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.1.1.1 to the phone number 5551212llhow many valid dialer groups are there?llSpecify a maximum usage of 100/255 before the dialer dialsllConstruct the line which would enable the router to drop the active call in 10 seconds because another dialout is pending.llSpecify an idle disconnect time of 30 secondsllWhat is the word used to describe traffic which will allow the dialer to dialoutllConstruct an access list #101 which would disable any IGRP trafficllConstruct an access list #101 which would permit any host to ftp command would show the basic status of an ISDN port 0llwhat command would you use to show more detailed information about ISDN layers 1,2,3llWhat command sets up a rotary dialer group #0llWhat command includes an interface in a dialer rotary groupllYou should assign a high ___ count for the route to the external network via a serial interface so that it will only be used if the primary link is down.llWhat is the name of the unique identifier for a PVCllThe ____ DLCI field identifies a frame as an LMI frame instead of a regular Frame relay frame.llUsing the ______ ______ feature make a Frame relay network appear more like a LAN.ll_______ groups are designated by DLCI port numbers between 1019 and 1022, these special packets are sent to all nodes that belong to a specific group.ll________ ___ must be used if the remote router does not support inverse ARP.llA static map links a specified next hop address to a specific _____.llThe three types of messages sent and received on the LMI are Status Messages, Status Updates, and Status enquiry messages.(True/False)llThe ____ model makes all routes connected by VC's peers on the same network, Frame Relay routers must copy all broadcasts and transmit on each VC.llRouters attempting to implement NBMA may have trouble if the routing protocol does not have ____ ____ disabled, this is because the router will distribute changes back to the interface it received them from.llIn configuration the __________ follows the physical interface and is separated by a period.\llBefore you can configure sub interfaces you must have enabled frame relay encapsulation and a physical interface.(True/False)llCorrect Syntax: interface type number.subinterface [multipoint | point to point ] (true/false)ll__________ sub-interfaces can be dynamically resolved using inverse arp, or can be statically mapped using the Frame-Relay map command.llFor ______ _ ______ sub interfaces using the frame-relay interface dlci commandllWhat are the three optional parameters when assigning a frame relay DLCI to a subinterface on a routellGive the statement that would assign DLCI #5 to interface s0 using ietf encapsulationllDLCI's on both sides of the frame relay connection are always the same (true/false)llDo the following steps:llselect serial 0 as the port to modifyllset the encapsulation to frame relayllset the lmi type to ciscollset sub interface 1 on serial 0 to point to pointllYou are in subinterface configuration mode, now set the ip address for the subaddress to with a netmask of 255.0llspecify DLCI 10 to the subinterface 1 on serial 0 and specify that broadcasts can be forwarded out through it.llA minimum of __ and a maximum of ___ dlci's must be in place for prioritization to take placellThe router learns the network address of each router by sending and receiving _______ arp messages on each DLCI.llSyntax to enable PVC switching on a frame relay DCE, DTE or Network to Network Interface (NNI)llSpecify a static DLCI route for a packet received on DLCI 10 to go out GRE tunnel 0 on its way to DLCI 15llWhat are the three valid frame-relay intf-typellSyntax that will display a list of frame relay mapsllName the different priority levels for frame relayllOne neighbor entry must be included for each _______ neighbor.llThe ______ bit tells the router that the frame relay packet encountered congestion.l [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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