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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Deskt.,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html (351 of 452)3/12/2004 11:18:11 PMfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Dalmas,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html hours.He's been seeing a daughterof General Postlethwaite, and she's taking him home to meet her mum thisweekend.""What will you do when he gets back?"Von Lutzow's smile went lopsided."I wont be here.You need a pilot, andMacNab's too sick.So I'm it.By the time we get back, the general should behere." He grinned."I'll admit I'm not as good a navigator as MacNab, but whois? I can get you there, get you down, and get you back That's all you need.""Meanwhile, you need to round up whatever you need muy pronto.Today.I'vealready arranged a ride in a gooney bird to Casablanca tonight, and with anyluck, we'll get another one to Naples or Salerno tomorrow.When Berntvollfinds out about this on Monday, he'll be pissed--may even radio a stop on itto our offices in Algiers and Naples.I don't actually expect him to, becauseof your oral agreement with the general, but I can't be sure, so I want us onour way toBavaria by then."Macurdy was impressed: Von Lutzow was as wild as Doe Alden or CaptainSzczpura.And with Von Lutzow out on a limb for him like this, damned if he was going toworry about the navigating.He did though, a little.Meanwhile he'd picked up his mail: two letters from Mary and one from hisparents.He saved Mary's for last, savoring them, realizing how much he lovedfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Deskt.,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html (352 of 452)3/12/2004 11:18:11 PMfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Dalmas,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html her.Macurdy had known almost nothing about Von Lutzow's p but on their flightsouth, the young major talked about himself.He'd graduated in civilengineering fromNorthwestern in 1932, and flying the Stearman biplane his father had boughthim three years earlier, had spent three summers on a barnstorming tour.He'dworked literally hundreds of small towns from New England to New Mexico,taking people for ten-minute "rides in the sky," mostly at fifty cents each,had flown stunts for cash at county fairs, and occasionally hauled somewell-to-do passenger to a meeting somewhere, on business or amours.In the off seasons he'd tried prize-fighting; he'd been a lightheavy on theNorthwestern boxing team."I only had nine pro fights," he said."I discoveredmy limitations early.But I hung around boxing gyms and worked as a sparringpartner a lot learned and improved-and it was interesting.I thought of it ascollecting characters and experiences for the stories I'd write someday." Helaughed."You're one of them.""M mother, of course, was having a breakdown about the way I especially thefighting." Laughing again, Von Lutzow touched his nose; it had been broken,that was apparent though not conspicuous."And Dad was doing pretty well,considering the times, so when I quit, he paid to get it fixed; it looke worsethan yours.He also lined me up with an engineering job.But respectability got old, andinfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Deskt.,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html (353 of 452)3/12/2004 11:18:11 PMPage 163 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Dalmas,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html the fall of '40, when the draftstarted, I enlisted.And because I'd done two years of ROTC in college, theysent me to OCS."Eventually the talk petered out, and briefly Macurdy watched the ocean below.That Von Lutzow's led a really interesting life, he thought.Entirelyoverlooking his own.Then he turned his thoughts to the mission, rehearsing its steps from arrivalto completion.In his rehearsal, nothing went wrong, not a thing.They arrived in Casablanca as intended, and almost at once caught another 47toAlgiers, where they were told nothing was flying to Italy because of badweather there.They did, however, catch a flight to Tunis, and from there, VonLutzow talked their way onto a B25, an urgent flight taking severalhigh-ranking CIDofficers to Trapani in western Sicily.The next noon, Monday, found them in Naples, but Von Lutzow was reluctant totap the standard OSS sources of equipment: He was afraid there'd be an orderwaiting for him from Berntvoll, to return at once to London.Evading orderswas one thing, disobeying them was something else.And anyway he assumed hecould manage with charm and bullshit.But things had changed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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