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. He s not going to go after anyone elseand we all know it. Mason watched Jordan and Cooper reluctantly nod their heads inagreement. So, how do we do this? Wallace is obsessed with you, Mason, and he sees Jack being in your life as a betrayal.Hethinks that Jack took something that belonged to him, Cooper explained.Mason shook his shoulders as a shiver ran through his body. That s just creepy. I agree, but it s the truth.When you gave your innocence to Jack, you gave away something thatWallace sees as belonging to him.What we need to do is convince him that Jack and I areruining you, Cooper said seriously. Ruining me? Mason asked in bewilderment.He was even more confused when he sawCooper s face flush. Coop? If Jack and I are debauching you  Cooper began again. Debauching? Ruining? What is this? The middle ages? Mason laughed. You sound likeyou re afraid you re going to ruin my good name.Next thing you ll tell me that I m going to geta bad reputation. You just might, Cooper said, his face still red. We need to convince Wallace that Jack and Iare ruining the innocence he sees in you.There s only one way to do that, Mason. How? Mason asked.He almost laughed again as Cooper sent Jack a desperate look. A little help here, Jack? Cooper asked. We re going to go out on the town, do a little dancing and a little showing off.Then you regoing to go home with both Cooper and I.As far as anyone watching will be concerned, bothCooper and I will be your dates for the night, Jack explained carefully.This time Mason did laugh. Oh, so I m going to be a slut for the night.A Promise Kept - 107  Yeah, Jack laughed as he wrapped an arm around Mason s shoulders and hugged him,  butyou re my slut.*** Jack, I m scared.Are you sure this will work? What if something goes wrong? What if Wallacedoesn t take the bait? Mason said as he leaned up to whisper into Jack s ear.Mason was sonervous he wanted to throw up.Jack wrapped an arm around Mason and pulled him close as they continued walking toward thebar. The plan is going to work, baby, just give it some time.Everyone is in place and ready togo.Wallace will not get to you.I promise. But what if  Mason, baby, it s going to fine.Just follow the plan and under no circumstances leave my side.No matter what happens.Understand? Wallace is going to make his move, and I need to haveyou with me to make sure that nothing happens to you.Jack stopped right before the entrance and turned Mason in his arms. Now, kiss me like youlove me. I do love you, Jack, Mason chuckled.He leaned up and kissed Jack and wrapped his armsaround Jack s neck.He moaned deeply when Jack s hands slid down to cup his ass. Damn, I love these tight jeans of yours.Promise me you ll wear them a lot.They leave almostnothing to the imagination. Jack groaned against Mason s lips as he gently squeezed eachrounded globe.Mason chuckled again as he rubbed his semi hard cock against Jack. Nothing? Mason, Jack growled as he swatted Mason on the butt. Come on, let s go inside before Iforget why we re here.If I remember correctly, Cooper said you re quite the sight on the dancefloor.Jack chuckled as he saw Mason blush and dip his head a little. Coop taught me a few moves.I think I can hold my own.I may even be able to show you athing or two, Mason winked at Jack as he preceded Jack into the bar.Jack chuckled at the devilish grin on Mason s face as he followed Mason into the bar.He had nodoubt that Mason was going to put on just the type of show Cooper wanted so that they coulddraw Wallace out into the open.He just hoped that he survived watching Mason perform.A Promise Kept - 108 Mason and Jack quickly found Cooper, Neil, and Patrick and joined them at their big booth.Jackcould tell from the glazed look in Patrick s eyes that Neil s missing hand was once again gropingPatrick under the table.Jack waited until Mason scooted into the bench seat beside Cooper before sitting next to him.Hesmiled and greeted their friends. So, how s the dancing tonight? See any good moves? Jackasked.Cooper shook his head. No, nothing yet.But the night is still young.I m hopeful.Jack s smile was a little strained as he looked out onto the dance floor.Cooper had told him thatWallace might be using some sort of listening device.A person could purchase them almostanywhere.So, they were essentially talking in code [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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