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.Though he couldn t visualize anyoneelse in the dream with him, every one of his senses told himthe underlying reason for the happiness was the man he d justhad sex with made love with, if he was being honest.Matt sscent and presence was the one prevailing factor throughout thedreams.The realization irritated him to no end and thrilled himunlike anything had in decades.Contentment was a loser s game he couldn t afford to lethimself be lulled into.Subconsciously aware of the danger ofattachments in his troubled, waning existence, Harley foughthappiness at every turn, even in this rediscovered dream.Theground he was peacefully lying on shook and the cloak ofcomfort and dream-fueled bliss shattered around him.Harshreality invaded his death sleep and yanked him awake prematurely.Still groggy from both his sexual and physical appetites beingsated for the first time in way too long, Harley jerked awake toa thunderous growl of a wild animal.Jackknifing to an uprightposition, he found himself alone, naked, tangled in the sheets ofMatt s bed.By the footboard stood a dark haired, massive, muscle-bound werewolf.It growled deep in its throat, the sound so raw,powerful and vicious it made the hair on Harley s arms and neckstand on end.He knew instinctively this was Matt in his otherform, but all the same, he was relieved to see the lycan s attentionwas riveted on the overhead skylight and not him. 46 Laura Baumbach Matt?Nothing but a low growl answered him, but Harley knewit was meant as a warning to be silent.Managing to untanglehimself enough to rise to his knees, he watched as Matt swiftlystooped and whisked the round braided rug from the floor, toreveal a blue circle of symbols that matched the ones around theskylight directly about them.The rug flew across the room toland in a heap under a window.As it smacked the wall and slidto the floor, Harley noticed symbols painted on the windowsill,yellow like the ones by the front door.He tried to untangle his legs from the sheets, but failed beforethe skylight burst inward, blanketing the room with a thousandshards of tinted glass.The room seemed to explode with noise,shattered wood and rumbled growls as two indistinct, but familiardark-clothed bodies hurtled down through the narrow opening,one after the other.In battle stance, crossbows in hand and ready, the two snarlingEliminators landed gracefully on their feet.Ignoring everythingelse, it took them less than a millisecond to zero in on Harleywhere he knelt, trapped in the sheets, on the end of Matt s bed.Both fired their weapons at the same time.Oblivious, Harleytried to blink away the sleep and watch the action in the room.Shifted into full lycan form, Matt was a fearsome sight.Easilya foot taller than when in his human shape, he became broader,thicker and decidedly more intimidating in looks alone.Addin the vicious, rumbling growl that shook the house rafters, tothe wicked slash of his extended, massive claws and five-inchcanines, he put the Eliminators merely over-sized human fangsand ordinary builds to shame.Even their vampire strength andlightning reflexes couldn t save them.As the vampires took aim, Matt lunged forward, knockingone crossbow down with his foot while he tore the other fromthe nearest vampire s grip with his hands.He took the vampire sarm as well, amputating it from the tall, angular one s shoulderwith the force of the impact.He used the momentary surprise DARK SIDE OF THE MOON 47to tear out the vamp s throat, then snapped his spine at the neck,severing the head from body.In one smooth move, he threw thehead onto the discarded rug under the window, then hefted thebody and tossed it after its owner.It only took a second for thebody parts to disintegrate into ash and scatter on the floor likeso much dust.Harley watched in amazement, the whole scene occurringfaster than his sleep-addled brain could comprehend it.Asudden burning in his side drew his bleary gaze downward andhe noticed for the first time there was an arrow lodged underhis left rib cage.The shaft was made of white ash and it literallyburned his flesh.Hissing as a tendril of smoke rose from the fresh wound,Harley managed to snap one end off the arrow.A swift yank andhe d tugged the shaft out of his side, surprised at how little itactually hurt.He was shocked when it began to heal, slower thanit should have for a vampire, but much faster than he had beenhealing.He jerked wider awake, his gaze jumping back to the center ofthe room where Matt stood looming over the remaining vampire.This was the one that had stood at the cafe door and waited forHarley to come to him.Obviously of a more patient dispositionthan his partner had been, he again stood and just waited, emptycrossbow pointed at the floor. You re healing again. More observant and calmer thanexpected with an enraged lycan sniffing his throat, the remainingvampire nodded at Harley s side. How? His narrowed gazeswung between Matt and Harley, than landed on Matt. You?You did this? Lycan protect their own. He s Vampyre not Lycan! The Eliminator spit on the floorand snarled,  We take care of our own.Matt bared his teeth. We don t destroy our injured. Hestepped closer to the edge of the circle and growled, deep in his 48 Laura Baumbachthroat.The glass in one window rattled. We care for them untilthey are strong again, as he will be soon enough.Remember that,assassin. He s still not a Lycan. It came out between gritted teeth,fangs extended and glistening in the moonlight shining in fromthe hole in the ceiling. He s nothing but a little blood-suckingwhore moving from one bed to the next. Doesn t matter. Matt cocked his head so he could seeHarley, giving the kneeling vampire a slow, appreciative head-to-toe glance.Then he locked stares with the assassin again andfirmly stated,  He lays in a Lycan bed now.The vampire sniffed the air, then shot a murderous look atHarley, his voice outraged and disbelieving. You joined with aLycan? Are you out of your mind?Wanting to deny it for appearances sake in front of Matt,but knowing it was the truth, Harley clamped his mouth shutand kept it that way.He was still having trouble shaking off thelast of his death sleep to be all that coherent anyway.At least hecould blame it on that.In the answering silence, the vampire s startled gaze continuedto whip from Matt to Harley and back again. You took a vampireas a mate? He s an abomination! Diseased.Defective.Matt shook his head. He will heal in time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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