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.“It’ll be hard, but I’ll see what I can do.”Now he did feel guilty.“I’m sorry.Look, I know I pressured you to come, but if it’s too stressful—”“Don’t worry about it.” Her voice had softened again.“I’m sure I can find someone to fill in.Most likely Betsy.”“I love you, Ellie.Thanks for doing this for me.”“Coulter, you are very hard to say no to.”* * *“I can’t believe I told you yes,” Ellie said, her voice shaking with terror.They were a few minutes away from the party.Looking out the window, she noticed countless photographers lining both sides of the street.Was there going to be a red carpet? If someone asked her who designed the dress she wore, she’d have to confess she found it at Nordstrom’s earlier this morning.The pale pink dress reminded her of something from the 1930’s.Simple, modest and it fit her perfectly.“You look beautiful,” Nick said as the limo started to slow.She smiled at him.The guy looked so great in a tux.“Thanks.” She caught another glimpse of the crowds lining the streets and clamped a hand over her belly.“I think I’m going to be sick.” Her stomach felt like a hive of bees had just been let loose.She almost laughed at the look on Nick’s face as he frantically searched the limo for something she could throw up in.“Hang on, I’m sure there’s a bag or bucket somewhere.”She giggled.“I’m not that sick.”He blew out a breath and sagged back against the seat.“That’s good.I kind of have a weak stomach.”She was just plain weak.How on earth had she let him talk her into this?She grabbed his hand as the limo came to a stop.“Okay, so you remember the rules?”“Yes.I will not leave your side all night,” he repeated with a wry grin.She narrowed her eyes.“That’s only one rule, what about the other one?”He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Ellie, I won’t let anyone corner you, and you won’t have to do or say anything that you don’t want to.”“Promise?”He kissed the tip of her ear, sending a delightful shiver through her.“I promise.”Before she knew it, the driver got out to open the door.Nick must have noted the panicked look on her face.He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.“Hey, this’ll be easy.All you have to do is smile and look gorgeous.”He made it sound so simple.She prayed she really wouldn’t throw up.Cameras flashed all around her as voices shouted out celebrities’ names, asking them to stop and pose.Nick kept his hand firmly pressed to the small of her back and didn’t stop, even when someone hollered out his name.Ellie kept smiling—only because her face was frozen that way—and concentrated on not tripping or doing something that would embarrass her or her celebrity date.They passed a few actors and actresses who had obliged the screaming crowd and stopped to pose for the cameras.Was that Sandra Bullock? She didn’t dare take a second look.It would be so embarrassing to be the woman who fell flat on her face while gawking at a movie star.She was grateful Nick kept a steady pace toward the double doors.They stepped inside, the buzz of the room energized by the sound of people talking and laughing with one another.Ellie stopped and stared, totally star struck.Everywhere she turned, she recognized somebody famous.This was better stargazing than at the planetarium.She tried not to gape, but it was difficult.Across the room she saw the entire cast of the Sunday night drama, Reckless Homemakers.She felt completely out of place as her eyes scanned the famous crowd.Her breath lodged in her throat when her eyes landed on Jake Kelley, the popular actor that seemed to be the leading man in all the latest chick flicks.Ellie felt her cheeks heat up just looking at the dark-haired heartthrob.“How are you doing?” Nick whispered.She snapped her gaze up to his, feeling a little guilty for checking out the handsome actor.“I…um…well…” She swallowed and finally said, “Okay.”If he introduced her to anyone and she couldn’t make her brain function, it would not turn out to be a pleasant evening.Nick smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple.“Relax, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”Her mouth was too dry to even attempt a comeback.She simply nodded her head and told herself she could do this for the man she loved.Nick was amazing to watch as he worked the crowd of people.He was like a magnet, drawing people to him.For the most part, Ellie didn’t really have to say anything other than hello or nice to meet you.It fascinated her to see well-known faces from television and movie screens standing in front of her.This isn’t so bad.She was actually enjoying herself.Then, out of nowhere, Jake Kelley stood in front of her, his green eyes roving over her.“Coulter, please introduce me to this beautiful woman.”Chapter TwentyEllie froze, not sure if she could even still draw a breath.Had Jake Kelley really just called her beautiful?Nick kept his hand on her back.“Jake, this is Ellie Garrett.”Jake stepped a little closer and took one of Ellie’s hands.“Hello, Ellie.” His voice was velvety soft.She must be breathing because the scent of his expensive cologne surrounded her, making her brain foggy.“It’s nice to meet me.” Ellie sucked in another lungful of his cologne and stammered, “I mean…you.It’s nice to meet you.Not me.”A slow smile spread across his handsome face, and Ellie felt her face flush hot with embarrassment.Her gaze flitted over to Nick for help only to find him chuckling under his breath.He found this amusing?Jake’s fingers pressed firmly against her hand as he leaned in close.“I think you had it right the first time.” The timbre of his low, husky voice sent a shiver through her.“It is very nice to meet you.”Suddenly the room grew very hot.The lights started to flicker as she tried to take a breath.It came out more like a strangled gasp.She could not believe it, but she might actually be swooning!Nick’s hand tightened around her waist.“I think she needs a little air.”“I can take her if you want me to,” Jake offered, grinning wickedly at Ellie and stroking his thumb across her skin.She pulled her hand away from his hot touch and finally found enough air to talk.“No, thank you.I’ll stay with Nick.”Jake looked at Ellie with smoldering eyes.“I promise to return you to him.”Now that Ellie had her breathing under control and was tucked up against Nick, she noticed that Jake’s lips were a little too full for a man, and his green eyes were rimmed with red, like he’d had a long night of partying before the party.His cologne seemed a bit much, mixed in with the faint odor of alcohol she now detected on his breath.She felt so stupid and wished she could have a do-over.Before she could think of an appropriate response to diffuse the situation, Alec sauntered up behind the actor.Holding a drink in one hand, he clapped Jake on his shoulder.“I see you’ve met the charming and beautiful Ellie Garrett.”Jake’s eyes flickered from Alec to Ellie.“You left out captivating and tempting.”The two men chortled, both of their eyes now locked on Ellie.They were alike in so many ways—arrogant and overconfident that they could have any woman they wanted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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