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."That's nice, but you already have more than enough green in your wardrobe, Sev." She searched through the shirts as she talked."Mum and I were talking and we realized that we can't suddenly switch you to wearing bright colors; that we have to ease you into it." She pulled a silver shirt off the rack and held it up to him."This one looks good on you," She held another shirt of pale yellow shirt up to him."This one looks good also." She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear."And they both look very sexy on you."Severus smiled and replied."Well, in that case I'll just have to buy both of them." One they stepped outside they decided to go to Honeydukes.Lily adored their chocolate bars and so did Severus' mum so he decided to buy her a big bar of Honeydukes Finest Chocolate that weighed at least a pound.He noticed Honeydukes was giving out samples of their newest chocolate creation called the Butterbeer Chocolate Bar.It was a chocolate bar with a butterbeer filling.He pointed it out to Lily."Why don't you get a sample that for your dad? He seems to really enjoy butterbeer and I'll bet he'd like that.""Good idea, Sev, and if he does like it I can get him a couple of big bars of it for Christmas."They looked in some other shops before they decided to go to the Three Broomsticks where they were meeting up with Alice, Frank, Remus, and Missy before heading back to school.The place was packed as usual, but Remus and Missy were already there and had saved a table.Severus looked around and spotted Potter, Pettigrew, and Mary McDonald at a table in the back of the room, but did not see Sirius.As long as Potter and McDonald were together, Severus figured Potter wouldn't be bothering Lily.He spotted Sirius hanging out at the bar flirting with Rosmerta, the bar owner's niece who was in Hufflepuff.Alice and Frank came in, talking animatedly.They spotted the others, waved and made their way over to the table."Looks like somebody's been shopping," Alice commented noticing the bags around Severus and Lily."Yes, I bought two new outfits and Sev bought a couple of new shirts.""Lily picked out the colors," Severus grinned."She's trying to wean me off dark colors.""Let's me see," Alice requested.Severus opened the bag for her and she glanced in it."Oh yeah, those will look really good on you.Too bad you're not a bit tanner though.""I don't tan; I burn and end up looking like a lobster." Severus joked."Me, too," Lily said."Thank goodness for the Muggle invention of sun-bloc!"The girls all decided to visit the loo together.Severus had to wonder why women always had to visit the bathroom in groups.They probably compared notes."So, Remus, are you going to ask Missy to the Yule Ball?" Frank asked."I'd like to.I really enjoy being partners with her in Potions.She very intelligent; she's quiet, but she has this great sense of humor, but not the sick kind like James has though.""I'd ask her as soon as possible before somebody else does," Severus advised.In the bathroom, the three girls were chatting."Have you decided what to get Sev for Christmas, Lily?" Alice asked.Lily sighed."Well, I really want to get him that new book, Moste Ancient Potions.In fact, I have pre-ordered it from Flourish & Blotts.The problem is how do I keep Sev from buying it before I can give it to him for Christmas?""Yeah, that a toughie," Alice replied."I imagine the staff at Flourish & Blotts probably knows Severus so maybe you can suggest they tell him they're sold out and won't have any more copies until after Christmas." Missy suggested."That's a good idea, Missy, thanks!" Lily said."Okay, one problem solved," Alice declared."Now for the next one; how do we convince Remus he should ask you to the Yule Ball, Missy?"At that moment, Mary McDonald entered the bathroom.She turned up her nose at Lily."Oh, it's the Slytherin whore!""Lily can't be, McDonald.Narcissa Black still holds that title," Alice pointed out."I'd rather be that than Potter's whore!" Lily replied sweetly."Come on Lily and Alice, let's get back to our guys," Missy suggested.They left the bathroom."That bitch!" Lily exclaimed angrily."What the hell gives her the right to look down her nose at Sev and me?""Don't pay her any mind.She's just jealous because Sev's gorgeous and she's stuck with a looser like Potter," Alice comforted Lily."She doesn't seem to have the brains to realize Potter's just using her hoping to make you jealous," Missy added.They went back to their table.Rosmerta brought over their order of butterbeers.Severus had to stifle his laugh when Potter slowly sauntered by with his hand practically shoved all the way down the back of McDonald's jeans.Did he really think his action would make Lily so jealous that she immediately grab him and shag him on the nearest table? Potter was obviously more stupid than he looked.Once they were out the door, everybody burst into laughter.Sirius who had been watching joined in with his barking laugh."I can't believe he thought he was going to make you jealous!" Severus said finally catching his breath."What an idiot!" Frank declared.They decided to return to the school [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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