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.On the corner is Poe Cottage, built in 1816.American au-thor Edgar Allan Poe moved here in 1846, hoping the then-country air would cure his wife  s tuberculosis.She diedsoon after they moved, but Poe stayed on until just beforehe died in 1849.He wrote  Ulalume and  The Bells here.The cottage was actually originally across the street butwas moved to its current location in 1913.Turn left on Kingsbridge Avenue.¢'In three blocks, on your right, you will come to the giant,castlelike Kingsbridge Armory (1912), which some claimto be the largest in the world. A Driving Tour | THE OTHER BOROUGHS 367Four blocks further on, turn right on Sedgewick Avenue¢'again.You are in Kingsbridge Heights, named for the first bridgeto connect the Bronx and Manhattan.King s Bridge, builtin 1693, took people over the Spuyten Duyvil Creek just tothe west.Continuing northward, Sedgewick runs along the westborder of Jerome Park Reservoir.The reservoir, filled in1905, is named for Leonard Jerome, Winston Churchill sgrandfather, who had a racetrack also named after himnearby.Jerome sponsored the American Jockey Club in anattempt to raise the image of horse racing in the UnitedStates to something closer to the aristocratic status it heldin England.Thankfully, the American democratic spirit al-lowed him to succeed only partially.Sedgwick Avenue runs into Van Cortlandt Avenue West at¢'a light.Make a 270-degree left turn onto Van CortlandtAvenue West and drive a few blocks until you come to alight.Continue straight, and the road becomes Van Cort-landt Park South.Drive a few blocks and turn right on Review Place, which¢'immediately curves into Broadway.In a few blocks youcome to the last stop on the #1 train, Van Cortlandt Park.Make your first left turn after 242d Street (this is Man-hattan College Parkway, but the sign is almost impossibleto see; instead you will see a sign that says  ManhattanCollege. )Drive one hundred feet and turn right on Post Road, and¢'go up the steep hill.At the top of the hill, turn left at West 246th Street.¢' 368 THE OTHER BOROUGHS | A Driving TourFollow West 246th as it curves through Fieldston, one ofthe most exclusive neighborhoods in the Bronx.Fieldston is filled with 1920s English-style homes andhouses three very expensive private schools: Fieldston, runby the Ethical Culture Society, Riverdale Country, andHorace Mann.Continue on 246th Street, admiring the houses, until you¢'come to the Henry Hudson Parkway.Turn right on theservice road that parallels the highway, but don t get onthe highway itself.Drive to West 252d Street.Turn left here (see the sign for  Wave Hill ), cross over¢'the highway, but once there, ignore the sign telling you toturn left for Wave Hill.Instead, continue straight on 252dStreet.You re now in Riverdale, perhaps even more exclusive thanFieldston because of its views of the Hudson River.Becareful on the roads here: they are narrow, winding, andpotholed intentionally, some would argue, to keep outvisitors.Drive about five blocks until the road ends at Indepen-¢'dence Avenue.Turn left and you will be following WaveHill, on your right, a nonprofit, city-owned park.Drive very slowly; the entrance is on your right.It costs $4to get in except for Tuesday and Saturday morning beforenoon, when it s free, but it is well worth it.The grounds arebeautiful, and it has an excellent herb garden and smallgreenhouse.Wave Hill House, on the grounds, was a country homebuilt in 1843 and over the years has been home to Teddy A Driving Tour | THE OTHER BOROUGHS 369Roosevelt (summers of 1870 and 1871), Mark Twain(1901 3), and Arturo Toscanini (1942 45).Bashford Dean,zoologist and curator of arms and armor for the Metropol-itan Museum, lived in Glyndor House, another building onthe grounds.Exit Wave Hill and turn right on Independence Avenue¢'with Wave Hill on your right.Turn right on Ploughman sRoad and drive one block to Palisade Avenue.Turn left onPalisade and drive along with mansions on your left andRiverdale Park and the Hudson River on your right.Con-tinue until you turn left on West 232d St.Be carefulthe sign is not apparent, and it will sneak up on you.Goto your first light and take the right at the sign for9A/Henry Hudson Parkway West [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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