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.Clutching the locket, he looked up, ready to attack.But the small pocket pistol pointed at him brought him to a halt.“You,” Jared began.“You’re Lady Sinclair.”Daniel kept the gun trained on Jared’s chest, but he did glance down at the ribbon streaming from Jared’s hand.“So that’s where he hid the information.I suspected Lord Alfred might do something like that.” Daniel shrugged delicately.“That’s why I searched his library so carefully.” He sighed.“I’d hoped getting rid of his offspring would be the end of it, but.”Jared took a step forward until he heard the pistol cock.“What did you do with her?”“Lady Merideth is the least of your concerns, dear cousin.” Daniel thrust out the gun when Jared took another step.“Don’t think I won’t use this dear, dear cousin Jared.I’ve killed before.”“Lord Alfred?”“Why, yes,” Daniel smiled.“I did do the old man in.He knew I was being paid by both sides in this silly little conflict.Don’t look so shocked, cousin.We bastards of the world must earn our coin someway.Anyway, Lord Alfred threatened me with the information.I paid him at first to keep quiet.But that arrangement wasn’t to my liking.So I waited for him to contact someone in the American government.the old fool didn’t even realize the message went through me.”“And stopped there, I presume.”“Not entirely.That’s when I pulled you into the intrigue.”“Why? Why involve me if you intended to kill him?”“Let’s just say I enjoy seeing you Blackstones squirm.” Daniel giggled.“I’d been at Banistar Hall before, and knew the right places to hide.With their lack of staff, I could have stayed there a fortnight without being detected.But it didn’t take that long.You came along with your usual bravado, during the storm, and I just sat back and waited for the right moment.”“To kill him.”“Oh, not just him, dear Jared.You.” He laughed again.“You were to die also.Hanged, no less.Such a fitting demise for the descendant of a pirate, don’t you think?”“I think you’ve lost your mind.” Jared slipped the locket into his pocket.“You’d like to think so, wouldn’t you?” Daniel’s features contorted in anger.“You’d like to think me crazy.Just like John.That’s right, John discovered I was Lady Sinclair.Of course there was no love affair.I made all that up.But he found out about my very profitable undertakings with the British.”“And so you killed him too.” The deadly calm of Jared’s voice belied the surging emotions inside.“Oh, yes, I did.You figured it out,” Daniel smirked.“I always did think you as clever as the others, even if they did have their noses in a book every moment of the day.”“What did you do with Merideth?” A knot formed in Jared’s throat, so large he could barely get the words out.“Did you kill her too?”“No.But don’t worry, I shall.What I can’t decide is whether to kill her first and let you watch, or vice versa.” Daniel bobbed his head as he spoke.“I think I shall let you see her demise.After all, I really don’t have anything personal against her.” His face contorted.“Though she did play the role of your whore.”Jared lunged forward, and the pistol fired.Something solid, like a fist, rammed into his side, and Jared faltered.But his anger was stronger than the pain.Jared caught a quick glimpse of the shock and fear on Daniel’s face as he knocked the spent gun from his cousin’s hand.The weapon went flying to the floor.And under Jared’s weight Daniel fell back, sprawling against the desk.Panic filled Daniel’s eyes and his hands flailed out.Feeling the solid strength of the candlestick, Daniel tried to grip the ornate silver.But Jared grabbed hold of the silk robe, pulling him up, then slamming his head back against the smooth wood surface.“Where is she? Where is she, damn you?”Daniel’s hand knocked the candlestick.Hot wax dripped from the top of the taper, down the side of the thick brocade drapes.The flame followed the arc.It took the fire only a moment to recognize the new supply of rich fuel.Then eagerly it sent tentacles dancing up the silk, consuming all in its path.“Fire! The room’s on fire!” Daniel’s voice squeaked as Jared tightened his hold.“We have to get out!” The wallpaper was next in the path of the voracious flames, and soon the entire wall was aglow.Choking threads of smoke filled the air.Jared’s eyes burned and his lungs cried for a breath of fresh air, but he didn’t move.“Nowhere, you bastard.We’re going nowhere till you tell me where she is.”“We’ll die!” Daniel’s face was purple and his eyes bulged.“We’ll die,” he choked out again.By now the rug was smoldering, sending off the nauseating smell of charred wool.“Tell me,” Jared rasped.“Or so help me God, I’ll kill you with my bare hands and leave your body to burn.You think I care about myself? You’ve taken all from me.” Overcome by a bout of coughing, Jared stopped talking, but he tightened his grip.Sweat poured from his forehead and rolled down his chest.But his eyes were deadly serious.“Smokehouse.”The word was so wracked with coughing, so choked, that at first Jared thought Daniel was complaining about the smoke.It wasn’t till Daniel said it again that Jared realized he was referring to an outbuilding [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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