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.Now back in wheneverthefuckitwasItalkedaboutthebuildingbefore I think I said I saw smoke coming from a few of the apartment windows, or balconies or whatever.I remember saying that because the idea of burning to death in an apartment while undead banged on the door horrified me to the core.When we were leaving the auto parts store, I noticed right at the base of the building a fairly large debris field.Garbage.Large amounts of garbage.And as we’ve seen so far, where there is garbage, there are people, or zombies.That told me that in all likelihood, somewhere on the upper floors of the building there are or were survivors.Using the ACOG I went window to window looking for signs of life for nearly a half hour, but I didn’t see shit.We should get back there some time to check it out.Although, a large building like that scares me.Lots of halls, closets, doors, and dark nooks and crannies for the dead to hide in.Lots of danger involved.Filed under: fucked if I care.All things considered, the trip downtown yesterday was an entire success.Today, not so much.We knew last night today was the day we were going to set up a house as a communications point and refuge for folks.As I’ve said a hundred times, we’re calling them “safe houses.” In these houses we are setting up a single walkie, a small supply of fresh water, basic first aid supplies, and a small amount of food and spare clothing.We also decided to put a notebook and pen inside in the event someone stops in, doesn’t want to contact us via radio, but wants to leave a note.Any way we can get information is good we’re supposing.These houses will be set up with signs outside them so folks returning to or passing through will know there are some supplies inside, and that the house is safe.The idea is we will screen potential campus residents, feed the hungry, hydrate the dry, and give folks worse off than us a safe place, even if it’s only for a short time.We’d chosen a house on our side of town right on Main Street, but not quite in the more built up area.This is was a test run really, and we’ve already discussed altering plans for future safe houses.We chose a home right near Walt’s nut house.It was close to the road, had good parking, a large U shaped driveway that you could pull into, and out of quickly if needed, and the windows on the street side were a good distance above the ground.All in all, it was a fine choice.We pulled our vehicles into that huge driveway and began the process of setting the house up.I think we started fairly late, maybe noon or so.The morning was spent with us finalizing what we were leaving behind at the safe house, and painting up a huge sheet of ratty plywood as our safe house sign.The sign says “FOOD, WATER, RADIO.SAFE ON APRIL 27th”We felt putting the date on there was important because who knew how long that sign could’ve sat there for? What if we set up a safe house on October 1st, and it had been overrun ten times since then and we hadn’t updated the sign? We’re thinking we update the thing once a month, or as needed.Because this was a largely low key op, Gilbert and Abby remained behind.We figured it’d be a quick in and out, maybe taking an hour or two.We really wanted to chill out for an afternoon today.I hate making plans.The get ruined so fucking often.I should be spontaneous, so when things go right for me, I’m pleasantly surprised.Not meeting my expectations blows.Gavin stayed outside providing cover.Patty assisted me as we got everything inside, and got the few spots in the house that needed reinforcement fixed up.There were a couple windows in the back of the house we slapped a couple pieces of 2x4 on to make safe, and the large bay window in the living room also had a 2x4 slapped on the front of it.We put it up low in the frame so it would serve almost like a railing might.The dead can’t crawl over it, so it was as good as boarding the whole window up.Patty ran out to the HRT to grab the final batch of supplies we planned on leaving behind when I heard a noise from the back of the house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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