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.Dana was blond and delicious but she'd had a strict upbringing and feltTHE MIDNIGHT CLUB that just about everything a girl could do to have fun was sinful.Both her mom and dad were so right wing they were like one-winged birds forever flapping in circles.But Dana had a nasty mind, which tormented her constantly.She wanted to go out with boys.She wanted sex, drugs, and rock *n' roll.She prayed to God to free her of these base desires, and at the same time she prayed for her desires to be fulfilled.What's God to do with that kind of prayer? The devil came to her instead."He walked in just as she was kneeling at the foot of her bed before retiring for the night.You know the devil, he can be a pretty sexy guy when he wants to be, and this night he was dressed in Jimmy Dean's body, tight blue jeans, black leather jacket, and boots.His hair was greasy and he was smoking a cigarette.Dana just looked at him and blinked.She'd never had a vision before.'Don't worry,' the devil told her.'I don't bite.' He pointed to her bed.'Can I sit down? I want to talk.'"Dana nodded and sat on the bed beside him.Sure, she wanted to know who he was, and he told her.'I'm the devil,' he said.'But don't worry, I'm not as bad as people say.'"Dana didn't know if he was serious or not, but she didn't argue with him, mainly because she thought he was pretty cute.Dana was bom way after James Dean was dead and didn't realize she was talking to a clone of sorts.She just said, 'What brings you here?'"Well, the devil took a drag on his cigarette andCHRISTOPHER PIKE said he had come to make her an offer.* You want to be a party girl,' he said.'And you want to be valedictorian.You're like two people in one body and it's not working out.I can help you with your problem.I can make another you, a perfect double.You can be in the two bodies at the same time.You can experience everything your double is experiencing, whether it's sex, drugs, or rock 'n' roll.You can do this even while you're in church praying.'" 'How can you make another me?' Dana asked." 'I'm the devil,' the devil said.'I can do anything I want.'" 'Are you really?' Dana asked.About this time she started to really notice him.She realized that no matter how much he puffed on his cigarette it didn't get any shorter." 'My talking ain't going to convince you,' the devil said.'But if you agree to my little bargain, and I make another you, you'll have to be a believer.What do you say?'"Now Dana became suspicious, because if he was the devil, why would he help her? 'What do you want in return?' she asked."The devil smiled, which always had a wonderful effect on women.'Nothing.'" 'Nothing? You don't want my soul?'"The devil waved his hand.'No.I don't need to win souls.Thaf^s propaganda your priests and ministers feed you.Plenty of souls come to me without my doing a blessed thing.No, I'm here to make you an offer with no strings attached.TheTHE MIDNIGHT CLUB only thing I ask is that if you enter into this agreement, you have to stay in it for at least a year.'"Dana was interested.'Can I extend having a double for another year if I want?'" 'Yes.At the end of one year, if you're satisfied, you can be triplets.'"His offer sounded good to Dana, She figured she'd go south to L.A., have all the fun she wanted, while her double hung around in Wasteville and did all the things her mom and dad wanted her to do.But there was one thing that bothered her." 'Won't it get kind of confusing being in two bodies at the same time?' she asked." 'You have two minds in your body right now.You'll get used to it.' He offered her his free hand, which was devoid of a single line.'Do we have a deal, Dana?'" 'Don't you need a drop of my blood or something?'"'No.I have all the blood I need.A simple handshake will do.'"Dana shook his hand.The devil grinned and put his cigarette out on the floor, which annoyed Dana because she was tidy.Then he stood up and blew out his last lungful of smoke, and lo and behold, it became solid and molded itself into an exact replica of Dana.At that moment Dana felt as if she were in two places at once, which she was.The sensation was disorienting, but cool.Her double stared at her, and she stared at her duplicate because she was in both bodies at once.The devilCHRISTOPHER PIKE Stood between them and turaed from one to the other." 'Now remember what I said,' he said.'You've got to be two people for at least a year.'"'Why do you make that a condition?' both Danas asked at the same moment."In response the devil smiled slyly and then vanished."Now you might think the two Danas would have had plenty to talk about.But the truth is they didn't have a single thing to say because it would have been like talking to yourself.Yet they did have an argument right away.The double—we'll call her Dana Two—started to leave the house.She had the same idea Dana had had, to go down to L.A.for some heavy partying.The original Dana wanted her double to stay—she wanted to be the one to go to L.A.They fought about it for a few minutes, but then they realized it was an argument neither of them could win.And besides, it didn't matter because even though there were two of them, each could feel what the other felt exactly.So in the end the original Dana let Dana Two go.Dana worried that her parents might notice something odd about the devil's creation, but the truth was even she hadn't noticed any differences."The next day Dana woke early, the same time as Dana Two.This was one thing she—or they— noticed right away.Both Danas had to wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time because the other one would just keep the other up.THE MIDNIGHT CLUB It was a pain in the ass but Dana figured it was worth it, what with all the fun she was going to enjoy, vicariously, through the body of her double.At the time Dana Two awoke she was on a bus headed for L.A.Dana had given her double all the money she had—or, rather, her double had taken it.It was the same difference [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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