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.You might say he got his prick shot off.No way that character would ever satisfy a woman in bed.You sure you got the right Damon Saint?”“Sergeant, Fifth Special Ops Group?”“Damn, man.I can’t believe this.What’s he do in Nashville?”“Shuttles cars around for a rental agency.Apparently just works when he’s in the mood.”“He sure must have changed,” Orman said.“Damon was always a workaholic.Had to be going somewhere, doing something.Boy didn’t know how to sit down and relax.”“But you haven’t seen him in ten years?”“Been longer than that since I saw him.Haven’t heard of him in ten years.Ran a carpet cleaning business in Indianapolis last I heard.”That made me wonder about something else Molly had mentioned.“I heard Damon was involved in a network, I guess you’d call it.A group of Vietnam vets who come to the aid of each other if one has a problem.Do you know anything about that?”“No.Sounds like somebody’s pipe dream.As close as we were at one time, I think I’d have known if something like that went on.”When I got off the phone, I turned to Jill with a puzzled look.“If Molly’s husband is who he says he is, we’ve got a real dilemma on our hands.”15I didn’t think it was a good idea to hang onto the piece of evidence I had taken from the Saints’ yard, so I used a match to finish the job I had no doubt Damon Saint had begun.I copied the Orman’s Gun Shop number in the little black book I carried in my pocket, then ran the area code list through the shredder.I dropped a few notes about the Orman call into Molly’s file and added them to the computer.And after I had burned a CD to back up all of our business files, we headed home so Jill could get ready for work.On the way we talked about what I had learned from the St.Louis gun dealer.“Did you get any impression from Molly that her husband lacked any of the tools necessary for a successful marriage?” I asked.She grinned.“I like the way you put it so delicately.”“I’m trying to avoid those four-letter words you’re always bashing me over.”“And I appreciate it.But, no, I didn’t hear anything that would have led me to believe Damon was anything but a normal, fully functional spouse.”“From what brother Nick told us, Molly had been known to sleep around.I can’t see her getting into some kind of prickless relationship.”That brought a squinch of her eyes.“And Orman didn’t make Damon sound like a guy who would sit on his duff while Molly worked,” she said.“No, he didn’t.”“So what do you think?”“I think you ought to crank up the Cessna Monday morning and spirit us to St.Louis.Let’s talk to Mr.Orman and compare photos of Damon Saint.”———With Saint on the loose, I didn’t like the idea of Jill being out by herself, so I drove her to work.My Beretta rested out of sight in its holster, but she had to leave her.38 at home since it was illegal to carry firearms into a place where liquor was sold.As for the King Cole’s investigation, it had reached the point where I figured we could probably wrap things up tomorrow if the buffet produced what we expected.I thought it time to clue the Hendersonville police in on the likely outcome.Logan had protested over the possibility of unfavorable publicity, but I finally convinced him that he should prosecute the offenders.Simply firing people would not do the job.Others would just take it as an invitation to come in and line their pockets for a while, then move on.I had made the acquaintance of a Hendersonville police lieutenant during my Nashville DA days and stopped by the police station to inquire about him.Saturday night being a big night in the small town, I found him on duty.“Greg McKenzie,” I said.“Don’t know if you remember me.I used to be with the DA’s office in Nashville.”Lieutenant Chessly shook my hand.“I remember.You were quite famous there for a while.”“Depends on your definition of famous.”He grinned.“We had a little problem once with your boy Tremaine.Can’t say he has too many admirers around here.Understand you did a little murder investigating yourself last fall.”“Right.It made me decide to get back into detective work.” I handed him one of our cards.He read it and looked up.“Your wife been a cop too?”“No.She’s new at it.But I found out on that Florida case that she has a real knack for getting information out of people, particularly women.Right now she’s working on a case here in Hendersonville.”I told him briefly what we had been involved in at King Cole’s.“Why didn’t they come to us?” the lieutenant asked.“They’re publicity shy.The regional guy in charge wanted to simply ease people out.I finally convinced him they needed to prosecute the folks who’ve been stealing from them, but I said I’d do what I could to keep it quiet.Anything you can do to help on that score?”“You got enough evidence to prosecute?”“We should have after tomorrow.”“Bring us everything you have,” Lieutenant Chessly said, crossing his arms in a thoughtful pose.“Put it all down in writing.And we’ll need somebody to swear out the warrants.”“No problem.Anything you can do about keeping a low profile?”“With all the names and addresses, we can round them up away from the restaurant.Not much else we can do when it goes to court.”“I understand,” I said.“As long as you can keep it away from King Cole’s, that should minimize the problem.Jesse Logan is the guy from Atlanta.I’ll have him bring everything over when we have it wrapped up.I really appreciate your help.Anything I can ever do for you, let me know.”He laughed.“Just don’t let those boys at Metro get you in any more binds.”Regarding that suggestion, I thought, I would be most happy to comply.———Arriving home, I punched in the code on our keyless entry system, opened the door, turned off the alarm, and looked around.Everything appeared normal.I switched on the news, which told me more than I really wanted to know about the latest rash of wrecks and murders, legislative tax battles, guns in schools, and spring weather alerts.After shutting off the TV, I sat down with one of Robert B.Parker’s Spenser novels.I had started reading them when I decided to enter the PI business, thinking I might pick up a few pointers.What I picked up on rather quickly was the Boston detective’s inclination to knock his way around when more subtle efforts failed to produce the results he wanted.I could hear my partner’s shrill protests if I should attempt to employ my fists so readily.Now I read Parker’s books purely for the fun of it.I was not a stranger to the physical side of the business, however.Just out of college, before entering the Air Force, I had worked a few years as a deputy sheriff in St.Louis County, Missouri.It was right after my parents died and an uncle who served as chief of deputies got me the job.Dealing with drunks and pushers and users and a variety of petty hoods, I managed to gain a liberal education in street brawling.At five-ten and a couple of hundred pounds, I more than held my own.I was also in my early twenties back then.After you qualify for Social Security, you realize you’re better off depending on your brain rather than your brawn.A 9mm semiautomatic can also make a difference.Deciding to put the brain versus brawn theory to work, I sat at my desk and reviewed what we had learned about Molly Saint’s husband.He was a closemouthed loner who worked occasionally, though he appeared to have money for whatever he wanted, including a big diesel pickup.According to Julio de Leon, Damon should have arrived in Nashville with a tidy bankroll.He supposedly sold jewelry he fashioned in his basement workshop, but the room more closely resembled a meth lab than a gem factory [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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