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.S.something tocenter around and while training had been spotty the response had beenenthusiastic.Enthusiastic enough that despite increases in production, therewas a nationwide shortage of ammunition, which was one of many"survival" items that, as predicated, had been heating up the inflationaryindexes."Hold on, General, I'm putting Vicki on the speaker.Okay, go ahead, Vicki.General Mitchell is here and has just suggested that I be moved to a safelocation.""Hello Kevin," the NSA's voice said over the phone."I agree Mr.President.Wedo not know where these things will come down and what they will do, but itlooks like it's happening now.""Mr.President," Kevin interjected."I think it's time to alert the EmergencyBroadcast System while there still is one and we should try to get some reconsomehow on where these things are coming down, assuming they plan to hit likethey did on the Moon.""Mr.President, I was just handed a projection from Ronny Guerrero's group atNeighborhoodWatch," Vicki said."At the rate of loss of satellites, they predict that allPage 93 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsatellites will be lost within the next hour.And that means all manmadesatellites, not just U.S.assets.""There goes CNN," the President said with a faint, grim smile."Mr.President, your orders, sir?" The general stood at ease in front of hisdesk.He seemed calm.But, then, he'd probably mentally prepared for this moment for a long time."What was it the man said? 'I knew this would come, but not so soon'? Whew."The Presidentlooked around the Oval Office and sighed.He picked up a small metal pictureframe containing a photo of his wife, son, and daughter and placed it in hiscoat pocket."Okay.Evacuate the White House and have the civil defense plansput into place.Vicki, we'll meet you at Air Force One.""Yes, sir, Mr.President.I'm leaving now."Kevin led the President to the door and informed the Secret Service guardsthere, "Evacuate theWhite House.We're moving the President to the safe location." The SecretService bodyguards went into immediate action.* * *Tina and Charlotte were watching television from their apartment just outsidethe Army base inHuntsville.Alice and John were on base, where they had been assigned sincethe President's speech that warned the world of the alien threat.Tina'sbrother Carl had decided to move in with their dad.Since the President's speech Tina and Charlotte had been glued to thetelevision as had most of the world trying to learn any and everything theycould about the alien threat.The news media had used military analysts,scientists, and, most effectively, science fiction writers for possiblespeculation about the aliens.The program Tina and Charlotte were watching was nothing more than themillionth reiteration of things that had already been discussed to death.Butthen* * *"We interrupt this program to issue the following warning from the EmergencyBroadcast System.The Emergency Broadcast System has been authorized by thePresident of the United States of America to issue the Emergency EvacuationandShelter Plan as designated for the pending alien threat.Please respond inaccordance with your predetermined evacuation protocol and report to yourdesignated shelter area.We'll continue this broadcast and issue moreinformation as "The screen abruptly went black.A few moments later a local news anchorwoman,looking flustered, sat down at a desk."We seem to be having technical difficulties with our satellite system," thewoman said, blinking rapidly and then looking off to the side."We'll be usingthe ground links to the Emergency BroadcastSystem to update you.Stay tuned to this station for further word on the alieninvasion."* * *"Let's go, girls," Alice yelled at the two teenagers to hurry into the Humvee."Ma'am, we really need to get back to the base ASAP," Master Sergeant Cadyurged her."Roger that, Thomas.Girls! Now!" She yelled as Tina and Charlotte rushed outthe door of the apartment and Tina started back up the stairs as if she hadforgotten something but then she thought better of it, adjusted her backpack,and continued into the vehicle.The base was buzzing with excitement and there were convoys of militaryvehicles on every roadway.Page 94 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHelicopters were buzzing in and out overhead as Cady drove Alice and the teensto the shelter on theRedstone Arsenal.The shelters were built back during the Cold War but since then had been usedas storage facilities for explosives and chemicals.When the news of thethreat of an alien invasion was released, every oldCold War fallout shelter and civil defense location across the country wasrefurbished and brought back online as part of the shelter system for thepopulace.The shelter system on the military base was assignedto the personnel involved with the local contingents of Neighborhood Watch andAsymmetric Soldier and their families.Alice, the girls, and Sergeant Cady met John Fisher in one of the makeshiftcontrol rooms for the ISRdata analysis team [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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