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."He paused."Before we begin today's agenda, I want to announce a news itemsome of you may have missed this morning.Last night, ten retro terroristswere arrested byInterior Ministry strike forces.Three were taken while they waited in ambushoutside the residence of a member of His Majesty's cabinet.My niece Clianna,actually.Three others were taken in the process of abducting whom theysupposed was Mayor EmmithKurssbann, in the parking lot outside Symphony Hall.In fact, however, theperson they laid hands on was a ministry agent, chosen, made up, and dressedto resemble the mayor.Two other terrorists were arrested by a police ambush, leaving the residenceof a third.file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/J.almas%20-%20The%20Three-Cornered%20War.html (250 of 260) [10/31/2004 11:43:28 PM]John Dalmas - The Three-Cornered WarThey were armed with a blaster, an automatic rifle, and sidearms.Theterrorist carrying the blaster was shot by a ministry undercover agent who hadaccompanied them.Their targets were two people prominent in His Majesty'sgovernment.The man whose residence they were leaving was also arrested.Hishome contained an arsenal of illegal weapons."The tenth arrested was someone some of you may know, for his support of themusical arts: Bariss Fildkarm, publisher of theWeekly Review of Music.He was the organizer of all three terrorist teams, and we had no notion ofhis retro involvement until a few days ago.He has been charged with criminalconspiracy, conspiracy to abduct, conspiracy to murder, the purchase andpossession of illegal weapons, and hiring to commit murder."Kristal's eyes scanned the audience.A hand rose."Yes, Colonel Romlar?""If it wanted to, how many people could Interior arrest for sedition and otherretro crimes?"Kristal smiled ruefully."I haven't a count.Thousands, on existing evidence.With a little effort, tens of thousands planetwide.""Then why arrest just ten?""The retro movement overall is not an actual threat to government, nor a majorthreat to public safety.Most of its people are not violent.Its attractionwill decline, and in fact has already begun to.And the less attention weappear to pay it, the briefer and weaker that attraction will be.Best let itPage 204 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmldie on the vine, if it will."And consider.Our own Movement, in its necessary work, caused the changesthat have upset so many.That's right: we are the primary and adequate causeof their disaffection.Therefore, Crown policy is to overlook what we can.Weare content simply to arrest any who undertake crimes against persons.As wedid last night."He smiled."Incidentally, Artus, the undercover agent who exposed all threewould-be abductions, and took part in the exchange of hostile fire, is afriend of yours.He saved your life on Maragor, and credits you with hisrehabilitation."Artus stared.Gulthar Kro! In the press of war-time duties, he'd lost track of theMaragoran."And now let's get on with the business of the day.Judging from questionsI've already heard, many of yours can best be answered by the Remote SpyingSection.So I'll call first on Lotta Alsnor-Romlar."Lotta adjusted her microphone.When she looked up, hands had been raised.TourMajesty," Kristal said, "we'll begin with you."Marcus's delivery was casual."Lotta, some of Admiral S�lakamasu's decisionsandfile:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/J.almas%20-%20The%20Three-Cornered%20War.html (251 of 260) [10/31/2004 11:43:28 PM]John Dalmas - The Three-Cornered War actions are difficult to understand.Given your um inside view, what light can you shed on him?""Loksa S�lakamasu had a compulsion for dominance and authority.It underlayalmost everything he did.His ambition was to be an absolute monarch over asort of layered autocracy.With everyone accountable to him, and himselfaccountable to no one."Overlying that, and permeating it, was a sort of low-intensity paranoia thatcolored all his thinking and actions.All this in spite of being veryself-confident and chronically optimistic.He considered himself at risk ofplots, but more than a match for them.At the same time, he was always onguard, ready to act ruthlessly."He tended to treat people with contempt.Some he treated with open, evenscathing contempt, so no one wanted to get on his bad side.Also, while hedidn't lose his temper very often, his rages were extreme, and led to severepunishments.All in all, the people around him lived with a chronic sense ofthreat."He knew that, of course, and fed it.At the same time he realized it led tohatred, which reinforced both his paranoia, his abusiveness, and his secrecy.Paranoia typically leads to secrecy."And that," she finished, "pretty much describes the admiral [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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