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.Just like she told your father before he forced her into the lake.He wipes away some of the water dripping from my eyelashes with his thumb. But they mightjust be dreams. But they might not, I whisper. Nicholas said I was powerful and could do amazing thingswith my power if I was taught right, like travel and see visions without a crystal.What if I cancommunicate through them to? What is she s communicating with me?His finger slides down the brim of my nose and to my bottom lip. All right, but I m going with you.I nod. I know.Since you were in the vision with me when we were bargaining with the Queen,I m assuming you need to be there.He reaches for a washcloth on a small shelf tucked in the corner near the sink. And I m makingyou rest for a day. Alex, I don t He places a finger over my lips, the washcloth balled in his hand. Rest, or no deal.I narrow my eyes, but on the inside I m less irritated, understanding that he s worried about me. Okay, one day, I say against his lips.He nods and then dips the washcloth into the bathtub of water. Now, lean back.I glance at the soaked washcloth in his hand. Why? Because, he leans in and brushes his lips across mine. I m going to wash off all those cutsthat damn Faerie put all over you, he says in a low voice.I do what he says and lean back, resting my head against the back of the tub, the water flowingover my body.I m completely naked except for my locket and my muscles feel like I ve just ran amarathon.Yet, with each touch of his hand, I start to feel better as he moves the washcloth over mybody, wiping away the dried blood and mud as he cleans off the cuts.I swear it feels like he swashing away the icky feelings I ve been experiencing and the memories of what I did to Nicholas.Ifeel cleaner, more relaxed, more in tune with him.He s touching me everywhere, even when he s not,the magnetic bond syncing our bodies together.I shut my eyes as he works the cloth over my neck, down my chest, over my breasts.I groan,curving upward, but I don t open my eyes, even when his hand moves to the inside of my thighs.Justwhen I think I can t take it anymore, his hand and the cloth leave my body.Seconds later, he combshis fingers through my hair and begins washing it as he tenderly tugs at the roots.When he finishes I open my eyes and look up at him. Feel better? he asks, tossing the cloth aside.I nod, unable to look away from the longing in his eyes. I do.Thank you.He stands to his feet and reaches for a towel on the hook near the door, and then he takes myhands to help me to my feet.Like he did back at Adessa s house, he helps me out of the tub and thendries me off.After he secures the towel around me, he carries me to a bed in a room with floral wallsand French doors that open out to a deck.The view from the deck is breathtaking; golden sand,amazingly blue ocean and the glistening sunshine.Although I barely get to appreciate it because, assoon as he lays me down on the bed and my head hits the pillow, exhaustion overcomes me and I fallinto a deep, dreamless sleep for the first time in a very, very long time. Chapter 24Maryland is very humid.The air is so heavy and dense that it feels like being in a sauna.Thelittle blue house is secluded near a rocky beach where the ocean constantly roars against the shore.It s my first time seeing it and, while I enjoy it, I know that there are many other things to worry aboutat the moment.Like saving my mom.Aislin puts up countless charms all over the house, so many that I even set off a few by accidentwhen I simply walked into the wrong areas of the house.One of them turned my skin purple and, whenI asked her what the point was, she said it was a distraction.I still didn t get it, though.We also putpraesidium all over the house and yard and even close areas of the beach; so there won t be anysurprise visits from Foreseers.I ve been working my ass off to get the Ira to work, but I can t channel enough energy.Itfrustrates me to no end and forces me to push past my limits.I ve passed out a few times from usingtoo much energy and Alex is getting more and more reluctant to help me. You re going to hurt yourself, he said one day after I d passed out while clutching onto the Ira. It s not healthy. It s not healthy being the star, either, I replied, turning the teal crystal ball in my hand. I needto be normal. I don t think you ll ever be normal, he said begrudgingly. None of us will [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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