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.Slinking along the outside wall, she came within site of the usual holding position—vacant.Pleased but disquieted by the lack of opposition, Adeenya continued forward to get a better view of the scene below her.She blinked her eyes, sensing something ahead.The torch that normally lit the area had been doused, causing the darkness to swallow everything.Her feet found thestone beneath them, but not because she could see it well.Adeenya lowered herself to her hands and knees, crawling on all fours, hoping to quiet her movement even more.She stopped and saw someone crouched on the walkway several paces ahead of her.The dim light revealed a crossbow aimed into the courtyard.Whoever wielded it wore dark clothing that obscured his or her identity.Had one of her men discovered the truth and planned to assassinate the crazed Jhoqo?Perhaps the bowman was not there to slay Jhoqo but Taennen.Had the younger man finally stood up to his commander, challenging the urir? Adeenya shook the thought from her mind.There was only one way to learn the shooter's intentions.If it were one of her men, she would apologize later.She dashed forward on the balls of her feet, a dance blending speed with silence.The prone figure turned and began to stand much too late.Adeenya launched her booted foot into the bowman's face, knocking him off-balance and sending him tumbling into the walkway.She followed him quickly, leaping atop the rolling victim to bring the motion to an end.Finally able to see his face, Adeenya took satisfaction in her initial decision and punched the mouth of the Chondathan man she sat astride.Teeth buried themselves in her knuckles, but her fist dived in again, eliciting a spray of blood and a groan of pain.Though awkward from her kneeling position, Adeenya sliced the falchion's blade across the man's throat, ending his squirming.As she caught her breath after the struggle, voices from the courtyard wafted to her ears.Indistinct sounds, like whispers in dreams, chattered away.Unable to distinguish much, Adeenya proceeded atop the walkway.Less surprised but still fearful of the meaning, Adeenya found anothercrossbowman crouched atop the wall, his weapon targeting the interior of the courtyard.Dressed in dark, drab clothing, this enemy scanned the area below as if looking for a target.She needed to strike as quickly and decisively as she had just moments ago.When her intended victim spun toward her and let loose a bolt, she hoped Taennen would figure out the truth in her stead.+ + + + +Taennen followed the formians as they scurried through the tunnels.Utterly blind in the absolute darkness, he listened for their soft, almost soundless footfalls.They had run several hundred paces, but they had not yet seen another light like the one at the tunnels entrance.Perhaps they were in an unused portion of the tunnels? The formians could be leading him anywhere.Taennen slowed his pace and came to a stop.Ahead, the formians halted as well."Come." Guk's voice floated out of the darkness."Where are we going?" Taennen asked."To the invaders.""Why would you take me there?"Silence reigned for several moments before the tell-tale clacking of the formians' mandibles echoed through the chamber, followed by Guk saying, "Because you freed us, as agreed.""But you make slaves of my people."Another long pause came before the formian spoke again."We agreed.You free us, we show you the invaders.We gave you our word.Our word is law."Taennen had little choice but to accept the given intentions at face value or wander lost in the tark tunnels, so heasked the formians to proceed and he fell in behind them.Extending both arms to let his fingers skim along the rocky walls to check his surroundings, Taennen felt safer, more grounded.He could smell fresh water even above the bitter scent of aged rock and the musty odor of the mildews and molds common underground.The formians slowed down as the darkness began to break apart under the prying wisps of light ahead.Though not enough to distinguish any details, the dim magical light, like that near the tunnel entrance, allowed Taennen to make out shapes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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