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.Greece had been embroiled in a communist-provoked civil war, and Turkey was under Sovietpressure to yield bases and naval passage through the Dardanelles.Stalin had recently engineered theformation of COMINFORM (Communist Information Bureau) as an apparent replacement of the ThirdCommunist International (COMINTERN) that had been dismantled during the war.In western Europe, asuccessful communist coup ousted the government of Czechoslovakia, and the Soviets had attempted toexpel its former allies from Berlin by instituting a land blockade around the city.Apart from all that, theSoviet Union s successful deployment of an atomic bomb in 1949 added to international tension at mid-century.On the domestic front, events appeared every bit as ominous.Prominent public officials were being exposedas communist sympathizers and Communist Party members.Avowed communist Whittaker Chambersaccused Alger Hiss of being a Communist Party member.Hiss had served the government in different posts,including advising President Roosevelt at Yalta and serving as temporary secretary-general of the UnitedNations at the San Francisco Conference.In 1948 Harry Dexter White, an economist with the Department ofTreasury who, as counterpart to the British economist John Maynard Keynes, drafted the organizational planfor the International Monetary Fund established at the famous 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, was accusedof being a Soviet spy.An up-and-coming Justice Department attorney, Judith Coplon, was convicted in 1948for stealing classified government documents and conspiring to transmit them to foreign powers.These andother events such as the arrest of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for selling atom bomb secrets to the SovietUnion; Churchill s  Iron Curtain speech4 at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri; the uproar over themovie stars who were brought before the House Un-American Activities Committee amid allegations oftreason; and Senator Joseph McCarthy s famous assertion to the Wheeling, West Virginia, RepublicanWomen s Club that he had the names of 205 State Department communists brought affairs to a criticalmass.President Truman denounced the McCarran Act in his veto mes- Page 35sage as  the greatest danger to freedom of the press, speech, and assembly since the Alien and Sedition Actsof 1798. Although the president found fault with the McCarran Act, he had actually intensified themidcentury Red Scare himself by initiating the Truman Doctrine, which he outlined in an address to membersof Congress on March 12, 1947, as a pledge to  free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation byarmed minorities or by outside pressures. Congress immediately implemented this pledge with a $400,000aid program for communist-threatened Greece.Moreover, Truman committed economic and military advisersto any unstable nation whose system was deemed susceptible to communist influence.In his speech,Truman outlined the communist threat as follows:The [communist] way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority.It reliesupon terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections, and the suppression of personalfreedom.I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resistingattempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.THE SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES CONTROL ACT OF 1950Although this act threatened the very existence of the Communist Party in the United States, it stopped shortof outright abolition.Title I of the McCarran Act, The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950, primarilysought to counter communist influence by making it unlawful under the act to knowingly  conspire, or agreewith any other person, to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the establishment withinthe United States of a totalitarian dictatorship. 5 It required all communist-affiliated organizations to registerwith the attorney general on a form that revealed their officers and individual members of the precedingtwelve months, with a complete financial accounting.Additionally, members of communist-affiliatedorganizations were forbidden to be employed by the national government, defense contractors, and laborunions.Public officeholders were required to reveal membership in those organizations.Party members werenot permitted to obtain passports for travel, and organizations affiliated with the Communist Party weredenied various tax privileges contained in the Internal Revenue Code.Communist organizations were alsodenied Page 36mail privileges unless they noted the name of the organization, indicating thereon that it was a  Communistorganization. This disclosure also applied to broadcasts by communists on radio and television.The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950TITLE I SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES CONTROLSection 1.(a) This title may be cited as the  Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950. &NECESSITY FOR LEGISLATIONSection 2.As a result of evidence adduced before various committees of the Senate and House ofRepresentatives, the Congress hereby finds that:(1) There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice,is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into othergroups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemednecessary, to establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world throughthe medium of a world-wide Communist organization.(2) The establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship in any country results in the suppression of all oppositionto the party in power, the subordination of the rights of individuals to the state, the denial of fundamentalrights and liberties which are characteristic of a representative form of government, such as freedom ofspeech, of the press, of assembly, and of religious worship, and results in the maintenance of control overthe people through fear, terrorism, and brutality&.(4) The direction and control of the world Communist movement is vested in and exercised by theCommunist dictatorship of a foreign country&(9) In the United States those individuals who knowingly and willfully participate in the world Communistmovement, when they so participate, in effect repudiate their allegiance to the United States, and in effecttransfer their allegiance to the foreign country in which is vested the direction and control of the worldCommunist movement [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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