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.Cheryl looked back at Mike with the similar expression of disgust he’d seen from her sister the day prior.“Well fuck you then.You’re all crazier than we are.We’ll just get our shooters set up, and when they make their silly ass attempt at coming to rescue you, we’ll just shoot the fuck out of them the same as everyone else that has tried to get in here.And you know what dick? No one has gotten in here yet and that's not for lack of trying.We've been here the whole time, safe and sound.Let’s see your savior do what no one else has.”“Operative word is ‘yet’ you bitch.Mark my fucking words.You are on borrowed fucking time.Let me and Blake walk right now, and this can all end without you and everyone else here bleeding out on these nice whore-stained rugs you’ve got,” Mike spat the words like acid at her.Cheryl actually took a step back when she saw the conviction on the grizzled man’s face.Jason’s eyebrows popped up slightly in amazement that anyone had gotten to the sister.“We’ll see about that,” Cheryl said, and walked out of the changing room.Jason watched her go, and then turned to Mike, who was still sitting on the cot he’d slept on.“How long until they hit us?” Jason asked.“I’m surprised you’re still fucking breathing,” Mike said, and pushed the bowl of oatmeal away.He turned to tend to Blake, ignoring the large man.“Maybe it isn’t too late to fix this,” Jason offered, sounding sincere.Mike turned, the same look of disgust on his face.“if you’re going to do anything, do it now.The sooner we can either kill those two twats, or disable Andy’s cameras, or I can radio Adrian to give him intel on how to do this with the least amount of carnage the better off we are.”Jason nodded and reached for the door handle.Far outside, past the thick concrete and brick that made up the Factory, the two men heard the faint popping noise that came along with gunfire.At first one or two rapid shots, then a crashing tidal wave of gunfire.In the building it was muted, but Mike knew outside it would be louder than a hundred claps of thunder.“Jason, time is a factor.He is here, and he is clearly not here to talk,” Mike said.Jason swallowed hard, and charged out the dressing room door, leaving it wide open.Mike slowly raised himself to his feet, and walked to the doorway, hoping to follow the huge body to whatever plan he had.*****Outside the firefight was raging in earnest.The two sisters had put four shooters on the roofs of the buildings surrounding the Factory.Almost a year ago they’d come up with a fairly clever system to get from one roof to another.A few blocks away was a moving company, complete with a slew of large rental box trucks.Inside the back of these trucks was a large aluminum loading ramp that slid out to help the renters load the truck.When removed, they became incredibly strong twelve foot long bridges.Two of the buildings adjacent to the Factory were reachable with the re-tasked bridges, and they used them to move about above street level constantly.When they didn’t need the bridges, they pulled them back onto the roof, and no one was the wiser.Of course today, they desperately needed the bridges.Mike’s friends had come in force, and the gunfire came at them like angry metal rain.Accurate, angry metal rain.“I can’t even get a shot off for Christ’s sake.Every time I poke my head anywhere near where I can shoot, one of them sends another bullet right at my fucking face!” One of the shooters hollered into a tiny walkie talkie, pleading to the others who were trying to defend the Factory from the assault.“We’re moving from this side to yours to give you some help Fred.Just keep low and everything will be alright,” a voice responded across the air waves.Fred dutifully kept his head below the concrete lip of the building.He didn’t want to get his head blown off today.Two of the other strip club shooters were sprinting across the roof of the building next to the Factory to lend fire support.As they reached the edge of the building they slowed to gingerly walk across the aluminum bridge one by one [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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