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.“Take all the time you need.It’ll have to wait till this trial is sorted, but once it is, go.And keep me informed.It seems this guy has been fucking around here in Boston too, so any info we can share will help all of us.”I exhale a sigh of relief.“Thanks, Sir,” I say.He nods and I stand and walk out, ready to call it a day and meet Ryan for a drink.“Beck,” he says, just as I reach the door.“Yeah?”“What’s gonna happen when you catch the guy?” he asks.“You planning on coming back to work?”I stare back at the captain, wondering how the fuck I’m supposed to answer that.“Not sure,” I eventually say.“Can we talk about that when we do catch him?”The captain nods but says nothing and I walk out, wondering how the fuck I’m going to make this all work.Twenty minutes later and I walk into Finnigan’s and see Ryan already sitting up at the bar.“Hey,” I say, sliding onto the stool next to him.He grins, but doesn’t look up from his phone.When I steal a glance I can see he’s texting.“You sexting Erin this time?” I ask, ordering a beer.This gets his attention.“Sexting? What are you, a sixteen year old girl or something?” he scoffs.“Fuck off,” I say, laughing.“You’re definitely sexting and you know it.”Ryan grins now.“You should try it some time, Beck.Spice things up with your girl, especially while you’re stuck down here.”I roll my eyes as I take a long sip of my beer.“Trust me, dude, Kels has got no complaints when it comes to our sex life, and I’m more than happy making up for the ten years we’ve missed out on.”Ryan laughs, pocketing his cell as he turns to look at me.“So what was the talk with the captain all about?”I exhale, running a hand down my face.Fuck.“I just told him that I needed to get back to Rockport, ASAP.Filled him in on the situation with Kels and how I wanted to be there.”“And?”“And he was very understanding,” I say, staring at the bottles lining the wall behind the bar.“Said I could take all the time I needed as soon as this trial was over.”“And what happens then, Beck?” Ryan asks.I turn to look at him.“When this guy’s caught and your job protecting Kelsey is done?”“My job protecting her will never be done,” I say, my words harsher than I mean them to be.Ryan holds up his hands as though he didn’t mean to piss me off.“I know, I know, that’s not what I’m saying,” he says.“What I meant was, what are you gonna do next, given she’s in Rockport and your job is in Boston?”I take a deep breath, letting it out as a long slow exhale, before turning back to stare at the liquor bottles.“I have no fucking idea,” I admit.Ryan says nothing and I get the feeling he’s trying to come up with a solution to all this as well.If things pan out with him and Erin, which I’ve no doubt they will, then he’s gonna be facing the same situation.And as much as both of us love our jobs, I can’t see how either of us can make both Rockport and Boston work.“Well, I guess you’ll have to take up sexting after all,” Ryan says, trying to lighten the mood.I laugh as I turn to look at my friend.“Fucking idiot,” I say to his grinning face.But at the same time, I pull my phone from my pocket and open up the message app, thinking it can’t hurt.When I do though, I see there’s a message from the DA who was handling today’s trial.Good news.Guy changed his mind.Got the deal, he’s going away for 10.Thanks.“Fuck,” I breathe out, looking up at Ryan.“What, can’t think of what to say to her?” Ryan says laughing.“Here, give me your phone.”I roll my eyes as I shake my head.“No, trial’s over; dickhead’s taken the deal.Ten years.”“Shit,” Ryan says.“Thank fuck for that.”“Yeah,” I say, nodding.“Well, what are you waiting for?” he says, gesturing to my phone.“Sext your girl and tell her you’re coming back.”I grin now, opening up a message to Kels’ new number.Me: good news baby, I’m coming home.Make sure you’re naked, I’m gonna need a couple of hours getting reacquainted with your pussy.“Nice,” Ryan says, slapping me on the back.I shake my head.“Fuck off.”Chapter Twenty-ThreeKelseyThankful that the wedding is over, I look out the window of my office and see the rain is falling hard and the grounds of the inn are now a wet, soppy mess.The gray cloud covered sky lights up as a crack of thunder echoes through the inn.It makes me jump, causing Bella to be on high alert, growling at nothing but the noise.The rain is endlessly pelting the windows and making the air thick with humidity.This is the worst kind of the weather, especially during tourist season.Despite the awful weather, I can’t stop smiling.Just a few minutes ago I got a text from Beck saying the trial is over and he’ll be on his way back to me soon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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