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. He s not angry at you, he s angry at the situation.He justdoesn t really understand that right now. How can I claim to deserve you? the master said, smilingdown at Ellis. Quite easily, I should hope. Go on.Your friends need refereeing.And sure enough, Harte and Gabriel were engaged in a waterfight of epic proportions, but Gabriel was backing Harte into thedeep end, and being much taller, Gabriel had the advantage.Ellis jumped in to save Harte, who laughed gleefully and clunglike an eel to Ellis s back, demanding that he defend Harte shonour.Ellis ended up tossing a slippery Harte to Gabriel, who heldhim gently, signifying his surrender in the battle.Despite Harte sanger at William, he looked to him for permission when Gabrielwent to kiss him.William nodded.Floating on his back while the other slaves made use of each other, Ellis wondered about William.He d said he wasn t a goodmaster, but he did everything that Ellis had always wished his ownmaster would do.Despite Ellis s horror at his punishment, he hadto agree it was apt.Perhaps too long, but then, William had saidEllis hadn t exhibited the same signs of need that Harte had.Elliswould have to be more vocal in his needs or he would just behurting himself.Harte s familiar cry of climax brought a twitch to Ellis s groin,followed by an echoing one when Gabriel grunted a few momentslater.But he didn t want to be with Gabriel.Gabriel was beautiful,sweet, needy, and most importantly, leaving, but Ellis didn t wantto risk William s disappointment so much worse than his wrath.The other slaves flopped onto the cement surrounding the pooland let the sun dry and soothe them.Ellis climbed out of the pooland knelt by William s chair, resting his head by the edge of it,careful not to get the master wet.His hair dried quickly because William threaded his fingersthrough it constantly, and the motion along with the sun lulled himto sleep.He awoke when William shifted him in order to stand. It stime to go, he murmured, purest regret on his face.Ellis swallowed the bitter taste of bile and nodded.He wokeHarte and Gabriel, the latter not really sleeping but just resting hiseyes, and led them to Ellis s bedroom.They took showersseparately and dressed in complete silence.William was waiting just outside the front door, and whenHarte passed him to the car, William took hold of his upper arm. Ihave to bring him alone, he said.Harte looked at him in enraged disbelief. No! he shouted. I m coming! Ellis stepped forward in hopes of calming Harte. Sir knowswhat s best, Harte  You! Harte screamed, whirling on Ellis, who took a stepback in shock. Where s your loyalty?Frozen, Ellis watched the tableau in front of him, knowing itaffected him and yet knowing there was nothing he could do.Harte s accusation echoed in his ears, blocking out the otherslave s continued cries against William.Then Harte threw himself at Gabriel, not so much sobbing asshouting in tears. Be okay! he cried, like a demand, like Gabrielwould just have to be okay because he d said it. I will, Gabriel said, sounding just as determined. And listento me.Whenever it hurts or I m scared, I ll think of this.I had this.Okay? I had this.And then he was gone. CHAPTER 8PARLEYThe forest really did seem impenetrable, stretching for anunknown distance beyond the open area around the house.It waswarm, though not the kind of warm that warranted being outsideall day, but the kind that made you wish you could.Almost warmenough.That was the atmosphere inside the house, too.Almost warmenough.Whatever Harte s punishment was for being so rude to themaster, Ellis didn t know.He hadn t been forbidden to talk to theother slave, so it wasn t the same punishment Ellis had sufferedthrough which was probably a blessing because an ignored Hartewas likely a very uncomfortable thing& for everyone. Even William wasn t specifically ignoring Harte.It almostseemed more the other way around.Harte was gracious anddeferential, but only just.It was obvious he was pushing the limitsof politeness.Everything he said seemed suffused with secondarymeaning.Every look he gave William bled with disappointment.For the first time, Ellis actually wanted another slave to bepunished.Harte needed it.He was begging for it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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