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.Bullets tore them apart.Others were coming from behind houses and from the new hole the Slogute had made in the rubble, but they were more cautious now, creeping slowly toward them, looking for an opening.“We have no idea how many there are!” Nikki told the priest.“We need to clear a path, not play ‘Remember the Alamo.’”Father Jack nodded.“Agreed.”He glanced over his shoulder and Nikki watched the demons a moment, checking to be sure they were keeping their distance, before she did the same.Within that sphere of magick Peter now floated above the hole in the middle of the road.The pavement was strewn with the remains of the creatures and now the sorcerer drifted to the ground.The sphere dissolved around him with a crackle and Peter knelt and touched his hands to the ground.The hole caved in upon itself, the ravaged area of the street growing larger as pavement and earth gave way and filled in the passage below.There would be no more demons from that avenue.Nikki frowned, panic surging through her.She glanced back into the SUV, raced to the back of the vehicle and around the other side.“Where’s Keomany?” she shouted at Peter.He frowned.There was such power in him that she had expected his face to be somehow inhuman but she saw the emotion in his eyes and his expression and in that moment she remembered the first time she had met him, the way he had gazed at her from the audience in a little club she was playing in New Orleans.The way he had looked that very night when he had saved her from having her throat torn out.Gunfire echoed off the houses on either side of the street.Father Jack was firing at the demons that had grown courageous enough to approach anew.Nikki glanced at the priest.Beyond him, she saw Keomany.Her friend had left the Navigator and was walking onto Little Tree Lane.Her parents’ house was the third on the left and from here it looked intact, unblemished, but there was no way to tell.Not that it mattered.Keomany would never reach the house.The demons were flooding toward her.They might be afraid of the guns and of Peter’s sorcery, but Keomany was unprotected, alone, walking among them.“Peter!” Nikki cried, chills running through her.She raced toward the front of the SUV but Peter was already there.A tiny alarm bell sounded in Nikki’s mind as she realized they were leaving the Navigator behind—being separated from their transportation—but it did not matter.The only thing that mattered in that moment was Keomany.Her black hair gleamed red in the filthy orange light.Peter raised his hands.Nikki saw that they were glittering with green sparks.The air in front of him seemed to shiver.Nikki knew she would never reach Keomany in time.She stopped, planted her feet, and took aim.She never squeezed the trigger.Keomany screamed something unintelligible at the things that swarmed in around her, these slender, vicious demons that seemed more like ants than anything else.The pavement was sundered as thick tree roots shot up through it, impaling three of the demons and snaring two more.The ground split beneath several others and they tumbled into the gaping trench beneath them.As if nothing at all had happened, Keomany strode on toward her parents’ home.Nikki stared after her.“Wow,” she whispered as she ran up beside Peter.“Earthwitch,” he said.“She wasn’t kidding.”A loud hiss rose up behind them and Nikki and Peter turned, side by side, to find a new phalanx of the faceless demons rushing them, long tendril tongues darting about below the shells that covered their heads.“Oh, enough of this,” Peter snarled.Nikki leveled her weapon at them and fired, her bullets splintering the shells of the two closest to her and grazing another.Then a new sound filled the air, a sound like lightning striking a tree, splintering wood.Peter screamed as though he was in pain and she whipped around to find that his face was contorted in agony, his teeth bared, clenched tight.With a release of breath that seemed to explode from him, he cried out in that ancient tongue she had heard him use before [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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