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.“Can’t get through death.Unless you mean you’ll get over me quickly.”“I’ve promised to protect you.You are not going to die.And quit talking about it so casually.I know you make a joke out of it to make it easier, but seriously—stop.It’s not funny.Not to me.”“Oh, I’m sorry.I forgot it was my mission to ignore my impending death for your benefit.”Nick sighs loudly.“Can we not fight? Just once? Can you not take every single thing I say and turn it into a personal attack against you? I just don’t want to think about someone hurting you.Or trying to live my life without you, damn it.Freaking sue me for caring about you.”Keely growls in frustration.“I’m sorry.I can’t stand everyone staring at me.Judging me.And I’m a little stressed, because whether you want to think about it or not, I may be killed.All because my mom had to pick the Demon King to be her sperm donor.Of all the donors there must have been.Who has luck like that?” She points to herself and rolls her eyes.Nick squeezes her hand.“Calm down.”“Quit telling me to calm down.Every time you say ‘calm down,’ it annoys me, which obviously doesn’t help me calm down.”“Why are we fighting?” Nick asks.“We’re in this together.”“You know what? We’re not really.See, the worst that will happen to you—you lose your job.The worst that can happen to me is I lose my life.It’s not exactly an even playing field.”Nick releases her hand.“I know you’re stressed and scared, but you need to quit attacking me.I love you.I’m here for you.I know what’s at stake and I am fully aware you have a shitty deal.But if you think for one second it’s not as hard for me to handle, you’re wrong.Frankly, you die, that’s it.You’ll be at peace.I’ll be left here to mourn you and actually feel the loss.Along with your friends and your parents.I have just as much to lose.Screw the job.I don’t care about that.I care about you.”Why is she acting like this? She doesn’t mean to.She didn’t even mean those words she said.This isn’t Keely.Yes, she’s stressed.Yes, she’s scared.But she knows Nick is here for her.She knows he’s trying to make her feel better.“Oh my God, Nick.I started to freak and I let his emotions take over mine.He’s worried and he’s pissed.He’s blaming anyone he can.I didn’t mean any of that.I’m sorry.”Nick’s eyes darken.“Asmoday?”Keely nods.“I’m sorry,” she says again.“Thank you for being here for me.I love you too.” She takes his hand back.Nick brings her fingers to his mouth and brushes a kiss across them.His movements are stiff, mechanical.Keely knows he’s angry, but he isn’t going to say anything.At least not right now with higher hurdles to leap at the moment.The double doors open and the nine members of the Hierarchy enter as the room falls into a hushed silence.Keely looks down at herself.Wishes she had the foresight to bring a change of clothes with her last night and hopes jean shorts and a tee shirt say something to the Hierarchy about her trustworthiness.Keely can see the lump of Nick’s Adam’s apple jump as he swallows nervously.His hand tightens on hers.She leans over and kisses his cheek.“Together,” she whispers.He looks at her from the corner of his eye and gives a half smile.“Princess Keely, will you please come forward?”She and Nick stand together hand in hand.They move through the maze as a united front.The doors open again and Keely glances back as she takes her seat in front of the long table.Bryon and Lila squeeze in the overly filled room followed by her dad.She doesn’t see her mom.Somehow, she isn’t too surprised by this.“Princess,” the man Keely thinks is in charge says loudly as he bows his head.“How are you today?”“Scared.”He smiles gently at her.“I can assure you, you have no need to be.Let me ease your mind right now.No harm shall come to you by our hands.”Keely stares back at the man waiting for him to continue.From her peripheral, she notices Nick’s whole body relax like a deflating balloon.“However,” he goes on.Isn’t there always a however?“You may be a wonderful asset to the Hierarchy or you could be a great threat.We don’t know you, Princess.We’re not convinced of your commitment.We are unsure of your abilities.The only thing we are certain of is your bravery.You willingly told us of your part in the prophecy.A prophecy we cannot read.That also spoke of your honesty.There are some of us that believe a higher calling sent you to us.While there are some who believe the opposite.I personally believe your character speaks for itself.I also trust in the opinions of our Guardians.” He looks at Nick.Holds his gaze.The pretty woman stands.“Princess Keely, we are decided that you are in fact Doyenne.It would be irresponsible of us to not offer you our aid, but in return, we must ask something of you.We ask that you take the Doyenne Oath.”Keely nods.She doesn’t have a clue what the Doyenne Oath is, but assumes it must be similar to the Oath Nick took.“Uh, sure.Of course.”The pretty woman smiles patiently.“There are other…conditions.Because you are so powerful, and potentially dangerous, we will need to keep eyes on you closely.You will be given twenty-four hour security.From here on out, your privacy is a luxury of the past.”Keely takes a deep breath.This sucks, but it’s better than the alternative.And if she’s stuck with Nick all day, every day, well, that just doesn’t seem so bad.“We also need the Demon Grimoire as a token of your allegiance.From this moment, you are not to read from it unless otherwise asked and permitted by our Hierarchy.”O.k.She didn’t realize she would need to make a list.And she kind of needed the Grimoire to find a way out of this mess with Asmoday.But, again, this isn’t asking too much [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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