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.TEST 15TEST 15I.Put one correct word in eachgap.1.My brother learned to write at the.of five.2.`Who did you speak.yesterday?' `My boss.'3.That man is famous.writing children's books.4.Leave me alone.I'm not in the mood.playing your games.5.I'd like to travel all.the world, that's why I'm collecting money.6.We didn't pay much for the car because it's not new.It's.-hand.7.Tom and Jerry have known each other.school time.8.`What did you waste your pocket money.this time?' `Sweets as usual.'9.Where have you been? I haven't seen you.ages.10.The famous film star died.drug overdose.That's at least what people say.II.Put the words in the correctform.1.I hate sleeping in this bed.It's very.COMFORT2.The Hogans got divorced because their.wasn't MARRYsuccessful.3.The performance was a complete.Nobody FAILenjoyed it.4.The smell inside the restaurant was so.that we PLEASEleft immediately without even asking for the menu card.5.Jenny has had that scar on her face since.CHILD6.The.in Africa results in extreme malnutrition.POOR7.He never goes out.His.life is rather poor.SOCIETY8.The little boy was crying because he had been given PAINa.injection.9.One of the runners was.for using illegal medical QUALIFYsupport.10.is an active way of spending your free time but it MOUNTAINcan be very exhausting.III.Write in the correctwords.1.Paul Newman started his professional _ _ r _ _ _ in 1946.2.There have been at least six anti-government demonstrations in many _ _ _ _ s of the country since the beginning of this year.3.All our neighbours, _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ Mr Johnson, came to wish us all the best, which was a nice surprise to us.4.People can't survive without _ x _ _ _ _ and that's why divers need breathing equipment.5.After my third divorce, I lost my _ a _ _ h in love until the day I met Muriel and fell in love again.6.It's a _ _ _ m _ that you didn't apologise to Mary for cheating on her.7.I didn't _ _ _ _ g _ _ s _ Mark at the airport.He's changed a lot since we met last time.8.None of us could understand the man's _ p _ _ _ _.He probably spoke with a different dialect.9.Tell me what has happened.I have a _ _ g _ _ to know.I'm your wife.10.Once a year, the best actors, actresses and directors are given the Oscar _ w _ _ _ s.IV.Choose the correctanswer.1.`I'm feeling cold.' `Have some hot tea.It will.you good.'a) do b) contribute c) cause d) make2.It.to me that someone was trying to break into my office.a) observes b) concludes c) appears d) realises3.This is a(n).letter it must be delivered without delay.a) immediate b) urgent c) speedy d) rapid4.We offered Mr Jones a higher salary but he still.to work for us.a) objected b) rejected c) refused d) disapproved5.`How many calories do you consume on.?' `Too many.'a) usual b) common c) habit d) average6.Don't worry about accommodation.We'll.you up in one of our rooms.a) put b) lay c) keep d) fix7.In 1995, my older brother.from Boston university.a) finished b) graduated c) promoted d) departed8.Greg and I met in the cafe by.We hadn't planned it.a) luck b) occasion c) fortune d) chance9.Uncle Jerry is a(n).smoker.He smokes four packets a day.a) permanent b) addictive c) habitual d) endless10.Early in the morning, Ellen.a birth to a wonderful baby boy.a) gave b) provided c) delivered d) bore1 age 2 to/with 3 for 4 for 5 over 6 second 7 since 8 on 9 for 10 of1 uncomfortable 2 marriage 3 failure 4 unpleasant 5 childhood 6 poverty 7 social 8 painful 9 disqualified 10 mountaineering1 career 2 parts 3 including 4 oxygen 5 faith 6 shame 7 recognise 8 speech 9 right 10 awards1A 2C 3B 4C 5D 6A 7B 8D 9C 10A [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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