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.My mother does not come downtown for this.She says she’ll just bring our medical cards to the hospital.The range of talent in the open division is wide.Most contestants have experience in organized ball, and the majority at least played on a varsity team in high school.A few have played in college.We draw a team that’s way out of its league for our first game, so Simet and I rotate out and let Dad and Mott do most of the scoring, Dad from underneath and Mott from beyond the three-point line.Mott’s in shorts today, his bionic leg exposed to the general public for the first time.He really is deadly from long range.Every time he sinks one, Chris goes out of his mind.During timeouts Mott walks over and rubs Chris’s head for luck.Jackie has gotten down the art of clapping the swim fins, which adds a decidedly strange sound to our successes.They come toward us like a twister in the distance, the black funnel cloud adjusting its trajectory no matter how you try to dodge it.Each time we finish a game and check the postings, which go up almost immediately on the side of a truck trailer parked at Hoopfest Central, we see the Bushwhackers headed right at us.If we each win our last games today—Saturday—we meet at 8:00 Sunday morning.I imagine they would love that.All bragging aside, I’m the best player on either team, but Marshall has Dad overmatched, and Barbour and Simet are too close to call.Their point guard, Alex Neilson, plays at Spokane Community College, and their fourth man is Thurman Weeks, the sixth man on our high school team.Man for man they outmatch us, and if this were four-on-four, we’d be dust.But one guy is on the sidelines at all times, so we have a fair chance.Our final game on Saturday is close, but we play tough and win it by four.Barbour and Marshall annihilate the team they play, and we’re set for morning.Dad invites everyone over for dinner in the evening and to set up our strategy for the game.Icko, who has been working most of the day and missed our heroics, supplies juicy burgers from Burger King and a whole bunch of soft ice cream.He tells us the burgers were left over, but they’re hot and tender and I’m pretty sure he used part of his day’s wages to feed us.Of all the guys likely to lose something when this team breaks up, he stands to lose as much as any.He was living by himself at All Night when I met him, staying out of sight and trying to put his son through college.Now he’s adopted us.I swear the guy would do anything for any one of us.Sunday breaks cool and clear.By 7:30 players stream toward the courts like lemmings.The air is filled with the sound of bouncing balls, balls careening off front rims and backboards, interspersed with the sweet swish of a thousand shots touching nothing but the bottom of the net.The Bushwhackers are on the court when we arrive.Rich sneers at me and watches my dad as if he were the true enemy in a real war.Except for Chris Coughlin, we ignore them.Chris paces the sidelines, watching Barbour and Marshall as if they were man-eating tigers, his letter jacket snapped to the top as if he thinks one of them is going to strip it off.Tay-Roy stands on the sidelines beside Kristen, ignoring Barbour’s existence.The game has every possibility of turning sour from the beginning.Heidi came down to watch us all day yesterday and is now a fan of Spike Lee proportions.When it was clear we would play the Bushwhackers this morning, it was agreed that she and Alicia would stay home, but Heidi was inconsolable, particularly after Dad had said he’s going to be shooting from the bleachers to keep from getting beat up underneath all day.Heidi is literal.We tell her Daddy Rich will be there and that he’ll be playing against us, and she wants to go anyway.We call Georgia, and she says if Alicia is willing to show Heidi that she can protect her from Rich, it might even be good for the kid.Georgia thinks she’d like to take in a day of Hoopfest herself and will come down to walk Heidi and Alicia through it if need be.It is a mistake.They get first outs.I’m on Barbour, Dad’s got Rich, and Simet is on Alex Neilson [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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