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.We drove into the cavernous opening, which slanted down to a concrete parking garage.The last time I’d been here the garage had been filled with the Vampires’ luxury vehicles.Well, those plus an old truck and a Prius.The concept of environmentally conscious Vampires was hard to wrap my mind around.We entered the pyramid through the garage.Lead seemed to line my belly as we walked to a great foyer that was all too familiar.The enormous chandelier overhead was still brilliant even though its hundreds of teardrop crystals were dusty.To the right a black marble staircase swept up to where a huge ballroom had held the giant nest of Vampires.Now voices floated down to us from that direction.I recognized some of the paranorms talking.It was good to hear something familiar coming from what had been one of the worst places I’d ever been to.Our eight-member team went up the sweeping staircase to a ballroom where about ninety paranorms were gathered.Armand had told me that he had called ahead and informed the paranorms that they would be working with a Drow-human-Vampire, and he expected no problems.Some approached and shook my hand while others stared at me in confusion, wariness, or mistrust.I couldn’t blame them.It was certainly a unique situation.I made my way through the crowd until I reached my brother.“Tristan.” I smiled as he hugged me.A ringing sound came from a pocket in his leather pants.I raised my eyebrows.“Since when did you start carrying a phone?”Tristan fumbled with it but managed to get the flip phone open.“Olivia gave it to me while you were gone.”Trust Olivia to give a Drow warrior from Otherworld a phone.“Yes?” Tristan said when he brought the phone to his ear.He had it upside down so I helped him turn it back.“Hello, hello?”He listened for a moment, said “Yet, said s, sir,” then handed the phone to me.“It is for you.”I blinked in surprise.My brother had a call for me?“This is Nyx,” I said.“Nyx!” My father’s voice boomed over the phone line.“Father?” My jaw dropped.“How are you calling me?”“Tristan gave me this damn contraption to reach you when we arrived.” He yelled into the phone as if he thought the sound had to carry across the miles.I winced and pulled the phone away from my ear.“Where are you?”“I sense we are perhaps five furlongs from you.I transferred my warriors into this—this … do you call this a forest?” he said.“It is nothing that compares to Otherworld.I had bad information and didn’t make it to our target, so I need someone to come collect us.”“No, the forest doesn’t compare.” I had to smile at that.When it came to nature, nothing was as pure as Otherworld.“Tristan and I will go out and meet you.”“I shall wait for your arrival,” Father said, and then the connection was severed.“You gave Father a phone?” I handed the device back to Tristan.He shrugged.“Convenient, is it not?”I just shook my head at the thought of the warrior king of the Dark Elves having a cell phone.After making our way out of the pyramid, Tristan and I ran to meet my father.The evening was cool as we cut through the night.It was impossible to hear or see Elves—Dark or Light—if they didn’t want you to.But as Drow, Tristan and I could both sense them.When we came upon the warriors in the forest, just off the road, they let us by without speaking.Tristan nodded to the warriors we passed.I was aware of their gazes.I wondered what they were thinking now that I was a Vampire.I was not actually certain they’d all even heard of Vampires before they joined my father’s special force.Father stepped out into the forest, and emotion surged through me.I threw myself into his arms.I didn’t care that his warriors were watching.I needed my father.He embraced me.“Nyx.” His voice was thick as he squeezed me tight to him.“You tempt me to take you back to Otherworld and lock you away.” He drew away and held my face in his palms.“I have almost lost you too many times.”“I know, Father.” I hugged him again and rested my cheek against the cool metal of his breastplate.“I think I need a vacation.”Tristan and I walked with my father and his warriors back to the pyramid.The warriors did not change their bearing, but I could sense the wonder and wariness they all felt at being escorted into this bizarre world.It made me think of when Rodán had brought me to New Yorke to New City.The surprise, excitement, and even fear I’d felt in such a strange place.Almost three years later I was a changed person.We escorted them through the foyer of the pyramid, up the staircase, and to the ballroom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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