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.psychosis and psychotic syndromes.B.autism.C.frequent respiratory infections.D.epilepsy with frequent seizures or explicit psychoneurological consequences.E.mental retardation.Nr 188.The basic period of receiving the benefit from social insurance for farmers is180 days.If, after this period, the insured is still unable to work but as a result of furthertreatment and rehabilitation may regain their capacity for work then the benefit periodis extended but not more than:A.60 days.B.120 days.C.180 days.D.240 days.E.360 days.Nr 189.The SIF (ZUS) certifying doctors while considering incapacity to work do nothave to take into account one of the following:A.State Sanitary Inspection (PIS) decisions stating an occupational disease.B.governor s findings that there are not professional retraining opportunities.C.legally abiding arrangements for the recognition of events as accidents at work.D.occupational doctors rulings.E.military medical boards rulings for establishing a link between identified injuries andwar and between illnesses and military service.Nr 190.A person who is under 20 years of age fulfils the condition of the requiredcontributory and non-contributory period for granting a pension due to incapacity towork if this total period is at least:A.1 year.B.2 years.C.3 years.D.4 years.E.5 years. SED - 33 - VERSI ON IFebruary 2011Nr 191.Employees social insurance does not include:A.temporary incapacity to work due to illness.B.long-term incapacity to work due to illness.C.inability to live independently.D.long-term incapacity to work due to occupational disease.E.long-term incapacity to work due to an accident on the way to and from work.Nr 192.A medical certificate of temporary incapacity to work due to illness or thenecessity of personal care for an employee s sick family member is issued:A.after physical examination of the insured or their sick family member.B.based on the information card from the hospital.C.based on the certificate from a specialist.D.based on the certificate from the ambulance service.E.based on the information card from the sanatorium.Nr 193.Which statement concerning average life expectancy in the first decade of21st century is true?A.Bulgaria and Greece enjoy the greatest life expectancy among European countries.B.average life expectancy in Poland over the last 20 years has not changedsignificantly.C.at present the average life expectancy for Polish women is about 85 years and itmeans that our country is among European populations with the greatest lifeexpectancy.D.at present the average lifespan for males in Poland is about 71 years and forwomen 80 years.E.at present the average lifespan for males in Poland is about 75 years and forwomen 83 years.Nr 194.Which statements concerning the most important causes of mortality inPoland over the last 20 years are false?1) there have been no significant changes in the total number of deaths;2) decline in mortality due to cancer has been significantly greater than fromcardiovascular diseases;3) the most important reason for the reduction of the total number of deaths hasbeen a significant decrease in deaths from cardiovascular diseases;4) cardiovascular diseases and tumours are the reason for over 70% of all deaths atpresent;5) cardiovascular mortality among women is higher than men.The correct answer is:A.1,5.B.1,2.C.1,3,4.D.1,2,5.E.1,3,4,5.Nr 195.Cardioverter defibrillator implantation in a patient after successfulresuscitation following cardiac arrest could be classified as the activity in the frame of:A.health promotion.D.ambulatory cardiac rehabilitation.B.primary prevention.E.National Health Program 2010-2025.C.secondary prevention. SED - 34 - VERSI ON IFebruary 2011Nr 196.According to WHO experts prognoses the most prevalent reasons formortality in European countries with high and medium level of economic development(including Poland) in 2030 will be:A.tuberculosis and AIDS.B.injuries, suicides and road injuries.C.diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity.D.Alzheimer disease and other dementias of vascular origin.E.all the answers are false.Nr 197.Which statement or statements concerning health promotion is or are false?1) health promotion is a process enabling people to improve control over theirown health;2) health promotion is addressed mainly to high risk individuals or sick persons;3) intersectorial activity is an important feature of health promotion e.g.cooperation between various ministries, scientific societies and socialorganizations in order to propagate healthy nutrition and physical activity;4) developing health promoting policy is an important component of healthpromotion;5) habitat approach to health promotion means practically that health promotingactivities could be performed in schools, hospitals, sports clubs and prisons.The correct answer is:A.only 2.B.2,5.C.2,3,5.D.2,3,4,5.E.none of the above.Nr 198.Among the main factors responsible for significant decrease in mortality dueto coronary heart disease in Poland over the last 20 years are:1) reduction in smoking among males;2) beneficial reduction in fat consumption i.e [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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