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.That slope was yellow with golden flowers.When he touched them golden ashes drifted from them and blew down among therocks.There the padre found dust of gold, grains of gold, pebbles of gold,rocks of gold."Then all the padres went into the mountains.But the discoverer of the minelost his way.They searched and searched until they were old and gray, butnever found the wonderful slope and flowers that marked the grave and the minePage 168 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof Padre Juan."In the succeeding years the story was handed down from father to son.But ofthe many who hunted for the lost mine of the padres there was never a Mexicanor an Apache.For the Apache the mountain slopes were haunted by the spiritof an Indian maiden who had been false to her tribe and forever accursed.FortheMexican the mountain slopes were haunted by the spirit of the false padre whorolled stones upon the heads of those adventurers who sought to find his graveand his accursed gold."XVIII BonitaFlorence's story of the lost mine fired Madeline's guests with the fever forgold-hunting.But after they had tried it a few times and the glamour of thething wore off they gave up and remained in camp.Having exhausted all theresources of the mountain, such that had interest for them, they settledquietly down for a rest, which Madeline knew would soon end in a desire forcivilized comforts.They were almost tired of roughing it.Helen's discontent manifested itself in her remark, "I guess nothing is goingto happen, after all."Madeline awaited their pleasure in regard to the breaking of camp; andmeanwhile, as none of them cared for more exertion, she took her walks withoutthem, sometimes accompanied by one of the cowboys, always by the stag-hounds.These walks furnished her exceeding pleasure.And, now that the cowboys wouldtalk to her without reserve, she grew fonder of listening to their simplestories.The more she knew of them the more she doubted the wisdom of shut-inlives.Companionship with Nels and most of the cowboys was in its effect likethat of the rugged pines and crags and the untainted wind.Humor, theirpredominant trait when a person grew to know them, saved Madeline from findingtheir hardness trying.They were dreamers, as all men who lived lonely livesin the wilds were dreamers.The cowboys all had secrets.Madeline learned some of them.She marveledmost at the strange way in which they hid emotions, except of violence ofmirth and temper so easily aroused.It was all the more remarkable in view ofthe fact that they felt intensely over little things to which men of the worldwere blind and dead.Madeline had to believe that a hard and perilous life ina barren and wild country developed great principles in men.Living close to earth, under the cold, bleak peaks, on the dust-veiled desert,men grew like the nature that developed them--hard, fierce, terrible, perhaps, but big--big with elemental force.But one day, while out walking alone, before she realized it she had gone along way down a dim trail winding among the rocks.It was the middle of asummer afternoon, and all about her were shadows of the crags crossing thesunlit patches.The quiet was undisturbed.She went on and on, not blind tothe fact that she was perhaps going too far from camp, but risking it becauseshe was sure of her way back, and enjoying the wild, craggy recesses that werenew to her.Finally she came out upon a bank that broke abruptly into abeautiful little glade.Here she sat down to rest before undertaking thereturn trip.Suddenly Russ, the keener of the stag-hounds, raised his head and growled.Madeline feared he might have scented a mountain-lion or wildcat.She quietedhim and carefully looked around.To each side was an irregular line ofPage 169 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlmassive blocks of stone that had weathered from the crags.The little gladewas open and grassy, with here a pine-tree, there a boulder.The outlet seemedto go down into a wilderness of canons and ridges.Looking in this direction,Madeline saw the slight, dark figure of a woman coming stealthily along underthe pines.Madeline was amazed, then a little frightened, for that stealthywalk from tree to tree was suggestive of secrecy, if nothing worse.Presently the woman was joined by a tall man who carried a package, which hegave to her.They came on up the glade and appeared to be talking earnestly.In another moment Madeline recognized Stewart.She had no greater feeling ofsurprise than had at first been hers.But for the next moment she scarcelythought at all--merely watched the couple approaching.In aflash came back her former curiosity as to Stewart's strange absences fromcamp, and then with the return of her doubt of him the recognition of thewoman.The small, dark head, the brown face, the big eyes--Madeline now sawdistinctly--belonged to theMexican girl Bonita.Stewart had met her there.This was the secret of hislonely trips, taken ever since he had come to work for Madeline.Thissecluded glade was a rendezvous.He had her hidden there.Quietly Madeline arose, with a gesture to the dogs, and went back along thetrail toward camp.Succeeding her surprise was a feeling of sorrow thatStewart's regeneration had not been complete.Sorrow gave place toinsufferable distrust that while she had been romancing about this cowboy,dreaming of her good influence over him, he had been merely base.Somehow itstung her.Stewart had been nothing to her, she thought, yet she had beenproud of him.She tried to revolve the thing, to be fair to him, when everyinstinctive tendency was to expel him, and all pertaining to him, from herthoughts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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