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.The most powerful way to learn is by example, and the demo applets that come with the JDK are great examples of robust Java applets.API Source CodeThe final component of the Java Developer's Kit is the source code for the Java API.That's right, the JDK comes with the complete source code for all the classes that make up the Java API.Sun isn't concerned with keeping the internals of Java top secret.They followed the lead of the UNIX world and decided to make Java as available and readily understood as possible.Besides, the real value of Java is not the specific code that makes it work, it's the idea behind it.The API source code is automatically installed to your hard drive when you decompress the JDK, but it remains in compressed form.The assumption here is that not everyone is concerned about how the internals of Java are implemented, so why waste the space.However, it is sometimes useful to be able to look under the hood and see how something works.And Java is no exception.So, the API source code comes compressed in a file called src.zip, which is located in the java directory that was created on your hard drive during installation of the JDK.All the classes that make up the Java API are included in this file.SummaryThe Java Developer's Kit provides a wealth of information, including the tools essential to Java programming.In this chapter you learned about the different components of the JDK, including tools, applet demos, and the Java API source code.Although you learn more about some of these tools throughout the rest of the book, it's important to understand what role each tool plays in the development of Java programs.A strong knowledge of the information contained in the Java Developer's Kit is necessary to become a successful Java developer.However, you shouldn't stop with the Java Developer's Kit.There are many third-party tools available and in the works that supplement the JDK and enable you to put together a more complete Java programming toolkit.The next chapter highlights these tools and describes how they impact Java development now, and what they may mean for the future.Chapter 11Other tools and environmentsAlthough the Java Developer's Kit provides the essential Java development tools required to program in Java, there are a variety of other tools and development environments that are poised to make Java programming much easier.Languages like C and C++ have a rich field of development environments and add-on libraries.Many of the same companies that created these C and C++ environments and add-ons are busily working on Java versions of their already popular tools.Some of these tools are even available now.In addition to the wave of third-party Java development environments, there are also new Java class libraries that promise to add functionality never before seen on the Web.Using these libraries, you will be able to plug Java classes into your own programs and benefit from Java's code reuse capabilities.Because Java is truly a cross-platform language, these tools promise to bridge many gaps between different operating systems.What all of this means to you is that your trip through the world of Java development promises to be both dynamic and productive, not to mention fun.Development EnvironmentsThe development tools provided with the Java Developer's Kit are all command-line tools, except for the applet viewer.Even though the applet viewer is invoked from a command line, it provides graphical output and is therefore a graphical tool.Most modern development environments include graphical editors, graphical debuggers, and visual class browsers.Java is too modern a language not to have a modern development interface to match, and Java programmers know this.Fortunately, the software tool developers know this, too.Most of the major players in the development tool business have already announced Java environments.A few companies even have tools in beta and ready for testing.These third-party development environments span different operating systems and range from C/C++ environment add-ons to entirely new products.The goal here is to let you in on what development environments are out there and how they impact Java programming.Symantec EspressoSymantec is the first major PC tool developer to have a working Java development environment on the street.Symantec Espresso is a Java development environment in the form of an add-on to Symantec C++ for Windows 95 and Windows NT.Following is a list of the main features supported by Symantec Espresso:lGraphical Programming EditorllVisual EditorsllProject ManagerllSeamless Integration of the JDK ToolsllCode GeneratorslIf you own Symantec C++, you can download Espresso for free.To download Espresso or get the latest news about it, check out Symantec's Java Web site:Graphical Programming EditorThe graphical programming editor in Espresso provides all the features expected in a modern programming editor.It supports full-color syntax and keyword highlighting, along with providing an integrated macro language for extending the editor.The editor also provides navigational features to jump to any Java declaration inside a Java program or the standard Java class libraries.Visual EditorsEspresso includes a couple of visual editors for managing the many classes involved in Java programming.The Espresso Class Editor enables you to quickly create and navigate through your Java code.With the Class Editor, it is no longer necessary to work with individual Java source code files; you can work directly with Java class definitions and members.This class-centric approach frees you from the limitations of thinking of an application in terms of source files.The Espresso Class Editor also enables you to quickly browse any part of an application; you simply enter the name of a class or class member, and the Class Editor locates the corresponding source code and loads it into the editor.You can also create and modify new classes from the Class Editor.Figure 11.1 shows what the Espresso Class Editor looks like in action.The Espresso Class Editor.Espresso also includes a Hierarchy Editor for viewing and managing the logical relationships between classes.Figure 11 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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