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.html (330 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:36file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html"This is correct, Rinteel."The Indowy thought about that, then asked, "Are there Posleen ships aboutoverhead, Brünnhilde?""There are, Rinteel.I surmise they are not finishing us off because we appearto be dead.The enemy flyers have likewise withdrawn.After the hit that gotthrough I let my close-in defense weapons go silent to fool them.This waspart of my survival programming, though I note that it is a war crime underinternational law."Dead? Dead? I do not want to die.And yet, if I must."How many projectiles do you retain for your main battery, Brünnhilde?""I have one hundred and forty-seven KE projectiles, DU-AM, Rinteel.Plusfifty-nine antipersonnel canister.""And how long would it take you to expend all but two of the KE?"Slightly more than one hour, Rinteel.""And then you will be able to engage your survival program?""Yes, Rinteel."Again the Indowy stopped speaking to allow himself to think.When he hadfinished he asked, "Can you distinguish the color of the sky, Brünnhilde?""I can.""Can you note the color of the earth?""Yes, Rinteel.""Can you change colors in your perceptions? Modify what you perceive?"file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (331 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:36file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html"I can.""Good.I want you to modify your perceptions such that the earth and sky areall green.""Very well, Rinteel.I have done so.""Good.very good.Thank you, Brünnhilde.What colors remain?""Just the silver shapes of the Posleen warships.""Excellent.Now, Brünnhilde, I want you to expend all but two of your remaining KE projectiles.But youare not to aim at the green."Instantly the tank's railgun raised to near vertical, the turret swerved, andPage 203 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthe tank itself began to shudder with the pulses of death being sent aloft.The Indowy smiled then; madness had overtaken him fully despite hisphilosophical sleight of hand.When the tank was finally destroyed byPosleen counterfire, he would still be smiling.* * *Spandau Prison, Berlin, Germany, 5 March 2008The sound of alien claws on the concrete floors and reverberating off of thestone walls and steel doors of the ancient prison filled Günter Stössel withdread.The guards were gone; had left laughing, in fact, over the presumed fate ofthe charges they were deliberately abandoning to the Posleen.Neither pleasnor offers moved the warders.Though noSigrunen flashed from their collars they were perhaps more in tune with themindset of many of those who had worn the double lightning flashes in earliertimes.Certainly they were pitiless with those of the prisoners who were servingsentences for collusion with the Darhel.file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (332 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:36file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.htmlShivering in his cell, for without the prison staff the heat had shut down,Günter started at the sound of screaming coming from down the corridor andaround a bend.The words of the screamer, to the extent there were words, wereindistinct.Most of the sound, in any case, was a mindless howl, pleading forlife.The howl suddenly cut off.Günter thought he might have heard the sound ofsomething hitting the concrete floor, but could not be sure.He was sure thathe did hear a concerto of snarling, snapping feasting.He also heard many morescreams and pleas, and more articulate ones, coming from other prisoners.The sounds of claws on concrete came a bit closer.The screaming pleas, suchas one might have heard in some nineteenth-century madhouse, grew ever louderand ever closer.The Posleen cosslain, when it came to Günter's cell and blasted the lock onthe door, found him hiding under a blanket in a far corner of the cell.The cosslain simply removed the blanket and dragged him by the hair to thecorridor outside, where all could feed without the jostling that often led tointernal fighting among the People.After the terrified wait, after the growing concert of shrieking and pleadingand the patter of falling heads, Günter was no doubt quite mad by the time thePosleen arrived at his cell.When the cosslain drew his boma blade and sweptit through Günter's neck, severing head from torso, Günter was as indifferentas was the cosslain.* * *Stockholm, Sweden, 12 March 2008"All is lost," muttered the chancellor hopelessly.Mühlenkampf shrugged in his hospital bed [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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