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.'"So Fire coughed out bits of himself and shaped them into the first birds.Air was at first a little afraid to find thesethings in himself.After a time, as Fire had predicted, he became interested.However, Fire was wrong in how Earth would react.Instead of paying more attention to Fire, she made of herself pleasant roosts for the birds: cliffsides andtrees and tiny little shrubs.The birds came to Earth, and Air's attention was drawn hence, and they laughed together,for these living things seemed to make them closer."Air said, 'Earth, you are more lovely so adorned.Let us make more creatures for you.' Together they made manymore animals to live in the forests and deserts and hills.They made more birds and insects to fly between and to colorthe Air.They made fish and whales and crabs and boneless things to amuse Water, but because Fire was sulking,unhappy with how his plan had come to pass, he would not join them.Thus, to this day there are no creatures who livewithin Fire, and most creatures fear Fire more than anything in Air or Earth."Fire remained unhappy, and seeing him sulk, Earth and Air said, 'We will make you a creature who will need youin order to live.' So they made humanity, which naked and blunt-toothed does indeed need Fire to thrive.For the firsttime since he was born, Fire was happy."However, now Water grew envious, for though many creatures filled him, he felt that his fidelity to his parents hadnot been sufficiently rewarded.Fish are well and good, and they cannot live outside of water, but jealousy does notlead to clear thought.Moreover, Fire constantly kept reminding everyone how he had created the first birds and thusstarted the coming of living things."Water said to himself, 'I will make a creature myself, even as Fire made the birds.It will be a wonderful creature,different from those that swim or fly or walk or creep or in any way adorn Earth or Air or Water.It will not be a merebird, but a force to compare favorably with us First Four."Water drew from himself a ball of water and concentrated that water into itself.He envisioned a creature with thepower to create and to change, like himself, but different, so it is no great surprise that the creature he created wasfemale.Water's creation rose from the depths of the deepest ocean and into the skies above.Just as she was about totake her place among Earth, Air, Water, and Fire as one of the great creations, she burst."Little parts of her flew everywhere, some sticking in the sky where they became stars, others falling to the Eartheven as we still see them do today.Where the pieces landed, whatever they touched became imbued with magic forMagic was what this daughter of Water was to be.That is why there are Wise Beasts and humans with magical talents.That is why some rocks and plants and waters hold the ability to enhance magic.That is why magic is scattered amongus, and not all of us understand it equally."Magic did not completely fragment.The greater part of her remained in the sky, where her injuries are visible onany clear night.We here living on Earth name the shattered remnants of Magic the Moon.To this day, Moon calls toher father Water, asking him to make her whole, and when he pities her most, then the oceans ebb, for Water isattempting to rebuild his daughter once again."Rahniseeta drew in a deep breath, concluding with the ritual storyteller's words, 'So it was told to me, so I tell it toyou," only then did she emerge from the story and look at her audience.Their reactions were very different.Barnet's brow was slightly furrowed, not in anger, but as if he had been tryingto commit the tale to memory.Derian looked simultaneously uneasy and fascinated.Lady Blysse's dark eyes weredreamy, as if she still dwelled in the time of the story and that time was more real to her than the present moment.Despite Lady Blysse's mood and her usual uncommunicativeness, she was the one who spoke first."I like.Explains all so close so neat.Is it true?"Rahniseeta blinked."Of course it is true.This is the way the story has been told forever and always.Have yourpeople lost the tale?"The Lady Blysse did not answer directly, but looked to Derian."Actually," he said awkwardly, "we don't have any story like that.It isn't that we have lost it, I don't think, we justdon't have it.How about in Bright Bay, Barnet?"Barnet shook his head."It's a wonderful story, but I've never heard the like.The Tavetch of Stonehold have theirown story about how the sun and moon are associated with the creation of the world in their stories, but it isn't at allthe same."Rahniseeta couldn't believe him."But how do you explain the way the world came to be?"Derian slid the empty cup from which he had been drinking fruit juice around the table, drawing damp snail trailswith the base."Actually, we don't worry about it much," he admitted."There are levels of mystery, and we leave such things tothe ancestors." "I do not understand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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