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.I knew the topicof Kylie Good upset her.I tried shooting Clare a look that said to drop the subject, but she apparently wasn't picking up on my cues. Well, Ray said that Daniel turned her down flat.Seems he's finally seen the light and realized Kylie is skank.My eyes widened in surprise.If Daniel had a weakness, it had always been Kylie.He seemed to never be able to tell her 'no'.So the fact thathe wasn't running back to her as fast as he could was surprising.Rachel was vigorously drying her hair, trying toact unaffected by the news. Wow.That's awesome! I enthused, truly happy that Daniel was taking a stand for once.Clare darted hereyes toward Rachel. Yeah, maybe he's ready to move onto someone else. Clare's eyebrows rose pointedly.I rolled my eyes at Clare's less than subtle tactics. Well, I doubt that honestly.Daniel's head is too far up hisown ass to notice anything.Let alone see someone standing right in front of him. Rachel fumed, her voicecatching.Clare and I glanced at each other. Rach, I began just as the door to the gazebo swung open bringing with it agust of frigid air and three barely clothed teenage boys. God damn, it's freezing. Raymond latched the gazebodoor behind them, as he, Daniel, and Clay scurried inside. door behind them, as he, Daniel, and Clay scurried inside. Ahhh. Daniel sighed as he lowered himself into the jacuzzi. Move over, Clare. Daniel elbowed the petitegirl out of the way as he situated himself over one of the jets.The water sloshed as Raymond and Clay followedDanny into the water. I'm heading inside.I'll see you guys in a bit. Rachel said cooly, letting herself out.Daniel frowned. Was itsomething I said? He asked, looking confused.I gave him a look, then shrugged. She's just tired.Leave herbe. I told him.Daniel looked bothered by Rachel's sudden exit, but didn't say anything more about it. Hey you. I said, as Clay slid his hand up my naked thigh.Clay leaned over and gave me a lingering kiss onthe mouth. Hey, miss me? His eyes hazed over as he looked down at me in my bathing suit.His eyes roamedover my barely covered chest. Always. I answered him.He kissed my shoulder and stretched his legs out in front of him. Can we move in,Clay? I don't think I ever want to leave. Clare moaned as she sank deeper into the warm water. Yeah man, thisis unbelievable.Thanks so much for letting us come. Daniel added sincerely.Obviously the guy time had done wonders to change Daniel's attitude toward Clay.They seemed almost civil.Itwas a relief to see. I'm glad you guys are here. Clay said genuinely.I felt a warmth spread through my bodythat had nothing to do with the water.I could almost see those separated parts of my life slowly coming together.Finally!Ray suddenly shoved his girlfriend under the water.Clare came back up to the surface sputtering and wiping hereyes. You are such an asshole, Ray! She yelled, splashing him in the face.The two of them, followed byDaniel, started slopping water all over the place as they splashed each other.After getting a face full of water, I decided it was time for me to go. Okay, I'm out. I said, getting out of thejacuzzi.Clay was right behind me. We're heading back to the house.Just turn off the pump when you guys aredone. Clay told the others before we left.I shoved my arms through my robe as Clay threw on his jacket.Hetook my hand. Ready? On the count of three, lets make a run for it. He put his hand on the door knob. One.Two.Three! He pushed open the gazebo door and we ran as fast as we could to the cabin.It had started to snow and it fell in pretty little tufts, landing in my hair and eyelashes as we tried to get back intothe warmth. Hurry, Mags! Clay laughed, holding the kitchen door open.I sprinted through and Clay slammedthe door closed behind us.I was out of breath and I had a stitch in my side but I couldn't get the silly smile off ofmy face.My hair felt like it had frozen solid. Ugh.I need a shower to warm up.I'm an icicle. I tightened the sash ofmy robe, still shivering even in the warmth of the cabin. I'm heading upstairs to change.I'll be back in a minute.I said to Clay as he sat down on the coach, flipping on ESPN. Okay, baby. He called to me as I left the room.Upstairs, I located the shower tucked behind a Japanese screen in the corner of the room.I was a little hesitantto strip naked when I realized that again, I was surrounded by windows.But I supposed no one could see mefrom this high up, so I finally jumped into the warm spray.After dressing in a pair of dark jeans and my new gray cashmere sweater that belted across the front, I dried mylong brown hair and clipped it back away from face.Taking the time to put on a little makeup, I was actuallypleased with the way I looked.Dare I say, I looked pretty? I wanted tonight to be perfect.I just hoped it wouldbe. Chapter FifteenClay had come in just as I was finishing up. Aww.You're already dressed. He pouted, pulling me up againsthim. Get away! I squealed as his damp swimming trunks left wet marks on my jeans.He gave me a loudsmack with his lips and rooted through his bag to find a dry pair of clothes. I'm gonna get a shower too.Daniel,Ray, and Clare just came in.  Have you seen Rachel? I asked as he moved toward the shower.Clay shook his head. No, I'm guessing she's back in her room.She all right? He asked. I'm not sure. Ianswered truthfully.Clay came back over and wrapped me in a warm hug, kissing the top of my head. I'll bedown in a sec. He said, leaving me for the shower.I joined the others downstairs.Clare was still wrapped up in her towel, sitting at the island while Daniel made hersome sort of drink. Whatcha doin'? I asked as Daniel poured cranberry juice into the glass and garnished itwith a lemon slice. Clay said we could get into the liquor.So I'm making Clare here a cranberry splash.Cranberry juice, vodka, and a splash of club soda.You want one?My stomach clenched up.I did not think it was a good idea for Clay to be around people drinking, given hishistory.I shook my head. Just take it easy guys.We're here to have a good time, not get loaded and throw upall night. I warned.Daniel rolled his eyes at me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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