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.The cyborg yanked the photon rifle from the robot’s grip and went diving face first.Gliding across the floor, he dragged his hand like a rudder and pivoted to face the goalie Ker.Cy did a 180, like a synchronized swimmer, hitting his feet against a column made from Indiana limestone.Still on his belly, he pushed off and rocketed forward when the goalie Ker fired.The shot narrowly missed and Cy slid like a short stop stealing home, outracing debris raining down from the pillars and walls.Chunks continued falling in an avalanche while Cy’s belt buckle sparked across the granite.He fired at the goalie while sliding and feeling the burn on his stomach.First time he’d ever fired a weapon… that was easy, he thought.The defensive Ker was knocked backward and its rifle flew in the air.Again, Cy pulled the trigger scoring a direct hit on the goalie’s chest.The Ker disappeared out of sight, falling back and crashed down the granite block steps.Cy fired on the blind robot that was still wandering aimlessly near the statue, nailing its backside armor.It fell over with its arm stretched out, still attempting to locate the young cyborg, like a terminator on a singular mission.After crashing into the pink marble, the Ker rolled over with a large hole burning from its center breastplate.Cy watched the hole melt wider as the remaining energy from the round ate through the Ker’s metal like acid.Three down - was there more to go? Cy pondered.Gaining on his position, Cy’s scanner picked up several more Ker that had abandoned their posts on the bridges.The last thing he wanted to do was lead them back home to Dr.Pressfield.Time was of the essence.Before leaping and bounding down the steps, Cy read part of an inscription over the headless President through the dust: “IN THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE FOR WHOM HE SAVED.”He made it to the bottom and took off in a blaze.After reaching the grass, Cy raced behind the structure as he picked up four Ker sharply appearing across his viewer screen.The river was sixty yards away… Cy could make it if he hurried.Forty yards… He was twenty yards away from the water’s edge where the Arlington Memorial Bridge reached over the shoreline.Cy dove in the air while securing his backpack and landed crisply in the water like a trained high-diver.He swam down and headed for the dark deep.Heading south, Cy hugged the bottom of the channel.The Ker searched fruitlessly for him, sending empty signals back and forth while pounding toward Abraham.The robots couldn’t find him when they arrived at the Memorial, patrolling around it, searching all directions while aiming weapons at nothing but air.A lagging Ker sensed the water gently rippling across its top and relayed the information to the others.Several Ker descended on the shore.Like metal Nazis, they marched up and down the water’s edge, heading in opposite directions.Cy’s scanners were limited underwater, but so were theirs, trying to penetrate beyond the river’s surface.Staying submerged, he looked up at the 14th street Bridge, seeing it pass over him like a murky vision.The Ker aimed their radar but couldn’t pick up his signal; they couldn’t detect the crafty cyborg swimming like an eel at the bottom of the silt.He swam south down the Potomac River and stopped short a couple of miles from the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.With a huge section missing, there was no Ker assigned to guard it.The bridge sat quietly as if awaiting an Evil Knievel jump over its gap.Cy was finally safe to show himself above the waterline.He paused with only his eyes out of the water scanning the area, doing a tactical peek.All was quiet.Heading for home, Cy softly climbed out of the water and picked up the pace.Chapter 19 - Furry Friends“People love dogs.You can never go wrong addinga dog to the story.”― Jim ButcherNorth Carolina:Clio glanced at Russ with wide eyes and looked back down at the dead bull.She shuttered and wanted to get the hell out of the woods.Clio wanted to magically transport herself inside somewhere – anywhere.Russ looked down at the slender girl, watching her shake, with her pasty white skin as she stared in a trance at the fallen monster.“You ok, young lady?”“Can we go? Please…”Russ peered up the hill through the forest.“Don’t worry… It’s just up the hill now…”“Is your house safe?” Clio asked.Russ started walking up the incline and Clio stayed as close as she could to him.“It’s safe,” he said.Clio glanced back at the bull and turned away, seeing the other two monsters lying dead in front of her.“Good,” she said.Lady wagged her tail and pushed her nose into Clio’s hand.They liked each other, and as far as Lady was concerned, they were already lifelong friends.“Let’s keep moving, youngster.”“You can call me Clio… if you want.”Lady barked twice.“Ok, youn… Clio.”“Call me Russ, then,” he said surprising himself.Russ usually made people call him sir or Mr.Tucker.“Russ,” automatically rolled out of his mouth instead.“Never met a Russ before,” Clio said glancing back at the dead monsters one last time.“Never met a Clee-O before.”Lady barked and ran around both of them wagging her tail.“This is Lady,” Russ said as he bent down to pet his dog between her ears.“I like her,” Clio said bending down to give her a hug.Lady let out a lovable howl and dragged Clio over the dirt.The twelve-year-old let go and stumbled back to her feet.“I like her a lot,” she confirmed brushing the dirt off her knees.It was a welcome vision.The home was in front of her.Yes! Clio thought as they crested over the hill and saw the house.Russ looked at the young girl.“There she is.Home sweet home, youn… Clio.”“Thank God.”“Told you it was close.”Lady ran around the perimeter as if she was a centurion guard going out ahead of the emperor.After making a full lap around the house she galloped up the front steps in short strides.Lady barked and sat down, as if she were signaling that it was now safe to enter.For those left standing, the home was well maintained.Clio noticed chickens and a pen with several pigs on the side of the farmhouse.The swine manure was stinky yet inviting to her in a warm way.“Good girl,” Russ said after he went by his dog on the porch.Clio bent down to give the dog another hug.“Good girl, good Lady,” she said as the dog started licking her face.Lady enjoyed the saltiness and the taste of her young skin as much as Clio enjoyed the new friendship and affection.“Come on girl,” Clio said as she held the door open for a Lady.“Good girl!”The screen door was heard closing behind the front in a muffled snap after it latched shut.Reinforced, the main door had been layered with extra boards.All of the windows were boarded up with crosses cut out of them big enough for a rifle barrel to fit through.Puncture holes were also peppered and drilled out to see what you were shooting at, Clio surmised.If need be, Russ was ready for war.He reminded Clio of her dad in that way.She glanced down at her pistol.“Here, let me have that.Got a charger for it in the kitchen,” Russ explained as he took it from her.Clio felt a little safer knowing the weapon that helped get her through the woods would soon be back online.Several rifles were on a rack in the hallway.“I’ll teach you how to use those if you want,” Russ said, noticing Clio eyeing them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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