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.They are notoriously untruthful and prefer misleading others to tell-ing the truth, even where it is of no benefit to them.They are either dullof comprehension or of such consummate cunning that they seem to be drivenby a resistless force to get the nest of some unsuspecting person.They ex-.cel as confidence men, badgers and in similar unsavory occupations, Theyare thoroughly unreliable and dishonest in all their dealings; neurotic andperverted, scabs on society.These people are also inveterate talkers andalways ready to criticize, slander or ruin the reputation of others.Theyare a menace to society in all their activities.THE MOON AS RULING PLANETWhen the changeable and visionary afflicted Moon is life ruler it makesthe persons extremely restless and averse to labor of any kind, fidgety andalways on the move; if they cannot travel from one city to another, theymove from one house to another and from one situation to another as often aspossible and they infuse the same restlessness into whosoever they come incontact with.If the afflictions are very severe the mind suffers and theirmental phases coincide with the changes of the orb of night.[PAGE 430] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSSATURN AS RULING PLANETWhen the morbid, melancholy and malicious afflicted Saturn is life rulerhe robs life of all joy and brightness so that these people become reclusesand melancholy misanthropes; so miserly and avaricious that they will starvethemselves and forego the comforts of life even when they have ample meansto satisfy them.They are cruel, hard and suspicious of the acts and mo-tives of others and if they take up work as a detective they become humanferrets, blood-hounds who will hound their prey to death and gloat over hismisery.If anyone frustrates such people they will hold spite forever andaim to get even, if it takes a lifetime.But the end of these people is al-ways bad, sometime or other they overreach and fall into the trap they haveset for others.They usually die an ignoble death and the world gives asigh of relief when they pass out.JUPITER AS RULING PLANETWhen the indolent, bombastic and egotistical afflicted Jupiter is theA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com life ruler the person is often a parasite on the social tree, a gambler,confidence man and speculator, sporty, fond of display and ostentation; hewears loud clothing, paste diamonds and cheap jewelry.He is usually metwith in pool rooms, on race tracks and in similar places; playing poker orplaying the ponies are among his favorite means of earning a living; he is[PAGE 431] MIND AND THE RULING PLANETvery loud and egotistical anxious to attract attention no matter how; he of-ten figures in court proceedings on account of shady transactions or immoralconduct or unpaid bills, for he is an adept at obtaining credit for every-thing he wants and never pays the price of his expensive tastes if there isany way of avoiding a settlement of his debts.Among the laboring class heusually figures as a demagogue and agitator, inciting to strikes and riots,but he is always ready to sell out a striking union to the employers.Wefind them among the typical Italian padrones, as keepers of sweat-shops, andin similar occupations.MARS AS RULING PLANETWhen the arrogant, egotistical and foolhardy afflicted Mars is life rulerthe person is an egotist of the first water, bound to attain to his wishesby force or destruction if other means fail; in fact he prefers to bulldozeothers to do his will rather than to have them submit without a struggle.He is a first-rate slave driver, section boss on the railway, in a construc-tion camp and similar places, a liar, braggart, bouncer, or pugilist, adaredevil wiling to risk his life and the lives of others at any moment andin any undertaking.[PAGE 432] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSURANUS AS RULING PLANETWhen the stubborn, erratic and independent afflicted Uranus if life rulerthe mentality is usually so obsessed in one direction or another that suchpeople become fanatics and generally also there is an excessive sensualityand perverted taste.They are always ready and anxious for an argument as ameans of airing their ideas but they are so hypnotized by their own par-ticular fad that they are never convinced and can never see when the argu-ment goes against them.They always espouse the most radical and unconven-tional ideas.NEPTUNE AS RULING PLANETWhen the mediumistic, neurotic and self-indulgent afflicted Neptune islife ruler, the persons are of a dreamy, neurotic and negative nature, apt to become the medium of disembodied spirits or even obsessed by them.Theyare likely to evolve psychic powers of a low grade such as involuntaryclairvoyance, crystal gazing, etc., and if they are unable to develop thesefaculties they often simulate mediumship and other psychic gifts for thepurpose of duping or defrauding others.They have a strong faculty ofimitation and easily become adepts at deception.[PAGE 433] MIND AND THE RULING PLANETTHE SIGNS AS MENTAL SIGNIFICATORS.When the CARDINAL Signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, are on theangles, that is to say, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Fourth and Seventh Houses,it is a general indication that the person is mentally alert, quick to graspan idea, active and enthusiastic in whatever work he undertakes; one who hasorganizing and executive ability and is capable of carrying whatever enter-prise he may start to success; a bold, brave indomitable spirit.This isespecially true when many planets are in Cardinal Signs and these people maybe classed as the business men of the world [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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