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.They knew what was at stake and what the real dan­gers were.Mkoll and Corporal Baru led the advancing Ghosts along the top of the valley, just under the crest, and past the threatening, tower-haunted steppes of the graven hillside.Scout Trooper Thark was the first to spot it.He voxed back to the command group: a dome, a massive, bulbous dome swelling from the living rock of the cliff face, impossibly carved from granite.Gaunt moved up to see it for himself.It was like some vast stone onion, a thousand metres in diameter, sunk into the stepped rock wall around it, the surface inscribed with billions of obscure sigils and marks.Thark was also the first to die.A storm of autocannon round whipped up the slope, exploding bracken into dust, sp|tting up soil and punching him into four or five bloody parts.At the cue, other weapon placements in the steppe alcoves of the fac­ing cliff opened fire, raining las-fire, bullets and curls of plasma down at the Ghosts.The answering fire laced a spider's web of las-light, tracer lines and firewash between the sides of the valley.The dying began.FourMarshal Gohl Sendak, the so-called Ravager of Genestock Gamma, had abandoned his Command Leviathan to lead his forces from the front.He rode a Leman Russ battle-tank of theBorkellid regiments, heading a fast-moving armoured phalanx that was smashing its way across the rocky-escarpments below the weathered stone structures of Shrine Target Secundus.Laying down a ceaseless barrage, they broke through two lines of crumbling curtain walls and into the lower perimeters of the shrine structure itself.Wide, rubble-strewn slopes faced them, dotted with the lines of those infernal towers.Sendak voxed to the Oudinot infantry at his tail and urged them to fol­low him in.Fire as heavy as he had ever known blazed down from the archways and alcoves facing themSendak felt a dry stinging in his nose, and snorted it away.That damn honeysuckle odour, it was beginning to get to him like it was getting to his men.He felt a wetness heavy his moustache and wiped it.Fresh blood smeared his grey-cloth sleeve.There was more in his mouth and he spat, his ears throbbing.Looking around in the green-lit interior of the tank, he saw all the crew were suffering spontaneous nose-bleeds, or were retching and hacking blood.There was a vibration singing in the air; low, lazy, ugly.Sendak swung the tank's periscope around to scan the scene outside.Something was happening to the lines of towers which flanked them on either side.They were glowing, fulminating with rich curls of vivid damask energy.Mist was columnating around the old stones.'Blood of the Emperor!' Sendak growled, his teeth and lips stained red with his own dark blood.Outside, in the space of a human heartbeat, two things hap­pened.The lines of towers, just ragged rows of stone spines a moment before, exploded into life and became a fence, a rag­ing energy field forty metres tall.Lashing and fizzling lines of force whipped and crackled from tower to tower like giant, supernatural barbed wire.Each tower connected blue and white brambles of curling energy with its neighbour.Any man or machine caught in the line between towers was, in two heartbeats, burned or exploded or ripped into pieces.The rest were penned between the sudden barriers, hemmed in and unable to turn or flank.As the energy wires ignited between the previously dormant stone stacks, something else happened on the flat tops of each tower.In puffs of pinkish, coloured gas, figures appeared on each tower platform.Teleported into place by sciences too darkand heretical for a sane mind to understand, these squads of soldiers instantly deployed heavy weapons on tripods and laid down fire on the penned aggressors beneath them.The Chaos forces were dün, wasted beings in translucent shrouds and scowling masks made of bone.They manned tripod-mounted lascannons, melta-guns and other more arcane field weapons with hands bandaged in soiled strips of plastic.Amongst them were their corrupt commanders, quasi-mechanical Chaos Marines, Obliterators.Sendak screamed orders, trying to turn his advance in the chaos.Two tanks to his right swung blindly round into the nearest energy fence and were obliterated, exploding in huge clouds of flame as their munitions went off.Another tank was riddled with fire from the tops of the two nearest towers.Sendak suddenly found the enemy had heavy weapon emplacements stretching back along the tower-lines around, between and behind his entire column.He almost admired the tactic, but the technology was beyond him, and his eyes were so clouded and swimming with the blood-pain in his sinuses he could barely think.He grabbed the vox-caster horn and fumbled for the command channel.'It's worse than we feared! They are luring us in and using unholy science to bracket us and cut us to pieces! Inform all assault forces! The towers are death! The towers are death!'A cannon round punched through the turret and exploded Sendak and his gunner.The severed vox-horn clattered across the deck, still clutched by the marshal's severed hand.A second later, the tank flipped over as a frag-rocket blew out its starboard track, skirt and wheelbase.As it landed,, turret-down, in the mud, it detonated from within, blowing apart the Leman Russ next to it.Behind the decimated tanks, the Oudinot were fleeing.But there was nowhere to flee to.FiveEvery opening in the stepped structure which rose above the Tanith Ghosts along the far side of the cliff around that gross, inscribed dome seemed to be spitting fire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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