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. Not what I expected, Ordóñez said. Is that true, David?Yung nodded. Then I apologize, Ordóñez said. I had decided that you were entirelycapable of doing something like that, and probably had.But I couldn t figurePage 250 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlout why. Done something like what? At eleven o clock this morning, I was summoned together with the minister ofthe interior to the Foreign Ministry.The President was there.They had justbeen on a conference call with our ambassador to Washington.He reported thatyour secretary of State had requested a, quote, personal service, unquote,from him, and requested that he receive her at his earliest convenience.Halfan hour later, she was at our embassy.She told him that she was very deeplyconcerned about the welfare of Ambassador Lorimer and his wife, who againsther advice and wishes were already on their way to Estancia Shangri-La.Shesaid the ambassador has a serious heart condition, which had been almostcertainly exacerbated by the loss first of his son and then of his home in NewOrleans during Hurricane Katrina. She asked, as a personal request, not as the secretary of State, that we dowhatever we could for Ambassador Lorimer and his wife. He paused. ThePresident thought that was amusing. Amusing? He said the lady may have gone to see the ambassador as a private citizen,but that inasmuch as she is the secretary of State, your American eagle wassitting on her shoulder. I ll tell you what I know, José, Castillo said. She likes AmbassadorLorimer.I don t even know how she knows him, but she likes him.She doesn twant him down here, she told him that personally, and she sent me toMississippi where he and his wife were staying with Masterson s widow and herfather to talk him out of coming.I couldn t.My only connection with this wasto send my airplane, the Gulfstream, to bring them here.That would at leastspare them the hassle of going through airports. So, what I m saying is that your ambassador got what he saw, a very nice ladyworried about a nice old man.She had no other agenda. And what are you going to tell this nice old man about your plans forEstancia Shangri-La? Have you considered that? He knows, Castillo said. He knows? Ordóñez asked, incredulously. That was my hole card in trying to talk him out of coming.I played it.Andit didn t work. Well, let me tell you how this very nice lady s concern for a nice old man isgoing to complicate things for you, Castillo.The President not my chief, theinterior minister, and not the foreign minister, but my president pointed afinger at me and told me I was now responsible for the comfort and safety ofAmbassador Lorimer and his wife as long as they are in Uruguay.If I don tbelieve I can adequately protect them with any of our police agencies, it canbe arranged for a company of our infantry to conduct routine maneuvers nearEstancia Shangri-La for as long as necessary. To spare the ambassador and his wife the long ride by car from here to theestancia and to preclude any chance of a mishap on the road I am to suggest tothem that they accept the President s offer of his personal helicopter  hepointed at the Aerospatiale Dauphin  to transport them to the estancia. By the time the helicopter would have reached Shangri-La this was theinterior minister s  suggestion  I would have ensured that the estancia hadbeen visited by appropriate police officials under my command to make surethere were no security problems.He paused.Castillo thought, He s actually out of breath! You sound as if there s some reason you can t do that, Castillo said. Can t do what? Take the Lorimers to the estancia in the President s helicopter. How are you going to take them there in the dark? Ordóñez said, gesturing. Speaking hypothetically, of course, I think that would pose no problem.Whatyou do is fly there, and when people on the estancia, who are expecting you,hear you overhead, they turn on the headlights of their cars, which have beenPage 251 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlpositioned to light the field near the house.And then you land. How are you going to find Shangri-La? GPS. The Aerospatiale doesn t have it.I asked. I do, Castillo said. Lester, show the chief inspector the laptop [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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