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. So you remember I told you that I had a surprise for you, right?Wes asked. Yes you mean there s more? Because I really liked the surpriseI just got. Well, yes, there are more surprises for you.I m going to cookyou dinner, I mean really cook dinner this time.We ll have a little morechampagne, and then we ll have chocolate cake with buttercreamfrosting. Wes, how did you know it was my birthday? Mac told me.Ty shook his head and smiled. Mac told you?Wes nodded.Ty kissed Wes gently on the mouth. This could possibly be thebest birthday I ve ever had. That s what I m aiming for, Wes admitted. Can I make one request?  Anything. Let s skip dinner, eat cake, and drink champagne stark naked inbed. Now that sounds like fun! You stay there, I ll be right back.Wes threw on a pair of boxers and went downstairs to retrieve thecake, plates, forks, candles, the rest of the champagne, and the Cartiercuff links.He reappeared five minutes later with a large tray.Wesdimmed the lights and filled the room with soft candlelight.He lit the three candles on the cake one for the past, one for thepresent, and one for the future. Your cake, birthday boy.Now make awish. My wish has already come true, Ty whispered.Wes smiled. Happy Birthday, Ty.Wes cut a large piece of cake and handed it to Ty.He refreshedTy s champagne glass, crawled back in bed, and leaned back againstthe pillows. Open your present he said, nodding toward the small,wrapped gift box on the nightstand. You bought me a present? Ty asked as he reached for the box.He opened the gift and lifted the cuff links from the box. Wes, theseare beautiful.Cartier? Yep, I hope you like them. I love them and I ll plan to wear them to the opening.By theway, why did you say you wanted me to keep tomorrow open?Wes smiled and nodded. Because we re going fishing tomorrow.Just the two of us well, and the captain of the boat I chartered. You are full of surprises, Ty said as he leaned over to lick apiece of buttercream frosting from Wes s face. And you re tasty too. Thanks.So you re good with the fishing trip? Wes asked. Good, are you serious? I m better than good, I m great.I love tofish. Then it s a date. Chapter Fifteen THERE they are, at the bar, Wes said to Ty as they walked throughthe door at Vittorio s the following evening.They walked over andgreeted their friends. Hey! I was just beginning to worry that you two had capsizedtoday, Mac admitted. How was the fishing?Wes noticed that Mac and Brad were staring at them intently andthen looking back and forth at each other and smiling.They know! Howcan they know? Best fishing trip of my life, Mac, Ty said, smiling from ear toear. Well, hold the details until we re all seated.Why don t you takecare of the bar tab, Brad, and I ll tell the hostess that we re all here.Once they were seated, Brad signaled the waiter over. I think anice bottle of champagne is in order, he said as he smiled into hismenu.Ty and Wes moved their chairs a little closer together.Bradlooked up from the menu and a smile spread slowly on his face. Capital idea, Mac said as he nudged Brad under the table withhis foot.Mac looked from Ty to Wes to Brad. Okay, now that we resettled, Brad, Ty mentioned that today s fishing was  the best trip of hislife.So what did you catch? Nothing. Nothing? You caught nothing? Uh& no. What happened? Ty and Wes collapsed in a fit of laughter and began to tell Macand Brad about their day together. Well, Ty said,  I was so excited about this fishing trip and, helooked at Wes,  and he was so kind to have arranged this for me, that Idecided to help him with some of the basics, since I ve learned that heis basically a landlubber.They all chuckled. So we go out about three miles, Ty continued,  and the captaingets his line baited, and we talk about what you do if you get a bite.Ty paused as the waiter arrived and opened their celebratorychampagne.While the waiter was filling everyone s flute, Wes couldn t helpbut gaze at Ty.For all he cared, there could have been no one else inthe room and he would have been thrilled.Out of the corner of his eye,he could see Mac glancing at Brad, who winked back.We re so busted! Anyway, Ty continued,  Wes s never been deep-sea fishingbefore, so he had all sorts of questions.I explained there were threebaited lines dragging on either side of the boat for each of us, and wewould simply get strapped into our chairs and wait.Once one of ourlines got a bite, the line would be transferred to our fishing gear and wewould haul it in.So I got strapped in and we waited.Now mind you,Wes and I are sitting, what, maybe four feet from one another and forthe entire afternoon I did not get one nibble, but Wes here caught notone but two king mackerel! I felt so bad, Wes added. I d arranged this trip for Ty sbirthday, so I suggested that we switch chairs, since the fish onlyseemed interested in a certain area of the water.He reluctantly agreedand we switched chairs and oh, by the way, the captain thought wewere nuts and&. Wes paused because he was laughing so hard, hecouldn t finish the story.Ty took the lead and brought the story home. And then Wes gota third hit while sitting in my chair!Wes tried to regain his composure and shrugged. I didn t get thatone in, though.But you know, I think I like fishing. Mac looked at the two men. Sounds like you two had a prettyeventful day.Wes and Ty smiled. Yeah, but that s not the half of it.Brad and Mac looked at each again and leaned in. Do tell, Bradsaid with a wink. So we have something to announce, Wes said. We, uh, I guessyou could say that we are, well, a couple.Ty grinned and nodded. I knew it! Mac exclaimed. Didn t I see this one coming,Brad?Brad lifted his champagne glass. We re very happy for both ofyou. Thank you, Ty said. Having Wes in my life is the best birthdaygift of all. Come on, details, Mac teased. Let s order dinner and we ll tell you the entire story.And& bythe way, the veal osso buco is a personal favorite of mine, he said ashe turned and smiled at Wes.ALICIA woke with a start and glanced at her alarm clock before sherealized that it was Saturday.She smiled, closed her eyes, and fell backinto her pillow.Light rain was falling against the large east-facingwindow, and Alicia drew the covers up over her shoulders and listenedto the gentle tap, tap, tap of the rainfall.It had been an incredibly hecticweek, but now that her father was settled at Riverside, she could takethe entire day for herself.She was so looking forward to the galleryopening that evening and began to think about the appointments shehad scheduled for the day her spin class at ten o clock, a manicureand pedicure at one, and lastly, a stop at Fancy Feathers to pick up thedress and shoes she would wear that evening.Her dress had cost asmall fortune, but, she reasoned, if it delivered the desired results, itwould be worth every penny.Alicia closed her eyes and took a deepbreath.Who knows? Maybe Wes and I will end up back here thisevening.As she thought about the prospect of Wes spending the night, Alicia began to giggle.I ll change the sheets just in case, she thoughtas she jumped out of bed to start her day.WES looked through the French doors at the gray and churning ocean. Well, looks as though the weather guys got this one right [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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