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.""It ripped Fletcher apart.How did you kill it?""I have been trained to fight," she said."Don't gull me, lady," he said."Fletcher could fight and it ripped him apartlike a small boy tortures a fly.I saw you thrown against a wall so hard everybone in your body should be broken.I saw you hit back with blows that wouldsmash ship's timbers.How did you do it? What are you?"She hung her head and tears rolled down her cheeks.She began to shake again."Please, Captain, no more," she said.Damnation, thought William.How does one deal with a weeping woman? To bullyher further would be intolerable.He pulled her closer to him and she put herhead on his chest."Hush, milady," he said."You are quite safe.On my life,no one will hurt you." He meant every word.The party leftLondon by Aldgate.This time the sergeant just waved themthrough.They clattered into the Tower over the stone entranceway.Williamswung Lucy down one-handed,then dismounted.Page 150 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html'He really is quite dashing,' thought Lilith, admiringly.Lucy ignored her.She was beginning to suspect that Lilith was a flirt."Hand the horses over to the stable lads," William said to his men.The captain looked around.All was quiet except for the routine patrols."Ididn't expect the Mayor with a band but you think that someone might have comeout to meet us.That prissy secretary of his might have shown his face, if notWalsingham himself.""Um, Captain, I have a small confession to make," said Lucy, diffidently.William looked at her suspiciously.She stood in front of him with her headdown and her hands clasped together in front of her.She looked sweet andinnocent.William strongly suspected that he was about to be gulled.He alsosuspected that she was going to get away with it."Sir Francis knew nothing about our little enterprise tonight.Informationreached me from.from a personal source.I wasn't entirely open withyou."William sighed."I realised that as soon as I recognised you, Lady Dennys.Icannot imagine Sir Francis sending his niece to hunt demons, whatever specialabilities she might have.""It might be best if we all forgot my participation.You and your gallantcrew must take all credit for hunting down the monster," said Lucy, firmly."I like not taking the glory for this, milady.I did no more than watch.However, for your sake, I will do it," said William.The boatswain walked up to William and saluted."Begging your pardon, Cap'n.But the men are too awake now to sleep.We thought we might have a victoryparty.The men have asked me to invite you and the lady." He nodded at Lucy."Oh no, I couldn't," said Lucy."With respect, ma'am.It wouldn't be the same without you.You making the killan all," said the boatswain.Lucy looked helplessly at William."I would be happy to escort you, milady,"He said.She still looked doubtful.William had a sudden inspiration."Perhapsyour maid should attend you."The girl brightened up immediately.William had guessed right.For form'ssake, she needed a chaperone."Yes, I will bring Millie.I will just go andchange, Captain, and come back with my maid.""You may fetch some kegs from my personal stocks, boatswain.I also need toattend to a few details, so I will escort the Lady Dennys back to her quartersand be back directly," said William.He dropped Lucy off at Walsingham's apartments and hurried to his chambernearby.As an officer, he bedded down with the gentlefolk.William hurriedlytook off his sea gear and put on a gentleman's outfit.He considered shavingbut thought the risk off cutting his own throat in the dark too great.Howhandsome would he look with blood dripping down his shirt? No, he would haveto settle for the rugged man-of-action appearance.The ship's barber hadshaved him but six days ago so he was still reasonably groomed.Page 151 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlWilliam hurried back to the barracks.The buzz of sound and laughter greetedhim.Men cheered when he entered.Nothing was sweeter than a victory party.Hewaved his hands for silence."Now, men.You have chosen to invite Lady Dennysand she will be here shortly.She is a real live lady so I expect a bit ofdecorum." A man cheered and waved his beer mug."Yes, even from you, Richards.After a few drinks, I will escort her back to gentlefolk country and then youmay revert back to the bunch of lewd rogues that I know you to be.But untilthat time, I want you to be gentler than an Italian dancing master."The boastswain indicated the door.Millie had tentatively put her head round.She signalled to William.He hurried out to find Lucy waiting for him in thedark."Milady," he said and offered his arm.She took it and they swept in tothe candlelit interior, Millie following.Lucy had combed her hair and changedinto a blue court dress with white petticoats.The sea dogs drew back soWilliam could escort her up the long room to the drinks.William stole aglance as they entered the light.She took his breath away.They paraded thelength of the room.The men clapped and whistled.Lucy tossed her hair andgrinned.A sailor put a mug of beer in her hand.He held up a mug of his own and thedin quietened."Lady Dennys," he said."Lady Dennys," the sea dogs roared back and they drank deeply from theirmugs.She held her mug up."The bold men of theSwallow ," she said.They cheeredand drank again.Lucy and William retired to some chairs in the corner."Thank you for coming,milady.It means a lot to the men.""Not at all, Captain.I shall dine out on how I attended a victory party ofbold sea rovers with only my maid to protect me.I shall fair give otherladies the vapours."Her eyes danced.With Lucy, William reflected that one was never far fromlaughter.He had thought that she made sport of him, particularly, but now hethought she just made sport of the world."Your boatswain is entertaining my maid, I see," said Lucy, dryly.William looked.The boatswain had his arm around the young girl while heexplained some feat with vigorous motions of his other hand."Mmm," saidWilliam, noncommittally.The door opened again and Simon and Gwilym strolled in to investigate thenoise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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