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."It's alright, you were really out of it earlier.Come on," he murmured, taking my hand and walking us at a brisk pace."Lucien's family, a son to me.We won't be leaving him behind."Admittedly, a part of me had wondered about Adrian's opinion of Lucien, especially in light of how close Lucien and I'd grown over the past couple weeks.It relieved me to hear that Adrian thought of him as family.I agreed entirely.And, yeah, I know that's gotta sound kinda crazy, given Lucien's short stint in my life.Regardless, the bond linking maker to makee is instantaneous and quite intense.Strangely, I saw Lucien as a brother, son, best friend, bodyguard, and partner in crime as well as potential boyfriend material.A bunch of roles crammed into a single person.Damn confusing.To top it all off, now I've suddenly developed feelings for Adrian.Granted, Lucien and I never exactly hooked up or anything.Still, we shared a connection and I felt guilty for desiring my prophesied mate so wholeheartedly.Jeesh, as if this was the appropriate venue to be stressing over dating nonsense.Sigh.Shifting my attention onto Adrian, I watched him intently while he chose one of the doors, punched in a succession of numbers to disengage the lock, then wrenched it open.And, let me tell you, we were greeted by a horrific sight.Immediately, my heart sank as I examined the scene.My gunshot wounded protector hung frozen in the middle of the cell.Bloody.Badly beaten.Shackled in place.And, similar to me, Tsedaka's goons had removed his shoes, socks, and coat."He'll be fine," Adrian remarked gruffly, his flurried movements unfastening Lucien's restraints in a hurry."At this point, you shouldn't be squandering energy worrying about interpersonal matters.Just center your mind on maintaining your power, okay?"I nodded, although, it totally irked me that he'd been eavesdropping.Freaking telepathy."We must share the same temporal plane, so release your control over the world," Adrian ordered, ignoring my irritation."After that, touch both of us and halt the flow again as soon as you can.""I'm not sure I've got the strength.And, besides, I've never done the whole stopping, restarting thing.It might not work."Smiling, he patted me on the back in reassurance."I have faith in you."Everybody always had so much faith in me; one of these days, our luck was bound to run out.Nonetheless, I allowed time's weight to lift from my weary shoulders, luxuriating in the prompt return of my health.Headache gone.Mental processes crisp.Desperately, I yearned to soak in the comfortable stability, to take a much-needed breather.However, I didn't have that luxury.So, wordlessly, I grabbed my men's hands and hastily forced reality to submit.Instantly strained, I nearly collapsed onto the floor.Truthfully, I probably would've if it wasn't for Lucien."Girlie, are you alright?" he asked anxiously, throwing his arm around me to offset my teetering balance."Yeah, sort of.Um, I figured I might never see you again," I gulped, emotions surging as I twisted to gaze into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.Happiness.Relief.Awkwardness over Adrian's kiss."I knew you'd find a way to save us, girlie.You're more powerful than all the king's guards combined.That's the reason they've done this to us." Then he silently added, "No worries about Lord Adrian.I came into this with the understanding that you'd develop a relationship with him; Michel's prophecies aren't wrong.Still, I'm here for you no matter what.""It's great to have you with us, Lucien," Adrian chimed in, interrupting our little reunion."That said, we must get moving.How long can you sustain this level of exertion, darling?""Not long," I answered, struggling to concentrate on the task at hand.Frankly, my weakening energy reserves were probably the source of my scattered thoughts.It was awful, a tension migraine from hell combined with pulsating twinges that tormented my spine."As I feared, we need to hurry," Adrian boomed.In a flash, he removed his purple cloak, pulled a pair of gloves out of his pocket, kicked off his boots, and tossed the entire pile at Lucien."I realize we discussed this earlier, son.Regardless, you have to be informed.The extra clothing may not be enough protection from the daylight.You could get burned and I won't force that on anyone.This has to be your choice.""I'll give my life to protect her," Lucien avowed, gently propping me against the wall while he dressed."A few burns won't bother me.You've still got the coffin in the chopper, right?""Coffin?" I marveled, confusion setting in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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