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.SHOULD "LIGHTS DRUGS" BE LEGALSHOULD "LIGHTS DRUGS" BE LEGAL?SHOULD "LIGHTS DRUGS" BE LEGAL? I think that "light drugs" should be legal becouse: -"light drugs"are the same kind of narcotic like cigarets (it means that it make the same kind of adicted like them.) -It is bad when "light drugs" aren`t legal, becouse everybody who wont take that kind of drugs, will be take them.And it doesn`t mather for him how he will buy them.-When drugs aren`t legal, criminal underworld become to be stronger, becouse th most of their dirty money comes from illegal salling of drugs.-The situation when "light drugs" aren`t legal is similar like in USA in early years 20th of XX century when there was a prohibition for alcochol(we all know what that project comes for citizens and for governament.Now it is known that wasn`t good things for honesty people) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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