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. But I m not a vampire.I won tlive that long. And the thought ate at him.Connor wanted foreverwith Vaughn.He didn t want to grow old and die, leaving Vaughnbehind.It wasn t fair to either of them. You re mated to a vampire.That gives you a pass.Connor would take that.He almost felt like shouting for joy.IfVaughn wasn t still pissed at him, he would. Come on.I need to go tell Christian about the vampire hunters.Connor closed his eyes as Vaughn popped them to the club.Therewas no other way he could describe it.One minute they were in thebedroom, the next, Christian s office.It was a cool way to travel.And strange as hell, too. There are really vampire hunters? Connor asked as he pushedinto Vaughn s side.He didn t want to be a foot away from his materight now.He didn t remember anything Vaughn had told him aboutlast night, but the thought of someone drugging him made him shiver. Vaughn, Christian said as he looked up from his desk.Vaughn pulled Connor along as he approached the prince s desk. Do you remember when I told you about that website my mate hadshown me, the one about the vampire hunters?Christian nodded. It s not just a role-playing site, and I think I ran into one of themembers last night.The man was referred to as a vampire hunter.They were planning on seizing the manor, but the guy who hurtConnor fucked their plans up.Christian sat back, pressing his fingers together as he studiedVaughn and then Connor.He hated to have the prince scrutinizinghim like this. Vaughn s Vampire Hunter 119 I am aware the hunters are real, Christian confessed. Or so I vebeen told that they are.But I wasn t aware they knew where welived. You knew about them? Vaughn asked, shocked. Rumors. Well, I can tell you the rumors are true and they are bloodthirsty.One had something shoved at my skull last night, daring me to pisshim off.His mate hadn t told him that part.Connor felt faint as he stoodthere.He had almost lost his mate last night because he was a hotheadand didn t think things through, leaving the manor and puttinghimself, and his mate, in danger.His knees felt weak. Then it s time we stepped up our security, Christian said,looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.Connorfelt bad for the man.He wouldn t trade places with the guy for all themoney in the world.The burden of leading was too great. I ll call Maverick and Zeus to see if they know any shifters theytrust to watch over our coven as we sleep. Do you mean packless shifters? Vaughn asked.Connor was lost. Yes, Christian nodded. Day watchers.Go to work.I have a lotof planning to do. I wanted to ask you about the vampires who drank the drug,Vaughn said. How are they?Christian sighed as he dropped the pen onto his desk. Better.They were first-time users, so the drug hadn t infected them the way itwould have had they been longtime users.They are at the manor,instructed not to leave until I can figure out what to do with them.What to do with them? Was the prince going to stick them outsidein the sun? Connor hoped not.People made mistakes, made badjudgment calls, but those men had suffered enough. 120 Lynn Hagen Are are you going to burn them? Connor asked and then took astep behind Vaughn. No, he said as he smiled at Connor. They ve suffered enough.The prince spoke what Connor had been thinking. Now go to work.Connor followed his mate out of the office, wondering what wasgoing to happen next.He had gone from living on a farm, to homelessshelters in the city, and now he found himself living in a coven ofvampires who were being hunted by humans.There was even a drugout there that could kill him from one tiny drink.Nothing seemed real to him anymore.* * * *As angry as Vaughn was at Connor for putting himself in harm sway for a second time, he could see the stiff way his mate waswalking.He knew he fucked him properly, but there was a change inhis mate that had nothing to do with their bout of sex this evening.Vaughn waited until they had brushed past the crowd and were inthe back hallway.Connor glanced at him and then at the stool, as ifasking for permission to take Vaughn s seat.Vaughn nodded andConnor sat down. Now tell me what has you so quiet.Connor glanced around the dim hallway, looking at the darkpaneling and art on the wall of various scenes as if he had never beenthere before. Nothing seems real, his mate confessed. How so?Connor waved a hand at the crowd, taking in a deep breath. Ithought I had this all figured out.The people, the place, but aftereverything that has happened, I m not sure of anything anymore.Vampires exist, shape-shifters are real, and there are humans out therethat want to destroy them. It ll take time for you to understand how our world works,Connor.Don t try to figure it all out now. Vaughn s Vampire Hunter 121Connor shook his head. No, after hearing how you almostdied& And now we get to the root of the problem.Vaughn tilted hismate s head back, staring into his cobalt-blue eyes. It s exactly how Ifelt both times you disappeared.That tight feeling in your chest thatmakes you think you ll never breathe again.The worry that is aconstant now and never lets you forget what happened.Connor nodded. That would be the feeling I have.Vaughn hugged his mate, resting his chin on Connor s soft hair. But you can t let it rule you.If you let your fear dictate how you live,then you are no longer living, just existing.You have to learn to curbyour fears without letting them rule you.Connor gazed up at him, his pretty eyes locked onto Vaughn. Butyou re so strong, Vaughn.How do you do it?Vaughn chuckled. If I knew the answer to that, farm boy, Iwouldn t freak out every time you re away from me.His mate smiled, and it was something so beautiful that Vaughnfelt his heart skip a beat. You do that?They both turned when Christo came walking down the hallway.He didn t look too happy as he stopped by the pair.He leaned againstthe opposite wall, crossing his arms over his chest. I hear we regetting babysitters when we sleep.Vaughn nodded. Yeah, it s true.Come to find out vampirehunters are real.I ran into one last night.Christo snorted. Of course they re real. How do you know? Connor interjected. Rumors, Christo answered. I ve heard about them for years,but I ve never run across one, so I wasn t sure if they were real ornot. Do I live under a fucking rock or something? Vaughn snapped. Why does everyone hear rumors except me? No, just the back hallway. Connor giggled. I think you wouldhear a lot back here with the coming and going of so many. 122 Lynn HagenVaughn rolled his eyes at his mate.It was the farthest thing fromthe truth.It was about as interesting back here as watching paint dry. I don t hear a damn thing except whips, shouts, and grunts.Youthink these people talk about anything worth listening to? Well, Christo said as he pushed away from the wall.Vaughnhad totally forgotten the man was even there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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