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.Milton Kline.CHAPTER 2The origins of the CIA's ARTICHOKE program and accounts of theearly testing came from the following Agency Documents # 192, 15January 1953; #3,17 May 1949; A/B, I, 8/1, 24 February 1949; February10, 1951 memo on Special Interrogations (no document #); A/B, II,30/2, 28 September 1949; #5, 15 August 1949; #8, 27 September 1949;#6, 23 August 1949; #13, 5 April 1950; #18, 9 May 1950; #142 (trans-mittal slip), 19 May 1952; #124, 25 January 1952; A/B, IV, 23/32, 3March 1952; #23, 21 June 1950; #10, 27 February 1950; #37, 27 Octo-ber 1950; A/B, I, 39/1, 12 December 1950; A/B, II, 2/2, 5 March 1952;A/B, II, 2/1, 15 February 1952; A/B, V, 134/3, 3 December 1951; A/B, I,38/5, 1 June 1951; and #400, undated, "Specific Cases of OverseasTesting and Applications of Behavioral Drugs."The documents were supplemented by interviews with Ray Cline,Harry Rositzke, Michael Burke, Hugh Cunningham, and several otherex-CIA men who asked to remain anonymous.The Final Report of theSelect Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect toIntelligence (henceforth called the Church Committee Report) pro-vided useful background. NOTES 217Documents giving background on terminal experiments include#A/B, II, 10/57; #A/B, II, 10/58, 31 August, 1954; #A/B, II, 10/ 17, 27September 1954; and #A/B, I, 76/4, 21 March 1955.CHAPTER 3The primary sources for the material on Professor Wendt's trip toFrankfurt were Dr.Samuel V.Thompson then of the Navy, the CIApsychiatric consultant, several of Wendt's former associates, as well asthree CIA documents that described the testing: Document #168, 19September 1952, Subject: "Project LGQ"; Document # 168, 18 Septem-ber 1952, Subject: Field Trip of ARTICHOKE team, 20 August-Septem-ber 1952; and #A/B, II, 33/21, undated, Subject: Special Comments.Information on the Navy's Project CHATTER came from theChurch Committee Report, Book I, pp.337-38.Declassified NavyDocuments N-23, February 13, 1951, Subject: Procurement of CertainDrugs; N-27, undated, Subject: Project CHATTER; N-29, undated, Sub-ject: Status Report: Studies of Motion Sickness, Vestibular Function,and Effects of Drugs; N-35, October 27, 1951, Interim Report; N-38, 30September, 1952, Memorandum for File; and N-39, 28 October, 1952,Memorandum for File.The information on the heroin found in Wendt's safe comes fromthe Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, October 2,1977 and consider-able background on Wendt's Rochester testing program was found inthe Rochester Times-Union, January 28, 1955.The CIA quote on her-oin came from May 15,1952 OSI Memorandum to the Deputy Director,CIA, Subject: Special Interrogation.Information on the Agency's interest in amnesia came from 14 Janu-ary 1952 memo, Subject: BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE, Proposed Re-search; 7 March 1951, Subject: Informal Discussion with Chief [de-leted] Regarding "Disposal"; 1 May 1951, Subject: Recommendationfor Disposal of Maximum Custody Defectors; and # A/B, I, 75/13, un-dated, Subject: Amnesia.The quote from Homer on nepenthe was found in Sidney Cohen'sThe Beyond Within: The LSD Story (New York: Atheneum, 1972).The section on control came from interviews with John Stockwelland several other former CIA men.CHAPTER 4The description of Robert Hyde's first trip came from interviews withDr.Milton Greenblatt, Dr.J.Herbert DeShon, and a talk by Max Rin- 218 NOTESkel at the 2nd Macy Conference on Neuropharmacology, pp.235-36,edited by Harold A.Abramson, 1955: Madison Printing Company.The descriptions of TSS and Sidney Gottlieb came from interviewswith Ray Cline, John Stockwell, about 10 other ex-CIA officers, andother friends of Gottlieb.Memos quoted on the early MKULTRA program include Memoran-dum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, 4/3/53, Tab A, pp.1-2 (quotedin Church Committee Report, Book I); APF A-l, April 13, 1953, Memo-randum for Deputy Director (Administration, Subject: Project MKUL-TRA Extremely Sensitive Research and Development Program;#A/B,I,64/6, 6 February 1952, Memorandum for the Record, Subject:Contract with [deleted] #A/B,I,64/29, undated, Memorandum forTechnical Services Staff, Subject: Alcohol Antagonists and Accelera-tors, Research and Development Project.The Gottlieb quote is fromHearing before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Researchof the Senate Committee on Human Resources, September 21,1977, p.206.The background data on LSD came particularly from The BeyondWithin: The LSD Story by Sidney Cohen (New York: Atheneum, 1972).Other sources included Origins of Psychopharmacology: From CPZ toLSD by Anne E.Caldwell (Springfield, 111.: Charles C [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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