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.Before his next breath, the dark blue windbreaker appeared in his line of vision, first hugging a tree, then slinking around a downed log, until finally pausing to kneel behind an evergreen thicket.It was the last thing he did.Ghost opened fire, a rapid double tap, which knocked the man to the ground.Gunshots answered from near the cabin.Josie.His heart pounded as he darted from his cover, running full-out toward the entrance to the cave where he left her, thinking her safe and more than capable of defending herself surrounded by three walls of natural stone.Clutching his weapon at the ready, he moved as quickly as possible, more than prepared to hasten another tango straight to hell.A bullet whizzed by his head, sending him to the ground once more.Cussing under his breath, he crawled forward, scanned the area for the shooter, and shot off a couple of rounds in the direction he determined the bullet came from.Let them eat dirt while he moved steadily toward the small cave entrance and Josie.Chunks of forest floor kicked up in front of him.Ghost dived behind a nearby boulder, snuck the barrel of his gun over the top, aimed, and fired.When no further projectiles headed in his direction, he resumed his methodical trek.Pop.Pop.The classic sounds of shooting set his feet to churning over the rough terrain, not slowing in the least as he raced for his destination.Bounding over a weedy patch, he skidded to a halt to the left of the cave entrance.With a flick of his wrist, he flipped the rifle over his shoulder, the strap securing the weapon catching tight as he pulled his pistol from his leg holster.Two strides landed him at the mouth of the cave.Swinging around with his gun at the ready, he ducked under the rock lip and found himself staring down the barrel of a rifle.Instinctively, he shoved the business end skyward, then yanked the weapon from her grasp."No!" She leaped for the gun, kicking and clawing."Josie.It's me."Her attack didn't fade, only increased as she gained a purchase on the wood stock of the rifle.Ghost buried his face in her neck, gathered his strength, and took her to the ground in a hard lunge.Laying his full weight over her struggling body, he grasped her wrists and pinned her hands above her head.She gasped, her smaller frame pressed farther into the hard earth when he shifted to cover her flailing legs."Josie.It's Ghost.Stop fighting."She froze at his words whispered into her ear.Lifting his head, he stared down at her face, making out those big green eyes in the dim light provided by the few rays of the sun that were able to sneak past the shadows of the small entrance to the secret tunnel."It's okay.I'm here now." Recognition finally appeared on her face.Slowly, ever so slowly, he released her arms.Immediately, she threw her arms around him, holding tight.He returned the embrace, feeling the shudder sweep over her."You're safe." He offered what comfort he could, reassuring her, while letting the last of her scare fall away.Josie drew in a deep breath and gradually loosened her hold on his back."Thank you for coming back for me.He was so close.Too close." Her small frame trembled once more.Sitting up, he pulled Josie to her feet."Where did he go?"She shook her head, dusting off her pants.When he held out her rifle, she accepted the weapon with sure hands."Last I saw he snaked along halfway down the hill, trying to backtrack to the cabin."He nodded and spun around."Stay here.I'll be right back." Without waiting for a response, he ducked back into the woods.Gliding over the ground, he reached the western edge of the house when the sound of an engine turning over caught his attention.Surging ahead, he topped the hill just in time to see a white SUV moving rapidly down the dirt road, dust rising in the vehicle's wake.He lifted his gun, aimed, and fired."Shit." Disgusted, he lowered the rifle and spun on his heel.The remaining man or men escaped, too far away for his shot to do any good.His miss created a whole new danger for them.The wealthy employer of the hired thieves and killers knew where they hid out, how much protection Josie had, and an indication of their firepower.Stragglers never boded well in his profession.Loose ends came back to haunt you.Trotting back the way he came, he called out as he neared the cave."Josie.Come on out.He's gone."She crawled under the rock lip, stood up tall, and glanced around before meeting his gaze."Gone? Why do I get the feeling that's not a good thing?""Because it's not." He gestured with his head."Back inside.We've got to pack up and hit the road.""Okay." Josie walked by him, steady on her feet despite the recent battle, which would leave some men and most women shaken and in a panic.He had to give her credit for courage and tenacity.As much as she'd been through in the past few days, she held herself together with impressive control and stoic determination.She even managed to throw in bits of humor now and again, finding the lighter side of life.Despite the hounds of hell on her heels, looking to torture her for information, then kill her outright lest she finger them to the feds, she held her wits and found a reason to smile.All in all, a good person and an outstanding woman.A rare find these days.He hated the mission from the get-go, but she proved a decent teammate, dependable and sharp.She earned his trust and respect with her attitude, fortitude, and sheer guts under duress.Because of her, the nightmare assignment turned tolerable.Ghost watched her walk toward the cabin, her weapon in hand.Ryan was right.She's too good to die for something that's of no fault of her own.One way or another, he'd get her through this in one piece.Chapter 23What on earth possessed me to tell Josie such personal things earlier? He'd not breathed a word about his life to a soul for years, not to his employers or his work family.Such was the life of a Navy SEAL [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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