bare chest and arms sweated freely, hismind finally relaxed and began to float.As for my part, I was sweating, too [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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