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.“You’re free now,” Brian told her.“Take the money and my car – the black BMW outside.Go as far away as you can.No one will follow.”Brenda didn’t understand.But then she’d understood very little all morning.Luljeta started to cry.She thanked Brian.She thanked Brenda.She went back and hugged Brian.Then left, the door clicking shut behind her.“Okay, you’ve had your fun.Now let me go,” pleaded the killer.Brian began circling again.“I haven’t said how you’re going to help her yet.”“I gave her money!”“A few dollars.That’s not going to keep her safe.There’s only one thing that will.”“What?”A thought echoed by Brenda.Was he going to kill him after all?“You’re going to trade places,” said Brian.The killer looked confused, then horrified.“What are you going to do?”Brian rolled up his right sleeve and flexed the fingers of his right hand.“No!” screamed the killer.“Keep back!” He swung at Brian, missed, tried again, grabbed hold of his hair, tugged.But Brian’s head stayed on.And Brian’s right hand reached forward and slowly pushed inside the killer’s chest.Brenda swallowed hard.Brian’s hand was inside the killer.She could see it! It was up to his wrists, the killer’s flesh parting as though it was made of soft cheese.There wasn’t even any blood.The killer was struggling and screaming and.Changing.His clothes, his features.He was shrinking into.Luljeta.A perfect replica.Even his voice had raised an octave.And that accent.“What you do to me? You crazy motherfucker!”“I’m giving you a fresh perspective on sex and violence.”And with that, the Hillsdale Rapist vanished.Brenda blinked.“Where did he go?”Brian reverted to his English accent.“A massage parlor downtown.She doesn’t look very happy.”“You can see him.her?”Brian’s eyes had become unfocussed.He stared past her right shoulder into space.“I can see her,” he said.“And so can her pimp.”“What are you?” she asked.Before Brian could answer, a woman materialized behind him.The dead woman from breakfast, her eyes blacker than ever, her face set in a tight-lipped scowl.“You wouldn’t listen, would you?” she snapped.“Don’t look at me.He can’t read your mind at the moment – magic takes it out of him – but don’t let him know I’m here.He’s a Vigilante Demon.”“Me?” said Brian, oblivious to the ghost behind him.“I’m the third arm of the justice system.Law, Order and Vengeance.And I’m looking for a partner.”“A partner?”“He means bait,” said the woman.“He may be invulnerable, but we’re not.I was his last partner.”“Yes,” said Brian.“A partner.Someone who can see and hear the dead.I can’t, so I need someone who the dead come to.Someone who’ll listen to them, look out for the ones who were murdered and question them – try to find out who killed them.You pass the information to me and we.we bring them to justice.Find a fitting punishment.”“Like turning a rapist into a sex slave?”“Exactly.We bring the bad guys to justice and have a little fun doing it.Our serial killing rapist friend had a penchant for violent horror films, so I chose a zombie theme for his takedown.Considerably more gory than my usual takedowns but, I hope, as inventive.What do you say? Are you interested?”The dead woman shook her head.“He’ll use you like he did today.Dangle you in front of every sick killer in the country and get you killed like he did me.He takes too many risks.”“Come on, Brenda.It’s your chance to make a difference.Get killers off the streets.”Brenda didn’t know what to say.“You can’t do it!” said the ghost.“You’re not ready.You’re not even a proper medium! You could never replace me!”Then a second ghost materialized – floating, shining – a few feet to Brian’s left.The ghost of Gabriella Czerna, the killer’s last victim, her clothes no longer ripped or blood stained, her face no longer bruised.“Thank you,” she said.Just the two words.And, sometimes, two words are enough.Chapter ThreeAnd sometimes they’re not.“Wait!” Brenda shouted.“I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want to be a crime fighter.Come back!”She couldn’t believe it.How could everyone vanish like that? One minute she was the center of attention, everyone and her ghost offering advice, the next – poof – she was on her own.No Brian, no ghosts and no idea of what was supposed to happen next.“Brian!” She shouted at the ceiling, swung round and yelled at the windows [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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