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Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlSarah could tell by the look on John's face that the thought gave him scant comfort.MASSACHUSETTS"I think I read in the worst-case-scenario handbook that if you have to crawl through a tunnel for anylength of time you shouldn't crawl on your elbows and knees 'cause the skin's thin there.So you shouldpush yourself along with your palms and your feet, suspending the rest of your body as much as you can."Snog looked over his shoulder toward Terri Neal's voice; she was puffing a bit Terri washeavyset and that let him locate her; right behind his feet, in the Stygian, smelly darkness of the drain."Idon't think I could do that," he said.I think it would give me a heart attack if I tried.He was dirty and soaked with sweat and no doubt smelled even worse than the drainage tunnel theywere crawling through.This was no time to try Superman stunts."Then maybe the next time we come to a place we can stand up, we should rip up a blanket and makepadding for our knees and elbows," Terri suggested."The book said that otherwise we'd be hamburgerin no time.I'm paraphrasing, of course."A long line of mumbled "uh-huhs," broke out behind Snog.She had a good point, and though he hated to sacrifice a blanket, he figured they'd better do it."Look," Professor Clark said, "we can't crawl all the way to Maine.Even if these tunnels do connect forthat distance.Does anybody even know where we are?"He sounded pretty testy, not that Snog could blame him.The guy was at least fifty and pretty near filledthe tunnel they were crawling through.Still, Snog was glad to have recruited him.Clark was a professorof engineering; that would come in handy.Leanne Chu, somewhere behind Clark, was a professor ofchemistry.They'd also picked up fifteen other students who were willing to take a chance on the sewers.Snog was glad to have all of them along.He felt the weight of responsibility already and it made him aware of things they lacked.He kept thinkingthey needed rope for some reason.Terri had raided the Evian machine and had made each of them takeas many bottles of water as they could carry.It was already apparent that they might not have enough.There were three handguns and six boxes of ammunition in his backpack; Snog figured that if the othersknew about them, they'd freak.Especially the professors.But it was the one thing John had insisted on."Whatever else you take with you," he'd said, "be sure and have a weapon.'Cause if you meet up withsomeone who has one and you don't, you're dead meat."Better safe than sorry, Snog had figured.His family had always owned guns, so he saw them as toolsand not icons of evil like the rest of his college friends seemed to.Of course, it is a shame that they're available to nuts and criminals as though they were lollipops.But in this situation he was glad to have them.He'd have been even gladder to have some explosives andmaybe an antitank launcher.Finally they came to a place where they could stand up; three drainage tunnels met in a round concrete Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlsilo-type arrangement.The floor was dirt over concrete; deep, sticky black mud, in fact.He tried not tothink what had crawled in and died in it, because he could plainly smell something had fairly recently, ifthe molecules were getting through his shock-stunned sinuses.Carl, Yam, and Brad hoisted him up to where he could look around, wobbling as he stood on theirlinked hands.He pried the heavy cover up, wincing as the rusty edges cut into his sore palms, and lookedout the crack."We're out of the city," he said."It looks like an old suburban development big yards."There was a general sigh of relief."I'm not seeing any vehicles from here," he said.There were chuckles of pleasure at that."Just trees,roads, and the odd roof.""Can you see where we are?" Dr.Clark asked."No, sir.I'll have to get out and take a look around."It was not going to be easy.The manhole cover must weigh seventy pounds or more.Necessary, hesupposed: how else were they going to keep enterprising young men, such as himself, from messingaround with them otherwise?With his friends propping him up, he braced his feet and hands against the sides of the hole and liftedwith his back, straining upward as hard as he could.Just as he was about to give up, he felt it move,grating in its groove, a small shower of sand and gravel poured over his helpers, causing them to splutterand curse.Finally he managed to work it over to one side, and it fell with a dullclunk.As he stood on his friends' shoulders, panting, he braced his hands on the rim and looked around.Uh-oh.It hit him like a pail of ice water.I've forgotten the machines.Any number of them could have crept up on him while he was struggling.His knees went weak for amoment."Hey!" Carl protested as Snog's weight shifted."You okay?""Yeah.I'm gonna take a look around." Snog hoisted himself out of the manhole and scurried towardsome bushes in front of a house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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