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.I bit into the bread and Phoebe then, too, began to eat, taking a smallspoonful of the porridge.It had become dark now.We could hear the pleasure cries of a woman a few tents away. Do you think she is free? asked Phoebe. Probably, I said. There are not too many slaves in the camp now. What do you think he is doing to her? she asked. Mastering her, I said. Do you think she is tied? she asked. Probably, I said.She looked down, shuddering, blushing.The intensification of sexual pleasure,both physically and psychologically, by the application of selected restraintsis well known. The women I have seen in this camp, she said,  do not appear to bePage 95 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmloverdressed. They are prisoners of strong men, I said.She listened to the girl s cried. She is passionate, said Phoebe. She had probably been given little choice, I said. Nonetheless, said Phoebe,  she is passionate. Her destiny is doubtless to be the collar, I said. So, too, I would were mine, said Phoebe, boldly.(pg.159)  You are already a captive and servant, a full servant, I said. I would go beyond that, she said,  to my ultimate meaningfulness, that ofthe slave. Eat, I said. Yes, Master, she said.I considered, again, the women from the Crooked Tarn.They had knelt well,theirfile:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/John%20Nor.20Gor%2023%20-%20Renegades%20of%20Gor.html (138 of 399) [1/21/03 7:54:42 PM]23 Renegades of Gor knees spread as those of slaves.Liadne had done well withthem.I had wanted them to learn, of course, not only discipline, butsomething of the arts of pleasing men.Liadne, herself, was not an experiencedslave, for, I recalled, she had been startled to find herself utilized, withher ankles chained, but she would still, presumably, be worlds of sensuousnessbeyond the simple free women in her charge.What could she have shown them inthree days? Something, I supposed.Perhaps little more than how to make slave lips and do a little squirming,naked.That might be enough, however, for my purposes.The Cosians in the fronttrenches, and behind the earthworks and hurdles, who would have borne thebrunt of sorties in the past, and had doubtless contributed more than theirshare to the assaults, would not, I thought, be averse to finding a womanamong them, particularly one naked and on a chain. She is quiet now, said Phoebe. He is probably letting her subside, I said. What is that? she asked, suddenly, lifting her head. War trumpets, I said.I rose up and went outside the tent.She followed.Others, too, about, from others of the small tents, had emerged.From Ar s Station came the sounds of trumpets, far off. It is a nightassault, Isaid.We looked toward the city.We could see lights there.These were probably bundles of sticks set afire bydefenders, and thrown, suspended on chains, over the walls, to illuminatethem. There must be many women left in Ar s Station, she said. Doubtless, I said. How they must be afraid, she said,  hearing such alarms.(pg.160)  Perhaps, I said. There are many encampments of slavers, and slavers men, and cages, and slavewagons about, she said. Yes, I said.The women of a city are, of course, among its prize loot.The women of Ar sStation, even the youngest and most beautiful, might now be pale, and drawnand scrawny, but water, and slave gruel, forced down their throats ifnecessary, could bring back their color, and fatten them for the block.Females, of course, make superb acquisitions, and gifts.file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/John%20Nor.20Gor%2023%20-%20Renegades%20of%20Gor.html (139 of 399) [1/21/03 7:54:42 PM]Page 96 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html23 Renegades of GorWe listened for a time to the distant trumpets, watched the small spots oflight in the distance.Those about us, one after another, returned to their tents.It was onlyanother attack, far off. Men are dying there, I said, looking toward Ar s Station. I am afraid, she said. Go into the tent, I said.We reentered the tent and finished our meal, in silence. Do not try to enter the city, she said. Your thigh would probably look well, roped to a post, awaiting the brandingiron, I said. Master? she asked. Do not move when the iron presses into you, I said. Am I to be enslaved? she asked. My remarks are general, I said. You are planning on leaving me! she said. I do not know if I will see you again or not, I said. Do not try to enter the city! she said. Come here, I said. On your knees.She approached me, as commanded.She then knelt there, slimly, beside me. Clasp your hands behind the back of your neck, I said,  and do notinterfere. What are you doing? she asked. Kneel up, off your heels, I said. What are you doing? she asked. This garment you are wearing, I said,  what is, in effect, a chatka, I amshortening and transforming into two slave strips. I drew the long stripbefore the cord in front back over the cord so that it would no longer hangmidway, or about midway, between her knees and ankles but was now (pg.161)about eighteen inches long.The garment then lopped below her body.I then cutthe garment a bit behind and below the cord in front.I then moved her aboutand treated the garment similarly in the back, drawing the strip back over thecord so that it was now only about eighteen inches long, and then cutting itoff a bit below and behind the cord.She now wore two slave strips, each abouteighteen inches long, one over the cord in front, one over it in back.file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/John%20Nor.20Gor%2023%20-%20Renegades%20of%20Gor.html (140 of 399) [1/21/03 7:54:42 PM]23 Renegades of Gor Face me, I said.She obeyed. What have you done? she asked. Exactly what you think I have done, I said. You have removed nether shielding from me! she said. Yes, I said. Restore it, she said. Quickly! There is enough left of the cloth! Please!She gasped.I had thrown the remaining portion of the cloth into the fire.She watched it burn, in dismay. Do you feel vulnerable? I asked. Yes! she said. In such ways may one increase the passion of a female, I said.She shuddered. You are aware, of course, I said,  that these pieces of cloth might bepulled away, easily. Yes! she said. Keep your hands clasped behind the back of your neck, I said. Now what are you doing? she cried.Page 97 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html In the future, I said,  the cord will be tied in this fashion, or in someequivalent fashion.She moaned, looking down.I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot which on Gor, incertain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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