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.They gazed at the bay before them,at the harbor and the choppy waters be-yond.Conversation crept upoccasionally, but there was a lot of silence.Phil knew his friend hadsuffered a bad week.By now, Nate had told him most of the details of thePhelan mess.Theirs was a confidential relationship. I'm planning a road trip, Nate announced quietly. Wanna come? To where? I need to see my kids.I have two younger ones, Austin and Angela, in Salem,Oregon.I'll probably go there first.My older son is a grad student atNorthwestern inEvanston, and I have a daughter in Pittsburgh.It'll be a nice little tour. How long? There's no rush.A couple of weeks.I'm driving. When did you see them last? It's been over a year since I've seen Daniel and Kait-lin, the two from myfirst marriage.I took the two younger ones to an Orioles game last July.Igot drunk and didn't remember driving back to Arlington. Do you miss them? Sure, I guess.Truth is, I never spent much time with them.I know so littleabout them. You were working hard. I was, and I was drinking even harder.I was never at home.On those rareoccasions when I could take off, I would go to Vegas with the boys, or golfingor deep-sea fishing in the Bahamas.I never took the kids. You can't change that. No, I can't.Why don't you come with me? We could talk for hours. Thanks, but I can't leave.I've finally built some momentum in the basement.I'd hate to lose it.Nate had seen the basement earlier in the day.There was evidence of momentum.Phil's only child was a twenty-something drifter who'd flunked out of collegeand fled to the West Coast.Laura had let it slip that they had no idea wherethe kid was.He hadn't called home in over a year. Do you expect the trip to be successful? Phil asked.166 I'm not sure what to expect.I want to hug my kids and apologize for beingsuch a lousy father, but I'm not sure how that's supposed to help them now. I wouldn't do that.They know you've been a lousy father.Flogging yourselfwon't help.But it's important to be there, to take the first step in buildingnew relationships. I was such a miserable failure for my kids. You can't beat yourself up, Nate.You're allowed to forget the past.Godcertainly has.Paul murdered Christians before he became one, and he didn't flail himself forwhat he'd been before.Everything is forgiven.Show your kids what you arenow.A small fishing boat backed away from the harbor, and turned into the bay.Itwas the only blip on their screen, and they watched with rapt attention.Natethought of Jevy andWelly, back on the river now, guiding a chalana loaded with produce and wares,Page 192ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthe steady knock of the diesel pushing them deep into the Pantanal.Jevy wouldhave the wheel, Welly would be strumming his guitar.All the world was atpeace.Later, long after Phil had gone home, Nate huddled by the fire and begananother letter to Rachel.It was his third.He dated it Saturday, February 22. Dear Rachel, he began. I have just spent a very unpleasant week with yourbrothers and sisters.He talked about them, beginning with Troy Junior and ending three pages laterwithRamble.He was honest about their shortcomings and the damage they wouldinflict on themselves and others if they got the money.And he was sympathetictoo.He was sending a check to World Tribes for five thousand dollars for a boat, amotor, and medical supplies.There was plenty more if she needed.The intereston her fortune was about two million dollars a day, he informed her, so a lotof good things could be done with the money.HARK GETTYS and his conspirators at law blundered badly when they terminatedthe services of Drs.Flowe, Zadel, and Theishen.The lawyers had rebuked thedoctors, offended them, and caused irreparable damage.The new batch of psychiatrists had the benefit of Snead's newly fabricatedtestimony upon which to create their opinions.Flowe, Zadel, and Theishen didnot.When Nate deposed them Monday, he followed the same script with allthree.He began with Zadel, and showed him the video of the examination of Mr.Phelan.He asked him if he had any reason to alter his opinions.Zadel, asexpected, said no [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.They gazed at the bay before them,at the harbor and the choppy waters be-yond.Conversation crept upoccasionally, but there was a lot of silence.Phil knew his friend hadsuffered a bad week.By now, Nate had told him most of the details of thePhelan mess.Theirs was a confidential relationship. I'm planning a road trip, Nate announced quietly. Wanna come? To where? I need to see my kids.I have two younger ones, Austin and Angela, in Salem,Oregon.I'll probably go there first.My older son is a grad student atNorthwestern inEvanston, and I have a daughter in Pittsburgh.It'll be a nice little tour. How long? There's no rush.A couple of weeks.I'm driving. When did you see them last? It's been over a year since I've seen Daniel and Kait-lin, the two from myfirst marriage.I took the two younger ones to an Orioles game last July.Igot drunk and didn't remember driving back to Arlington. Do you miss them? Sure, I guess.Truth is, I never spent much time with them.I know so littleabout them. You were working hard. I was, and I was drinking even harder.I was never at home.On those rareoccasions when I could take off, I would go to Vegas with the boys, or golfingor deep-sea fishing in the Bahamas.I never took the kids. You can't change that. No, I can't.Why don't you come with me? We could talk for hours. Thanks, but I can't leave.I've finally built some momentum in the basement.I'd hate to lose it.Nate had seen the basement earlier in the day.There was evidence of momentum.Phil's only child was a twenty-something drifter who'd flunked out of collegeand fled to the West Coast.Laura had let it slip that they had no idea wherethe kid was.He hadn't called home in over a year. Do you expect the trip to be successful? Phil asked.166 I'm not sure what to expect.I want to hug my kids and apologize for beingsuch a lousy father, but I'm not sure how that's supposed to help them now. I wouldn't do that.They know you've been a lousy father.Flogging yourselfwon't help.But it's important to be there, to take the first step in buildingnew relationships. I was such a miserable failure for my kids. You can't beat yourself up, Nate.You're allowed to forget the past.Godcertainly has.Paul murdered Christians before he became one, and he didn't flail himself forwhat he'd been before.Everything is forgiven.Show your kids what you arenow.A small fishing boat backed away from the harbor, and turned into the bay.Itwas the only blip on their screen, and they watched with rapt attention.Natethought of Jevy andWelly, back on the river now, guiding a chalana loaded with produce and wares,Page 192ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthe steady knock of the diesel pushing them deep into the Pantanal.Jevy wouldhave the wheel, Welly would be strumming his guitar.All the world was atpeace.Later, long after Phil had gone home, Nate huddled by the fire and begananother letter to Rachel.It was his third.He dated it Saturday, February 22. Dear Rachel, he began. I have just spent a very unpleasant week with yourbrothers and sisters.He talked about them, beginning with Troy Junior and ending three pages laterwithRamble.He was honest about their shortcomings and the damage they wouldinflict on themselves and others if they got the money.And he was sympathetictoo.He was sending a check to World Tribes for five thousand dollars for a boat, amotor, and medical supplies.There was plenty more if she needed.The intereston her fortune was about two million dollars a day, he informed her, so a lotof good things could be done with the money.HARK GETTYS and his conspirators at law blundered badly when they terminatedthe services of Drs.Flowe, Zadel, and Theishen.The lawyers had rebuked thedoctors, offended them, and caused irreparable damage.The new batch of psychiatrists had the benefit of Snead's newly fabricatedtestimony upon which to create their opinions.Flowe, Zadel, and Theishen didnot.When Nate deposed them Monday, he followed the same script with allthree.He began with Zadel, and showed him the video of the examination of Mr.Phelan.He asked him if he had any reason to alter his opinions.Zadel, asexpected, said no [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]