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.""Whoa." Erin said as she listened."Whoa is an understatement.From the momentyou first catch her eye she'll know everythingfrom where you live to how much money youmake in a year, and how many pets you have.""Doesn't all that scare women away?" It gaveher the creeps and she couldn't fathom whywomen didn't run away from this Adams."No it doesn't.She doesn't let on to all that sheknows.She picks and chooses from the infor-mation she has and she uses it to her advan-tage.For example, tomorrow night you'll catchher eye and she'll find out who you are.Kathe-rine Chandler the writer.She'll start reading your books without letting you know that sheknows.""She's crazy.""She's something all right." Henderson returnedto her seat."I didn't read some of this in my file on her.How do you know so much?" Erin suddenlyrealized just how much Henderson did knowand it was much more detailed than her file oreven the notes that Henderson had given heron Adams.She knew Adams was notorious forhaving high powered friends and crude deal-ings with many of them.But Erin was startingto worry that she had been left out of the loopfor some reason in regards to Adams and herability to gain personal information on womenand it terrified her."You're right; some of this isn't in the file.I'mtelling you this because you're the one going inand you need to know." "So, how is it that you know?" As soon as Erinasked it, she knew."Because I was once involved with her." Hen-derson replied softly.She had said it so quietlythat Erin almost didn't hear her."Oh." Erin sat there in silence, embarrassed byher naivety."It was years ago and I'm not proud of it." Hen-derson said, making eye contact with Erinbriefly before once again looking away whileshe spoke."She has a way of sweeping awoman off her feet and making her feel likeshe's the only one in the world.She's very im-pressive Mac, but you can't forget that she's apredator and she does whatever it takes to getthe woman she wants.""What happens when she gets the woman shewants?" Erin didn't understand why Adamsworked so hard to get women when sheseemed to have them by the dozen. "She usually only sleeps with them once ortwice and then she moves on.It's all about con-quering for her.""Is that how it was with you, a one nightstand?" Erin felt her stomach turn at thethought of Henderson being seduced by Ad-ams.The look on Henderson's face was one ofdefeat and embarrassment and Erin realizedher question was invasive."I'm sorry, it wasrude of me to ask.""No, it's ok.You need to know.With me it wasdifferent.It lasted a few months before I foundout she was messing around.I thought she wasthe woman of my dreams and when I realizedshe wasn't what she lead me to believe I got out.""Why did it last longer with you?""Every once in awhile she meets a woman whointerests her beyond sex.And she sees it as agame, she mistakes lust and the need to control for love.If the woman leaves her, like I did, shefreaks out and becomes dangerously vengeful."Henderson felt the blood leave her face as sherelived the stalking and the messing with herfinances and personal affairs.The hell she hadbeen put through at the hands of Adams wasunforgettable and terrifying.It had taken outra-geous lawyer fees and months out of her life inorder for her to safely move on.Her relationshipwith Adams had been her last.She just couldn'tallow herself to trust anyone after Adams.Erin saw the ashen look on Henderson's faceand she thought briefly about moving closer tocomfort her in her anguish.But before shecould do so Henderson stood and dug thebooks out of the box and handed them to Erin."You should probably read up as much as youcan before Adams beats you to it."All of the information was beginning to over-whelm her and fear pitted her insides."What if Adams questions me about a book or a charac-ter and I can't remember anything?" Her coverwould surely be blown.How could anyone ex-pect her to pull this off as early as tomorrownight?"That's actually pretty easy to handle.Just tellher you're very private about your writing, be-cause remember you aren't going to offer herthat information.She's going to find that infor-mation out on her own and without your per-mission."Erin shook her head in agreement, thankful thatshe didn't have to worry about the books."We need to move on and talk about someother things.Come on." She motioned for Erinto follow her down the hall and into the masterbedroom.Erin felt her face flush as she thoughtof the different topics that involved a bedroom.Henderson's perfume lingered in the air and itstirred adrenaline deep within her once again. The bed was large and inviting with goosedown pillows and duvet.The oak wood floormatched the southwestern furniture and wasaccented with an Aztec rug.Erin cleared herthroat nervously as she imagined Hendersonnude in her soft bed adorned by candlelight.Henderson didn't notice Mac's reaction, shewalked into her closet, thankful that she couldnow think of something other than Adams.Shereappeared with garment bags and set them onthe bed."I took the liberty of buying you someclothes to wear to the club."Erin helped her unzip the bags and pull out theclothes."I thought this would be good for Saturday.Adams is throwing a party for some businessguests from back east.So it's a wild westtheme." Henderson hoped the sizes were right.She had guessed at Erin's size and found it very easy to do so.Erin was about her size only shehad a little more muscle to her physique.Erin eyed the outfit before her and her blushdeepened at the thought of Henderson imagin-ing her in the clothing.The jeans were fadedand low rise to fit low on her hips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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